Cohabbing is cruelty...
If 2 corns can kill and eat each other, what makes you think that an animal that is half kingsnake, a species KNOWN to eat other snakes...won't?
the fact that one of them is part king has nothing to do with it cause the genetics of the cornsnake are more dominant and they haven't got any of the behavior of the kingsnake i know they can even kill rattle snakes and other snakes but the hybrides don't do this and they wouldn't be able to kill such snakes as the rattlesnake. but i be carefull and sometimes wach them for over 3 hours to watch the behavior of them and i already learned a lot of it, i read alot books of snakes and any reptiles and go to forums like this from diverent countries to learn as much as possible. but i do think you are right that this is not natural to put 2 snakes together. but i do want the best for my snakes and for any other animals. in the future i will try to put them in seperated viv's (if i have the room) i only putted them together because i went to some reptile events and they all told me it would be no probleme. in that time i didn't knew allot about the snakes because these are my first ones so i believed them. now i know better but this is not for ever.