Alien Lover
I really hate snake haters. Friday at work a nurse comes down with a patient. She sees my wall of snake photos, and proceeds to tell her coworker about how she had to kill a rattlesnake out in the pasture. I was sitting at my desk with my fingers in my ears, but I could still hear her. She went on to talk about another snake she killed at the pool. The coworker says "Another rattler?" "No, it was just a watersnake." At that point I left and went and sat in the reading room till they were gone. I could use a lot of profanity to describe how I feel about people like that, but this isn't the place for that.
My boss has a black racer hanging around his house. So far he's chased it away twice. His wife wants him to kill it. He says the snake doesn't get any more chances. After trying to reason with him (wife trumps snake) I tell him "If you _do_ kill it, I don't want to know. It will make me hate you. I don't want to work with someone I hate for the next 10 years, so just don't tell me. I am not kidding."
My boss has a black racer hanging around his house. So far he's chased it away twice. His wife wants him to kill it. He says the snake doesn't get any more chances. After trying to reason with him (wife trumps snake) I tell him "If you _do_ kill it, I don't want to know. It will make me hate you. I don't want to work with someone I hate for the next 10 years, so just don't tell me. I am not kidding."