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"Forget the Snakes! What do YOU look like?"

George, I like your plugs! I'm not sure how the measuring system works in the UK vs US, but mine are at a "Zero". Next step up is Double Zero. That's the largest I've gone, but I think I'll keep it at a zero for now. The step before that is a "2". I'll try to get some pictures of my plugs for ya today.
Europe measures in millimeters - his 12mm are just under a half inch. Zero gauges or "aughts" are 8mm, double zero either 9mm or 10mm, depending on who you ask. Anything above 0g, I find it easier to state the diameter, either in inches or millimeters, than to try to adapt the gauge system. It was never intended to be used for anything but wire, with the gauge indicating how many wires of a given size will fit within a 0g hole, ie 12g indicating that 12 wires of that size would fit in an 8mm hole.

My septum piercing is a double aught (10mm) and my tongue 1/2in (12.7mm).
Well now that Dean has participated and Zach has drawn my attention to it, I'll throw in as well. First pic is of my Canadian wedding three years ago--I'm the moderately brown one. Second is of me with a mouth full of anniversary cake a couple of weekends ago.

Why did they go in side by side? :shrugs:

Great shots, you two look so happy together!
HOLY CRAP!!! Jazzgeek, you really ARE Paul Murray!! All this time I thought you were kidding!! j/k...sort of...:rofl:
HOLY CRAP!!! Jazzgeek, you really ARE Paul Murray!! All this time I thought you were kidding!! j/k...sort of...:rofl:

In my hacky open-mike stand-up days, I claimed I was the illegitimate child of Bill Murray and "Potsie" from Happy Days. Of course, this was before I decided to grow back the 'stache, and now, any reference related to Happy Days is dated.

But yeah, I was getting the "Hey, did anyone ever tell you that you look like....?" since the early 80s.

On top of that, my friend Ed looks like Huey Lewis. It helped us both out quite a bit at the bars during our foolish youth. :grin01:

In my hacky open-mike stand-up days, I claimed I was the illegitimate child of Bill Murray and "Potsie" from Happy Days. Of course, this was before I decided to grow back the 'stache, and now, any reference related to Happy Days is dated.

But yeah, I was getting the "Hey, did anyone ever tell you that you look like....?" since the early 80s.

On top of that, my friend Ed looks like Huey Lewis. It helped us both out quite a bit at the bars during our foolish youth. :grin01:


:roflmao: You two must have been a site! I would have loved to been a fly on the wall watching the two of you picking up innocent(uhh..yea) girls from the local bars..."Hi. Name's Bill...Bill Murray. This is my friend, Huey...Huey Lewis. So you wanna come back to my place?":rofl::rofl:



Maybe well get the whole cast on here.....someone told me the other day, I look like Tina Fey...


However, Justine needs to get better props. Tina has access to cute photos of pandas in drag, whereas a bowling ball is so Carrot Top. :grin01:


Maybe well get the whole cast on here.....someone told me the other day, I look like Tina Fey...



OMGosh girl! My 'Mango' *luv u babe* was watching her new show tonight (ugh not sure what its called) he loves that show..how funny is that?!

YOU're way prettier & taller..hehe

Well I've quietly watched and wonder if just maybe it's too late to join in all the fun...but here I am! Don't be mean --- I'm sensitive ;) It's been nice seeing everyone's faces on here!!


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