[Insert Witty Commentary]
Any guy that my daughter dates better hope I never catch them having sex, talking about sex, or THINKING about having sex...EVER. Even when she is married, that is something that I simply do not want to hear about, no matter how "nicely" the guy puts it. Yes...I know it will happen. Yes...I know it is inevitable, and will probably happen long before she is married. And Yes...I am WELL aware of the double standard I am portraying. Quite frankly...I don't care. I don't want to know about it. It is something that is best left unsaid....Would you really be so blase about it if you heard your daughter's boyfriend say that about her? You already know he wants to have sex with her. Would you REALLY think he was thinking of your daughter in exactly the same way if he said, "I'd hit that," as if he said "I'll have sex with her the first chance I get!" I wouldn't. But if you really would, if you really would think that that guy was thinking of your daughter in the exact same way if he said either one, I hope you don't let her date him anyway, because that would make him a really dumb guy ...
Further, if my daughter told me her boyfriend said that, or god forbid I HEARD him say that...he's liable to end up with his jaw wired shut, and I'll gladly pay the hospital bill.
If I have any say in it whatsoever, my daughter wouldn't date any sort of neanderthalic man that would use phrases like that or think of women in general in that manner.
I love women. I love ALL women. And I don't mean in a sexual manner, I mean I love and respect all women for what they are and what they give this world. I dread a world without a woman's influence, because without women, there would be very little beauty and love in the world. Men are vile and disgusting, to be quite honest. All of the best art throughout history that has been crafted by the hand of a man has been done in honor of a woman or for a woman. Every ode and poem and story in the history of the world that has the power to evoke a tear or elicit a true emotional response has been done for a woman or in honor of or tribute to a woman. Every beautiful soul that this world has ever seen has been brought forth from a woman. Every beautiful act that our history has told of has been performed by a woman or by a man trying to win the heart of a woman. Without women, this world and it's entire history would be sad, artless, and without love or beauty.
I truly hope you don't find this offensive desertanimal, because it is not my intention, but...if I had even a remote choice in the matter, I would want my daughter to be gay, simply because the beauty and love that a woman can offer is so much greater than anything any man can ever give. And I am really not just trying to blow smoke up your proverbial hindquarters. I really feel this way...
So yea...I see your point, and I understand your point. And I will no longer attempt to rationalize the use of the phrase.
But I do still think you are giving the majority of "those people" too much credit...