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...Would you really be so blase about it if you heard your daughter's boyfriend say that about her? You already know he wants to have sex with her. Would you REALLY think he was thinking of your daughter in exactly the same way if he said, "I'd hit that," as if he said "I'll have sex with her the first chance I get!" I wouldn't. But if you really would, if you really would think that that guy was thinking of your daughter in the exact same way if he said either one, I hope you don't let her date him anyway, because that would make him a really dumb guy ...
Any guy that my daughter dates better hope I never catch them having sex, talking about sex, or THINKING about having sex...EVER. Even when she is married, that is something that I simply do not want to hear about, no matter how "nicely" the guy puts it. Yes...I know it will happen. Yes...I know it is inevitable, and will probably happen long before she is married. And Yes...I am WELL aware of the double standard I am portraying. Quite frankly...I don't care. I don't want to know about it. It is something that is best left unsaid.

Further, if my daughter told me her boyfriend said that, or god forbid I HEARD him say that...he's liable to end up with his jaw wired shut, and I'll gladly pay the hospital bill.

If I have any say in it whatsoever, my daughter wouldn't date any sort of neanderthalic man that would use phrases like that or think of women in general in that manner.

I love women. I love ALL women. And I don't mean in a sexual manner, I mean I love and respect all women for what they are and what they give this world. I dread a world without a woman's influence, because without women, there would be very little beauty and love in the world. Men are vile and disgusting, to be quite honest. All of the best art throughout history that has been crafted by the hand of a man has been done in honor of a woman or for a woman. Every ode and poem and story in the history of the world that has the power to evoke a tear or elicit a true emotional response has been done for a woman or in honor of or tribute to a woman. Every beautiful soul that this world has ever seen has been brought forth from a woman. Every beautiful act that our history has told of has been performed by a woman or by a man trying to win the heart of a woman. Without women, this world and it's entire history would be sad, artless, and without love or beauty.

I truly hope you don't find this offensive desertanimal, because it is not my intention, but...if I had even a remote choice in the matter, I would want my daughter to be gay, simply because the beauty and love that a woman can offer is so much greater than anything any man can ever give. And I am really not just trying to blow smoke up your proverbial hindquarters. I really feel this way...

So yea...I see your point, and I understand your point. And I will no longer attempt to rationalize the use of the phrase.

But I do still think you are giving the majority of "those people" too much credit...
I truly hope you don't find this offensive desertanimal, because it is not my intention, but...if I had even a remote choice in the matter, I would want my daughter to be gay, simply because the beauty and love that a woman can offer is so much greater than anything any man can ever give. And I am really not just trying to blow smoke up your proverbial hindquarters. I really feel this way...

So yea...I see your point, and I understand your point. And I will no longer attempt to rationalize the use of the phrase.

But I do still think you are giving the majority of "those people" too much credit...
I would never find that offensive. Why would I? Every American should want their daughter to be gay, if you care about stats. In America, it's very safe. We have the lowest rates of STD transmission of any group, and the lowest rates of domestic violence of any group. And, besides that, as you say, women are great. I just love 'em. ;)

I can see your point that I might be giving the majority of "those people" too much credit, but I say you're an unworthy mate if you treat women as objects and you're an unworthy mate if you are too stupid to understand how what you say construes women (or any people, really) as objects. But I'll admit to being slightly elitist in the intelligence department. ;)

I've enjoyed our frank discussion about words and objectification of others. And I am happy that the conversation went this way, because I think it's been pretty constructive. But I'm signing off for tonight and won't get back to it until tomorrow, because my wife has just announced that she is going to bed, and I'm following . . . :sidestep:
I don't want to actually count them, but it looks like there has been more use of implied profanity in this recent discussion about the inappropriate use of implied profanity than is appropriate. Hypocrisy is starting to run rampant. The discussion on homosexuality is also inappropriate and may be offensive to some. Please take it up in private.
Edited to add:

Well, that's what people say when they use the phrase, "That's gay," when what they mean is that it's stupid or in some other way undesirable. They say that they didn't mean any offense to gay people. Well, uhhh, if you just used the word "gay" in place of "stupid" or "irritating" or whatever other negative thing you were feeling, I don't really see how you WEREN'T saying something negative about gay people.

Similarly, I know people who say, "That's so gay," but they DON'T say it around me. Why? Why not say it around me if equating something negative with gay isn't negative about gay people? It is, and that's why they don't say it when I'm within earshot. They ARE able to see that it's negative about gays, but they say it anyway when I'm not around because it's acceptable to be negative about gays as long as gays aren't around.

Hi desertanimal, and everyone else. :)
Absolutely no disrespect intended here, but this quote just made me smile. My baby sister in her teen years used the "that's so gay" phrase alot. I think some of her speech and expressions may have been influenced by friends, you know how kids are.
Today she is 40 years old, a highly skilled professional in Boston married to a WONDERFUL woman that I am proud to have as a sister in law. :)
Peace :)
Edited to add:

Well, that's what people say when they use the phrase, "That's gay," when what they mean is that it's stupid or in some other way undesirable. They say that they didn't mean any offense to gay people. Well, uhhh, if you just used the word "gay" in place of "stupid" or "irritating" or whatever other negative thing you were feeling, I don't really see how you WEREN'T saying something negative about gay people.

I picked up that phrase a few years ago, who knows from where, (probably just trying to be "cool" in my old age) and honestly never thought about it being offensive. I happened to use it in front of a (straight) friend, who went so PSYCHO that I immediately dropped it from my vocabulary. Once I thought about what I was saying, the content rather than just a phrase, it became obvious. I'm sorry I ever said it.

It's a judgement call again. Some of my gay friends use it all the time as a mild insult. As in 'gay= lame'. I think it can be a way of defusing the power of a term if the people it was used against take ownership of it and weaken it's ability to hurt them?
I The discussion on homosexuality is also inappropriate and may be offensive to some. Please take it up in private.

Susan, I personally think maybe all discussion of any sexuality should be placed in PM's.
I respect desertanimal greatly for her ability to voice her opinions on women rights and her sexuality. If her sexual views offend others, maybe we shouldn't talk about ours in front her.
And as this entire thread was about respect. Maybe we should respect her as well and her beliefs.
mbdorfer said:
As Susan has already asked, take the "gay" discussion to PM please.

Sorry, Mike. I don’t intend to show you or Susan any disrespect, but I can’t do that.

Susan said:
I don't want to actually count them, but it looks like there has been more use of implied profanity in this recent discussion about the inappropriate use of implied profanity than is appropriate. Hypocrisy is starting to run rampant. The discussion on homosexuality is also inappropriate and may be offensive to some. Please take it up in private.
I didn’t intend to offend for my part of the discussion that implied profanity, and I really doubt I implied it any more times in my posts than have other members previously in this thread. In order to have an earnest and honest discussion about what’s offensive and what’s not and why, you have to know what you’re talking about. But we’re finished with that part of the convo., so it’s a non-issue from here on out.

However, I do not accept your proclamation that a discussion of homosexuality is inappropriate on the boards. A discussion of interracial marriage may be offensive to some as well, but we don’t stop talking about it on the boards because of it, we call those people bigots, which is what they are, and we don’t cave to doing what makes them comfortable. In the discussion about being gay, there has been nothing remotely graphic, nothing anywhere on par with the things that were posted in the “Forget about the snakes . . . “ thread. That thread was in part a vulgar display of heterosexuality. Not once did anyone say in admonition, either here or there, that we weren’t supposed to discuss sexuality. Not once did anyone say, “Don’t talk about being straight on the boards. It’s inappropriate.” So if talking about being a heterosexual is ok here (which happens seven ways to Sunday on these boards on any given day, because one’s sexual orientation is a huge part of one’s identity, and most of the people here are straight), talking about being a homosexual should be too, as long as we don’t get any more graphic and vulgar in our conversations as the heteros do. So far, as far as I’ve noticed, given the examples that have been set lately by a few of the heteros, we’re completely and totally in the clear on that.

This discussion about being gay in this thread has been about being put down as a minority group, and that discussion is on par with discussions about how women don’t earn as much money, yet, as men in our society, or how some people still feel that blacks can’t do as well in school as whites. That is not a topic of discussion inappropriate for general chit-chat.

Talking about being gay is NOT the same overly explicit talk about sexual acts, and I won’t stand by and watch it be treated as such and tacitly condone that position by not contesting it. Every time you talk about your kids and your husband, you talk about being straight; everytime anyone talks about frustrations with dating, problems with in-laws, posts pictures of their ultrasounds, they talk about being straight, and certainly that they have or have had or want to have heterosexual sex is implicit. If we take all that away and keep it to just snakes, then I'll keep it to just snakes, too, but all that stuff is what people love about this site. I simply stake claim to the same rights to topics of discussion that you and everyone else have here.

I won’t be shooed off to the closet here on CS.com. Now, maybe I’ll be banned off to the closet. I don’t know. I don’t feel that would be deserved, because I have disagreed and discussed with you in a very respectful manner, and I don’t believe the mods' position is that they can never be wrong and that people can’t argue a different position with them. Regardless, it’s a risk I’m willing to take. Because, really, if I’m not willing to stand up for equal treatment on a silly little internet site (that I love dearly), then how on earth can I ever expect to receive equal treatment in society at large?
To expand on what tricksterpup has said...perhaps it is time to let this thread go the way of the archives. I think enough opinions have been stated, and certainly the collective group has taken it in as many different directions as it should go. It's obvious that a discussion about respect and the use of certain words and phrases is not going to be easy to discuss without causing even further misuse of those same words and phrases. Ironic that a discussion about respect and offensive language seems to be offensive to some, and I apologize for furthering that disrespect.

Maybe this one should just be locked and let go to slip into obscurity. The points have been made, and anyone that wants to help the problem, knows what needs to be done. Maybe locking it wouldn't be a bad move?:shrugs:

Unfortunately, I must spread some reputation around before I can give it to desertanimal again. But this is one hetero that believes in what she has said, and supports her right to be just as public about her private life as the rest of us are. And I respect her immensely for being able to do so.
Sorry, Mike. I don’t intend to show you or Susan any disrespect, but I can’t do that.

I didn’t intend to offend for my part of the discussion that implied profanity, and I really doubt I implied it any more times in my posts than have other members previously in this thread. In order to have an earnest and honest discussion about what’s offensive and what’s not and why, you have to know what you’re talking about. But we’re finished with that part of the convo., so it’s a non-issue from here on out.

However, I do not accept your proclamation that a discussion of homosexuality is inappropriate on the boards. A discussion of interracial marriage may be offensive to some as well, but we don’t stop talking about it on the boards because of it, we call those people bigots, which is what they are, and we don’t cave to doing what makes them comfortable. In the discussion about being gay, there has been nothing remotely graphic, nothing anywhere on par with the things that were posted in the “Forget about the snakes . . . “ thread. That thread was in part a vulgar display of heterosexuality. Not once did anyone say in admonition, either here or there, that we weren’t supposed to discuss sexuality. Not once did anyone say, “Don’t talk about being straight on the boards. It’s inappropriate.” So if talking about being a heterosexual is ok here (which happens seven ways to Sunday on these boards on any given day, because one’s sexual orientation is a huge part of one’s identity, and most of the people here are straight), talking about being a homosexual should be too, as long as we don’t get any more graphic and vulgar in our conversations as the heteros do. So far, as far as I’ve noticed, given the examples that have been set lately by a few of the heteros, we’re completely and totally in the clear on that.

This discussion about being gay in this thread has been about being put down as a minority group, and that discussion is on par with discussions about how women don’t earn as much money, yet, as men in our society, or how some people still feel that blacks can’t do as well in school as whites. That is not a topic of discussion inappropriate for general chit-chat.

Talking about being gay is NOT the same overly explicit talk about sexual acts, and I won’t stand by and watch it be treated as such and tacitly condone that position by not contesting it. Every time you talk about your kids and your husband, you talk about being straight; everytime anyone talks about frustrations with dating, problems with in-laws, posts pictures of their ultrasounds, they talk about being straight, and certainly that they have or have had or want to have heterosexual sex is implicit. If we take all that away and keep it to just snakes, then I'll keep it to just snakes, too, but all that stuff is what people love about this site. I simply stake claim to the same rights to topics of discussion that you and everyone else have here.

I won’t be shooed off to the closet here on CS.com. Now, maybe I’ll be banned off to the closet. I don’t know. I don’t feel that would be deserved, because I have disagreed and discussed with you in a very respectful manner, and I don’t believe the mods' position is that they can never be wrong and that people can’t argue a different position with them. Regardless, it’s a risk I’m willing to take. Because, really, if I’m not willing to stand up for equal treatment on a silly little internet site (that I love dearly), then how on earth can I ever expect to receive equal treatment in society at large?

Steph, I can't be as eloquent as you are. If the mods do ineed feel talk of homosexuality be taken to PM's that is a sad state for this forum. Many times I have seen mods say a person has a right to their point of view. I don't even think being gay is a point of view, it is a way of life. Who would choose to be someone, who placed at the low end of life because of their sexuality, the brundt of jokes, people not worthy of having children, being married, no spousal benefits. Who would pick this kind of life. For some people falling in love, wanting to share their life with another. Love is not a color, culture, religion or a sex, it is feeling of completeness, a feeling of life.
I had put myself in a self exile from this forum for many reasons, agreeing with myself to read it much less and no posting. Susan and mbdorfer, if in fact you are saying homosexual talk has to be taken to the PM, I am saddened and outraged, as it rings akin to going to the back of the bus. I am going to add while I feel the mods have a big job and thankless but at least two of you have overstepped here with this comment "as Susan has already asked, take the "gay" discussion to PM please". susang
Sorry, Mike. I don’t intend to show you or Susan any disrespect, but I can’t do that.

I didn’t intend to offend for my part of the discussion that implied profanity, and I really doubt I implied it any more times in my posts than have other members previously in this thread. In order to have an earnest and honest discussion about what’s offensive and what’s not and why, you have to know what you’re talking about. But we’re finished with that part of the convo., so it’s a non-issue from here on out.

However, I do not accept your proclamation that a discussion of homosexuality is inappropriate on the boards. A discussion of interracial marriage may be offensive to some as well, but we don’t stop talking about it on the boards because of it, we call those people bigots, which is what they are, and we don’t cave to doing what makes them comfortable. In the discussion about being gay, there has been nothing remotely graphic, nothing anywhere on par with the things that were posted in the “Forget about the snakes . . . “ thread. That thread was in part a vulgar display of heterosexuality. Not once did anyone say in admonition, either here or there, that we weren’t supposed to discuss sexuality. Not once did anyone say, “Don’t talk about being straight on the boards. It’s inappropriate.” So if talking about being a heterosexual is ok here (which happens seven ways to Sunday on these boards on any given day, because one’s sexual orientation is a huge part of one’s identity, and most of the people here are straight), talking about being a homosexual should be too, as long as we don’t get any more graphic and vulgar in our conversations as the heteros do. So far, as far as I’ve noticed, given the examples that have been set lately by a few of the heteros, we’re completely and totally in the clear on that.

This discussion about being gay in this thread has been about being put down as a minority group, and that discussion is on par with discussions about how women don’t earn as much money, yet, as men in our society, or how some people still feel that blacks can’t do as well in school as whites. That is not a topic of discussion inappropriate for general chit-chat.

Talking about being gay is NOT the same overly explicit talk about sexual acts, and I won’t stand by and watch it be treated as such and tacitly condone that position by not contesting it. Every time you talk about your kids and your husband, you talk about being straight; everytime anyone talks about frustrations with dating, problems with in-laws, posts pictures of their ultrasounds, they talk about being straight, and certainly that they have or have had or want to have heterosexual sex is implicit. If we take all that away and keep it to just snakes, then I'll keep it to just snakes, too, but all that stuff is what people love about this site. I simply stake claim to the same rights to topics of discussion that you and everyone else have here.

I won’t be shooed off to the closet here on CS.com. Now, maybe I’ll be banned off to the closet. I don’t know. I don’t feel that would be deserved, because I have disagreed and discussed with you in a very respectful manner, and I don’t believe the mods' position is that they can never be wrong and that people can’t argue a different position with them. Regardless, it’s a risk I’m willing to take. Because, really, if I’m not willing to stand up for equal treatment on a silly little internet site (that I love dearly), then how on earth can I ever expect to receive equal treatment in society at large?

You haven't shown me any disrespect. Who am I?
I'm just a snake lover that happens to be a moderator for this forum.
I feel it's my duty to keep the line of conversation here in order.
I think of this place as an all ages forum and I don't think talk of anyone's sexuality is appropriate, as well as religion or politics.
I don't "think" <------(keyword), Rich had these type of discussions in mind when he created the general chit chat forum, maybe I'm wrong?
Food for thought:

Would you walk into Rich's home, or anyone else's for that matter, and openly discuss anything you felt like discussing? Sure. If your topic is received well it would most likely end up being a healthy discussion. If your 'host' expressed a dislike for your statements, would you continue to ramble on at their displeasure? I would hope not. You would most likely be shown the door. You would in my home. :punch:

While I understand that most everyone feels that the 'internet' is a place of freedom, where everyone has the right to voice their opinions, not every place on the internet is free. This site -albeit accessable to the general public - is the property of RichZ. His 'house' if you will. He makes known what he feels appropriate and acceptable in his 'house' via Mods. If a Mod tells anyone to take something to PM's, it's as good as if Rich had said it himself. I seriously doubt any of us would be so bold as to tell Rich to take a "long walk off a short bridge". So let's not argue the validity of the Mods and their requests... mmkay?

I don't have much to say about the pseudo-swearing, drugs, or sexuality, as I've pretty much stayed out of chit-chat.

But, to the original topic, the forum does feel different than two years ago (from when I took a bit of hiatus for grad school). I suppose it's that the newbie to "expert" ratio seems to have increased dramatically. Not that I mind; I'm glad more people are interested in corns and learning more about them! But I wish some would take a moment to study the numerous, detailed, and informative posts already on the site before asking once again what will happen if they breed two simple recessive morphs or giving their ID on a morph they really aren't familiar with! XP

Search function is your friend!!

(oh, and some people need to lighten up about "being too harsh" or "scaring someone off", but maybe they always did. Sarcasm is the only thing that makes the internet tolerable ;) )
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You haven't shown me any disrespect. Who am I?
You're Mike! :grin01:

I'm just a snake lover that happens to be a moderator for this forum.
I feel it's my duty to keep the line of conversation here in order.
I think of this place as an all ages forum and I don't think talk of anyone's sexuality is appropriate, as well as religion or politics.
I don't "think" <------(keyword), Rich had these type of discussions in mind when he created the general chit chat forum, maybe I'm wrong?
I'm guessing there are a lot of things that go on that Rich didn't have in mind. The real question is what is unacceptable. All I'm saying is that if the heteros get to talk about religion and politics and sexuality in the general chit-chat, which they do and have since before the mods were mods, then I will talk about religion and politics and sexuality in the general chit-chat forum, too. And since I'm gay, that's gonna bring gayness into the general chit-chat forum.

There are three options. 1) We can have a forum where we can respectfully talk about those things in general chit-chat, as we have now, and the gay talk is going to be in there, too. Or 2) we can have a forum where there's no gay talk, and none of the straight people are allowed to talk about their SOs, their children, their difficulties with in-laws, post pictures of their families, to tell another forum member that he or she is attractive, where jazz can't make jokes about how much he likes female redheads, where no one can post asking questions about their pregnancies, and where people can't talk about politics that relate to families or marriage in the upcoming presidential election. Or, 3) we can have homophobic forum where only the straight people are allowed to talk about all of those things, and the gay people can come here, but they can't talk about those things--they have to leave most of themselves as people at the door when they come in.

It's an important issue, and one that, now, since it has come up, needs resolution. I can't tell anyone here what the answer is. The answer is certainly not up to you or me alone. Maybe it's up to Rich, or maybe he cares what the majority of the forum thinks. I don't know. All I can say is 1) what's fair, 2) that I haven't been inappropriate or vulgar in having a conservation about homosexuality, and that 3) if the answer to the question before us ends up being number 3, I think it will be very sad, and I won't be here anymore. Because, Frizzlefry, if I were friends enough with Rich to be invited to his house, and if one day he told me that I can come over, but I have to leave my wife at home even though all his straight friends can bring their spouses, I wouldn't be going over to his house again, and we wouldn't be friends anymore. I'm trying to find out if that's REALLY what's being said here, because I don't think it's at all clear yet if that's the case. Then, I will make my own decisions, just as you suggest doing, but that decision ISN'T going to be a response of "Yes, massa. I'll go to the back of the bus, now," just as it wouldn't be in person at Rich's hypothetical house. But I'm going to have a discussion about it so that I can find out exactly what it is I'm hearing before I jump to any conclusions and rash decisions. mmkay?
O-o sorry, this thread is massive and I didn't read all of it;

All I can say is if this became a "heterosexual talk only" place, that would be very sad indeed.
I doubt anyone wants to hear someone of either orientation going on and on about their sex lives, but they should be able to mention their girlfriend or boyfriend helping them out with snakes, or whatever!!
I just don't see a difference between me discussing my ex-wife, and desertanimal discussing her wife. I don't see a difference between CornyNoob talking about her boyfriend and Jaxom talking about his(not that he has...just an example). The words "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" and "sexuality" are not in and of themselves offensive. At least they *shouldn't* be, to anyone. It is only in the context of the speaker that people take offense to these words. If I can openly discuss my ex/SO/girlfriend, I see no reason why EVERYONE can't discuss these people in their life. That includes homosexuals, in my book. Desertanimal posting pictures of her hugging her wife should be no more offensive than Rich posting a picture of him hugging his. And if it IS deemed more offensive, than this site as WAY more problems than the use of implied profanity, and MUCH bigger fish to fry than a phrase like "I'd hit that".

If it is appropriate for jazzgeek or myself to openly state that we find a female forum member's picture attractive, it should be acceptable and appropriate for desertanimal to make the exact same statement. If it is not inherantly offensive for myself, or Dale, or Dean, or any other straight person to make a referance as such, than it should not be inherantly offensive for ANYONE to make such a statement.

A little while back, there was a running joke between Jaxom and myself that if/when he aquired enough kingsnakes...we would get married. At the time, I had no idea that he was a gay man. I took the statements from him as a joke, and my statements towards him were intended as a joke. The fact that he as since openly admitted to being gay has not changed that discussion in my mind one iota...and it SHOULDN'T have. It was still a joke, it was still funny, and it was still "all in good fun".

To be quite honest...if the above situation happened again, I would not hesitate to participate in exactly the same manner that I did previously. But it seems that it would be moderated differently, just because of one individual's sexuality, and to me...that is simply unfair. It's worse than unfair, it is bigotry. It is exactly a "Back in the closet" scenario which is FAR more offensive, to me(and I am sure many others) than an open an honest discussion. That mentality that homosexuals somehow have less rights or less freedoms on THIS FORUM is FAR more vulgar than any conversation or turn of phrase I have seen on this site, past or present.

Anyhow...my $.02 I love this forum and I love the members here. But unfortunately, if it IS deemed unacceptable for homosexuals to have discussions in exactly the same manner as heterosexuals, than I, too, will be packing my bags and playing in another field. If my friends are not welcome in someone's house, than I will not go there...
If the mods do ineed feel talk of homosexuality be taken to PM's that is a sad state for this forum.

I agree. Steph hasn't spoken in bad taste. If it's ok to discuss religion, politics, wars past and present, the right to bear arms, abortion, dating, pregnancy, in-law and marital problems and culling healthy hatchlings- it oughtn't be "against the law" to discuss who you are and how you got to be that way and your daily life in general as a homosexual woman. Steph (or anyone else) shouldn't have to cover up, not speak openly of, her sexual orientation. I don't believe she has ever said anything she couldn't say in front of my mother. You guys ought to be proud that she feels so comfortable here that she can show us wedding pics, anniversary pics, etc. Any "kid" reading over things like that is going to see that that segment of society is welcomed and accepted and treated with respect by us, the reptile-loving community that they look up to. How are we, as a society, ever to reach the point where sexual orientation or religious beliefs or race or whatever "ain't no thing" if we continually treat it as such a dividing line between "us" and "them?"

O-o sorry, this thread is massive and I didn't read all of it;

Yes it is. And a lot of very good points/statements have been made in it as well.

All I can say is if this became a "heterosexual talk only" place, that would be very sad indeed.
I doubt anyone wants to hear someone of either orientation going on and on about their sex lives, but they should be able to mention their girlfriend or boyfriend helping them out with snakes, or whatever!!

I don't particularly care to hear anyone rambling on about their sex lives, or sexual orientation for that matter, when I'm visiting this site. I respect individualism and person's choices in what he/she may do with their life. All I'm asking is that it isn't crammed down my throat. I get enough drama (isn't that what life has turned into nowadays?) when I walk out the front door each and every day. I come here to learn and share my experiences with cornsnakes. Isn't that what brought us all here?

Rich has been kind enough to allow a General Chit Chat sub-forum for us to have non-cornsnake related conversations. I'm glad that he did. I've enjoyed many posts that I've found there. There, anyone can share their triumphs, defeats or any other mundane occurences of life. I just feel that it can be done without having to equate it to a hetero/gay thing.

With the availability of PM's and Chat, I really don't understand why more members don't accept it as a viable means of communication. If you you'd like to share something with someone that might be offensive, taken out of context or become a volatile debate (sex, religion and politics come to mind): Utililize one of the other means of communication available here.

:-offtopic The new chat system is really nice, Rich! Thanks again!
Have to say that I very much agree with tyfiler's comments.

Any conversation - gay or straight - has the potential to overstep the mark and should be dealt with accordingly by mods. But only on the same footing.

As has been said, this is a family forum. So let's not teach our children that to be gay is something that has to be hidden away. Too often, gay people (and other minorities) have life telling them to "Take it to PM".

Let's be open, but at the same time let's be respectful, let's be polite, and let's enjoy the occasional joke. And let's treat each other in the way we'd like to be treated.

Overall, this is a great place, filled with great people. Go us and go Mods! :)
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