Bring it on.
Since this particular inquiry was yet to be adressed.
Pet stores don't have the room to house snakes seperatly. I used to work at petco and all the corns are fed in the same enclosure at the same time. I remember when one regurged, and another baby that already had a pink in its stomach ate the regurge. I thought it was going to explode because it just could not handle the two pinks.
They do it out of convience, the animals are products to be moved.
But see, I don't get that either... there was a pet store rather close to me that only had big arboreal tanks for the reptiles. However, inside those big tanks were a bunch of small kritter keepers and tubs that were housing '08s. ALL SEPARATED. Granted, it might not look the greatest, but if it's what is best for the animal, why not go that way?