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Coyote Problem, California vs Arizona

Tara, are you into mud wrestling? I am a little plump for the revealing nature of it, but I'm game!
Just saying...

So...what would happen if someone came in and started a thread with a "joke" about the idiots that run a state like, say...Utah?

I mean really...all politicians are half-retarded, all of them dither for their constituents, and all of them make decisions that cost their states countless of wasted dollars. So where is the line drawn?

And I've noticed that this topic quickly ventured away from a "joke" about the Governator, and became insulting to the people that happen to live in California. Quite interesting... Quite retarded, actually...but interesting...
So...what would happen if someone came in and started a thread with a "joke" about the idiots that run a state like, say...Utah?

I mean really...all politicians are half-retarded, all of them dither for their constituents, and all of them make decisions that cost their states countless of wasted dollars. So where is the line drawn?

And I've noticed that this topic quickly ventured away from a "joke" about the Governator, and became insulting to the people that happen to live in California. Quite interesting... Quite retarded, actually...but interesting...

Well, I was trying to turn it into just a plain old joke, myself. I mean mud wrestling, really?
So...what would happen if someone came in and started a thread with a "joke" about the idiots that run a state like, say...Utah?

I mean really...all politicians are half-retarded, all of them dither for their constituents, and all of them make decisions that cost their states countless of wasted dollars. So where is the line drawn?

And I've noticed that this topic quickly ventured away from a "joke" about the Governator, and became insulting to the people that happen to live in California. Quite interesting... Quite retarded, actually...but interesting...

We could argue about it, make it into a big deal. Or we could pretend to be grown up and except it as a joke. Some are able to do that.
I mean really...all politicians are half-retarded, all of them dither for their constituents, and all of them make decisions that cost their states countless of wasted dollars. So where is the line drawn?

And I've noticed that this topic quickly ventured away from a "joke" about the Governator, and became insulting to the people that happen to live in California. Quite interesting... Quite retarded, actually...but interesting...

I don't think insulting the Republican politicians of Maine, who have apparently included the Rapture in the official party platform, insults the citizens of Maine. A state is much more than its politicians, and due to the detachment of many of the good people of every state, the pols get elected by those who go to the polls, not necessarily representative of their state or district as a whole. Then pols, once in office, shape their actions to satisfy those of their constituents who are likely to vote to reelect them, not necessarily all of their constituents.

So I feel that the current California government, which is busy going broke while wasting money on stuff I regard as stupid while defunding stuff I regard as important (like the UC system), is NOT REPRESENTATIVE of all the people of California. I also think Californians are a darn sight smarter and more practical than their politicians would indicate.
We could argue about it, make it into a big deal. Or we could pretend to be grown up and except it as a joke. Some are able to do that.

As I've said, and has been shown...it doesn't matter what you say, it is all about whom you say it against. If I made a similar "joke" about retarded republicans or the fools in Utah that don't have a sense of humour, I am fairly certain I would recieve yet another useless and pointless(let alone undeserved) infraction.

So let's pretend to be grown up, and pretend that this was something other than inflammatory, mmmkay?

By the time the Californians get the joke to be politically correct with the right words so no one will have their feelings hurt, you start to wonder what was the point. Maybe this just requires too much effort and we should do away with humor?
Not much in this quotation other than intentionally inflammatory rhetoric against those in or from California. Coming from someone that insisted the word "retarded" has no other implication nor meaning than mentally disabled slang, I am forced to wonder why the anger towards political correctness. You get all bent out of shape when Rush Limbaugh is called a retard, but it's OK to insult an entire state? That doesn't make any sense to me at all. But what do I know?:shrugs:

Betsy Wrote--
I don't think insulting the Republican politicians of Maine, who have apparently included the Rapture in the official party platform, insults the citizens of Maine. A state is much more than its politicians, and due to the detachment of many of the good people of every state, the pols get elected by those who go to the polls, not necessarily representative of their state or district as a whole. Then pols, once in office, shape their actions to satisfy those of their constituents who are likely to vote to reelect them, not necessarily all of their constituents.

So I feel that the current California government, which is busy going broke while wasting money on stuff I regard as stupid while defunding stuff I regard as important (like the UC system), is NOT REPRESENTATIVE of all the people of California. I also think Californians are a darn sight smarter and more practical than their politicians would indicate.
Sure...I agree with that. I even agree with the original joke...the Governator is an idiot, a liar, a thief...and a Republican. I'm not surprised with how he's acted while in office.

I didn't comment on the "joke" because it simply wasn't humourous. You can substitute any 2 states you wish, and the joke would be just as funny, which is to say...not at all. I made my comment after specific individuals made inflammatory comments about the citizens and residents of the State of California.

There are those on this forum that jump at every opportunity to insult groups of individuals than cry when they, themselves, feel even remotely slighted. It's a joke as long as they don't find it offensive. However, if these "people" feel even slightly offended by a joke with a different point of view, they run and cry to mommy about it. Doesn't matter if it was intended as humourous or not.

But that's just me...
Yes it is, just you.

Sorry Chris, sometimes you've got very good points that I agree with. This time I'm going to have to completely agree with Wade. This was intended as a joke and one that ... probably the majority understood and had a passing chuckle at (and then moved on). Most people I know and associate with see California in this (obviously not so over exaggerated because, again, it was_a_joke_) manner and, clearly, other people around the US view California (based around the politicians, as Betsy said) the same way. There is a reason why California is viewed in such a light. People make jokes- many of them centered around the truth.
People make women jokes to me all the time, I understand that they are intended in good humor and, ACTUALLY, they are funny and I laugh.

Again. Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused.

And more importantly: You grow up the day you have your first real laugh, at yourself. ~Ethel Barrymore
I don't think insulting the Republican politicians of Maine, who have apparently included the Rapture in the official party platform, insults the citizens of Maine. A state is much more than its politicians, and due to the detachment of many of the good people of every state, the pols get elected by those who go to the polls, not necessarily representative of their state or district as a whole. Then pols, once in office, shape their actions to satisfy those of their constituents who are likely to vote to reelect them, not necessarily all of their constituents.
I will have to google-nator this. If Betsy is not kidding, this has got to be the most fascinating thing I have read today. Indeed, in quite some time.
Disturbing...on multiple levels,...but fascinating.
Sure...I agree with that. I even agree with the original joke...the Governator is an idiot, a liar, a thief...and a Republican. I'm not surprised with how he's acted while in office.

RINO, not Republican. Just sayin'.
Sorry Chris, sometimes you've got very good points that I agree with. This time I'm going to have to completely agree with Wade. This was intended as a joke and one that ... probably the majority understood and had a passing chuckle at (and then moved on). Most people I know and associate with see California in this (obviously not so over exaggerated because, again, it was_a_joke_) manner and, clearly, other people around the US view California (based around the politicians, as Betsy said) the same way. There is a reason why California is viewed in such a light. People make jokes- many of them centered around the truth.
People make women jokes to me all the time, I understand that they are intended in good humor and, ACTUALLY, they are funny and I laugh.

Again. Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused.

And more importantly: You grow up the day you have your first real laugh, at yourself. ~Ethel Barrymore
If you read what I wrote to Betsy, you will see that I had no issue with the joke.

I took issue with Wade insulting the entire population of the state of California when he made the ridiculous crack about Californians making the joke politically correct enough, and how that coincides with Wade's own personal brand of political correctness.

I just didn't think the joke was very funny, but that's a matter of taste, not insult or offense.
I will have to google-nator this. If Betsy is not kidding, this has got to be the most fascinating thing I have read today. Indeed, in quite some time.
Disturbing...on multiple levels,...but fascinating.

It's in their official platform, one of the last things on it. But it expressly states that they will work against the creation of a One World Government, frequently considered the harbinger of the apocalypse.