No disrespect to anybody but no reason to go to the vet Look what happend. It would have been better to get on the forum and get advice from exp. breeders first. The vet does not know everything and in most cases the vets are in compatant when it comes to herps. The problem is most people treat their herps like they were mammals. There was nothing a vet can do. Was she gonna go for all types of test running hundreds of dollars??? No. So the only thing the vet could and should have done is say. I generally looks fine in a few days feed it a very small meal. Lets see how he does then we can go from there. They could have got this info for free on this board. No matter how many of you feel that going to the vet is the right thing your wrong. The only reason you go to the vet if it was sick. If it looked ok then it was better to just montor the poor little guy.