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Hello all, from currently-too-hot Colorado (intro & a question)

Animal_Gal, it helps to bring a friend. They help me stay focused at shows and avoid making a "OMGCUTE!" purchase that I find I'm not prepared for. If I hadn't gone to this last show with my boyfriend I might have come home with a baby beardie with a deformed limb just on the cute factor. Also good to have someone who can guard your wallet, for the same reason. ;)
How frequent is the show? The Columbus show I attend is monthly, and I went several months just to get a feel for the breeders and the stock before I finally bought my Bliz boy.
I've attended a number of (mostly non-animal) expos/conventions/shows over the years, and I've gotten to where I have fairly good restraint when it comes to purchases. What I've found most helpful, especially early on, is to bring a set amount of money: just enough for what I need or am planning to get, and a bit more for purchases that I decide to make when I get there.

Since this is my first time going to this expo, I'm primarily planning to just look around at what's there, get an idea of things, and buy a bunch of f/t. I'll likely bring enough money to buy a snake, on the off chance that I do find one that I really, really want; but it will be something that I consider very carefully before shelling out on.

From what I've heard, it's held 3 or 4 times a year, and the big one is in August, or thereabouts (already past for this year). So the one coming up in November most likely won't have nearly as many stores and breeders. Chances are very low that I'll be buying a snake at the expo before next summer, if at all, depending on how things turn out.

Very, very important--> NEVER FEEL THAT YOU HAVE TO BUY ANYTHING!!! <--Very, very important.

There will be other shows, and there are always other ways of obtaining snakes, so there's no need to go there with the idea that you will be buying a snake. If you absolutely must get something, get a keychain or hide or some other inexpensive nick-nack. ;) Divert the urge!

Or here's a nice little rule: only buy what you plan to buy beforehand. If you're looking for a particular type of snake, and there just so happens to be one that is exactly what you want, then go for it! (Though be prepared for the potential consequences if you have doubts about the breeder.) If you don't think that you can resist, then leave the money at home, or in the car, or, as uberalice suggested, with a trustworthy companion.

Trust me I don't need help choosing a snake, or using self restraint. I study the mind, more specifically my own mind, and work daily to control it. I'm a firm believer in yin yang and the mind body spirit philosophy. I've endured immense physical pain that I wouldn't have normally been able to because I have that kind of control over my mind. I study three different kinds of martial arts and yoga which perhaps isn't as mental but also involves meditation, as do tai chi and kung fu.

You guys missed my point.

I'd like to know how reliable the breeders at this show are, because they all seem to be just local.... people. I have no problem choosing a good snake, I can tell the difference, and if it's the one I'm looking for I'm not only concerned about the snake but whether or not the breeder has been reliable in the past.

I've been calmly checking out my options for a new snake for the past two years. Trust me I don't feel obligated to buy any of the snakes I have seen, even if I really like them. I'm a very patient person and wait for the opportune moment--when location, snake, breeder, myself, supplies and financial situations all conform to the perfect condition to buy a snake.
I can't speak for SnB, but I know I didn't assume that you didn't know how to choose a snake.
and if I go there with the intention of buying a snake and there's not that many, I may feel obligated to buy a corn and end up buying a snake that I don't really want anyway.
This is the part that I was responding to.
:-offtopic I had a dream last night (and I never dream, so this might be a sign haha) and this particular thread, though irrelevant to the rest of the dream, was in it. We started arguing and yelling and everyone was pissed off and sending rude pictures and insulting everyone to the best of their ability and it was pretty bad.

Haha. ha.

So with that in mind.

I haven't read any replies if there have been any since the last time I posted. But I understand that I stated that I feared buying a snake I didn't want or need after asking about the quality of breeders present at this show. I didn't mean to put emphasis on this, I actually didn't really mean it that way at all. (But I guess you never really know with cornsnakes, huh?) I guess my intent in stating that was to put emphasis on the fact that I may find the perfect snake, the one I've been LOOKING FOR (dun dun dunnn) and it's breeder that's less than perfect--which still leaves me in a bad situation. To buy or not to buy?
I understand that the snake is a lot more important than the breeder, but the breeder is still responsible for the snake's life--it's mental health and comfort, how and if the snake is eating, etc.

I apologize if my previous post sounded annoyed or.. anything less than kind. This past week has been a string of the worst possible days I have ever had in my life, and then when people responded to something that I feel like they misinterpreted, I guess I felt like I had to... defend myself?

I just asked a question about breeders and I got two huge, drawn out and extremely descriptive replies instructing me on how to handle myself at a snake show. There were a few problems: I already knew, and for the most part practiced, all of the advice given me. I don't like it when people try to tell me how to live or how I should be. And finally, I actually was kinda hurt when people started acting like they could mentally handle themselves better than myself, and it was like they thought I needed help doing something I've been doing all my life, which would imply to me that they feel my self control is inadequate.

So I'm sorry if I sounded upset. And if I didn't sound upset, I was a little. It's not anyone's fault (here at least) (actually I take that back it was definitely my fault for saying something and then pretty much saying the opposite is true). I had no reason to get upset seeing as I'm an idiot, all I had to do was clarify what it is I really meant and apoligize for the confusion and then move on. But right now my life is screwing me over and I'm blowing everything out of proportion; it's not very hard to upset me nowadays.

I obviously sent the wrong message in my first post and people interpreted it literally, which I feel is an inacurate description of myself. I'm sorry, it WAS my fault and I didn't mean to contradict myself. Nor did I mean to be rude--you guys had amazing advice that would definitely have helped. I certainly think this topic should be added to the FAQ forum because it CAN be extremely difficult staying level-headed when buying a snake, and the advice given me is certainly very effective and helpful.

So, as an innocent bystander reading these messages, and as a snake breader myself, i must speak up and just put this out there..... I dont think i would sell such an emotionally unstable person a snake and I would be shocked if anyone else disagreed. Listen lady, if you post something online...people are going to respond, and these nice people were giving you advice and sharing common experiences and knowledge. You dream analysis is just whacked out and perhaps you should resort to dreaming of snakes then actually purchasing one. I would save the money and spend it on a therapist.
Oh, god forbid I should be told off by a bystander and professional snake breader!

I never analyzed anything. I do not attempt to interpret dreams nor do I believe in any of that bull. Having an argument as part of my dream just inspired me to come back here and apologize for my behavior.

You on the other hand seem very ready to analyze people. It's evident to me, mostly by your lack of spelling and self proclaimed authority (snake breeder and.... psychologist?) to analyze my mental state. I understand that you are new here but I'm sure by now you've caught on to the atmosphere. We try not to insult people or start arguments. The goal of this site is to help each other and persue a love of snakes, whether it be as a breeder, owner, whatever.
In the rare occurrence that an argument or controversy starts up, it likely gets nowhere and often an admin needs to step in. My ultimate goal was to apologize, explain my unruly behavior and then move on.

My advice to you is to stop trying to tell me how "whacked out" I am and go participate and involve yourself in the forums. Be a contribution. You have no clue who I am and what I've been through, nor do I know anything about you. So I don't try to tell you that you need therapy.

Even if you did know me and what's happening in my life right now, you most definitely wouldn't be qualified to analyze my mental state of being.
It seems I did not read your earlier reply closely enough, and I misinterpreted your meaning, so for that I appologize. :) It was never my intention to be patronizing or anything of the sort, and because of my own mistake I may have come across as such. I am sorry, and I, too, hope that we can resolve all this without the mods needing to come knock us on the heads. ;)

(I loled a bit at your description of your dream, btw, because I've been on forums in the past where that sort of thing was common.)
Hmm, as far as getting a corn there... I got mine from Rob Templeman of Mile High Exotics. I bought him AFTER hearing from other well known breeders that he was a good guy and bred good animals. Not sure if he'll be there in Nov, but you can keep a look out for him.
SnBMeg said:
(I loled a bit at your description of your dream, btw, because I've been on forums in the past where that sort of thing was common.)

It was my own fault, don't worry.

I thought the dream was funny too. That's why I told you about it. But in all seriousness this forum is an extremely respectable one, there is little to no cussing, insults are extremely rare, etc. We're all in this together. However, there is considerably more arguing in the non-snake discussions. Sadly I've seen older, upstanding members of this forum go extremely low and start arguments with younger, more ignorant members.

Justifiably so, because there's a lot of ignorance and disregard coming from the newbie, but often sometimes it gets out of hand and in frustration insults are exchanged.
Argentra, thanks for the input! I'll be keeping an eye out for him at the upcoming expo. Out of curiousity, what kind did you get from him, and how is it doing? :)

Animal_gal, I wholeheartedly agree that there are many forums that are not as pleasant as this one; I can think of two that I'm currently on that have next to no arguments and flame wars, but those are primarily made up of younger members and those who are new to whatever hobby the forum is for (and the mods are extremely strict with "aggressive" posts). I don't stay long at the forums at the other end of the scale; it's way too easy to unintentionally step on toes and earn someone's eternal enmity. ;)

Ime, most of the newbies that get chewed out for their ignorance and improper care of their animals are much more likely to reject any and all harshly delivered advice given to them and either just go the way they have been on their own, or look for someone who'll support their view. It's always wonderful to find forums where new people get corrective advice and encouragement. Everyone makes mistakes at first, whether through ignorance or accident, and a sad majority of people seem to forget that fact as they, themselves, become more knowledgeable. (All that being said, there was an occasion a few weeks ago when I really went off on a girl in a fish forum because she obviously had no intention of taking care of the fish she wanted; I'm a resolute believer that people who aren't willing to give their pets the best care that they can, or at the very least adequate for the animal to survive, really shouldn't being keeping them in the first place. --Fish are not flowers-- Luckily, though, people like that are rare. :grin01: )
I could tell you some mega stories about ignorance and fish, but this is a cornsnake forum... :D

My corn is a 13 month old male Amelanistic Het for snow. He's doing great except for my bungling when trying to feed him. (long story short: I was moving a snake not used to handling into another container and offering him PK when used to FT. I think the moving stressed him).
I finally emailed Rob and after a bit of correction to assumptions on both parts, ironed out the potential problem. I'll see what happens at next week's feeding attempt.

So far I am quite pleased with this forum, tho my favorite is ball-pythons.net. :)
Same here about the fish stories. :rolleyes: (I'll insert my fav quotes here, since they're short: about goldfish "But won't sunlight hurt them?" and at the pet store "Do you have any of the kind of fish that eats poo?")

I could have just about cried with relief when I realized how much easier keeping snakes would be compared to fish! :rofl:

Good to hear that your expo corn is doing well, and good luck on his next feeding!

Lol! Aww, I'm left behind with the ages thing! I did have 30 posts, though; does that count? :grin01:
WOW lots of Colorado people!!
I was born and Raised in Parker and moved to SoCal 2 years ago.
I'm probably going to be moving back this fall though!!!!
Guna have to sell quite a few corns to make the move a little easier.

SnBMeg said:
Same here about the fish stories. :rolleyes: (I'll insert my fav quotes here, since they're short: about goldfish "But won't sunlight hurt them?" and at the pet store "Do you have any of the kind of fish that eats poo?")

Yep... heard both. The last one at least once a day at the store... sigh :)

SnBMeg said:
I could have just about cried with relief when I realized how much easier keeping snakes would be compared to fish! :rofl:

Oh big time! I still have a 10gal with 2 feeder GF and a pleco and it requires more work than my two snakes.

SnBMeg said:
Good to hear that your expo corn is doing well, and good luck on his next feeding!

Thanks. He's been sticking his head out and cruising around a lot lately, plus I finally moved him into the quieter bedroom after quarantine, so I'm hoping for a feed finally.
Tim, it's too hot in SoCal, you need to move back asap! ;)

Argentra said:
Yep... heard both. The last one at least once a day at the store... sigh :)
I don't think that I could ever work in a fish department. I know that I already know plenty more than the average chain employee, but even as an eavesdropping customer the temptation is almost too strong to cause physical harm to some people. :noevil:

Oh big time! I still have a 10gal with 2 feeder GF and a pleco and it requires more work than my two snakes.
2 sight-deficient female telescope-eyes in a bare-bottom 36G
- Fluval 404 and 405 filters, requiring periodic maintenance
- 75% water change weekly, incl. algae scrubbing


1 male ryukin and 1 male oranda in a bare-bottom 38G
- 2x Fluval 405 filters, requiring periodic maintenance
- 2x 75% water changes weekly, incl. algae scrubbing


(Horrendously old pics, btw; I really need to take some new ones.)

Total setup cost (incl. food, new light fixture for one tank, replacment lightbulbs, misc. equipment, live plants, etc.) around $1,000. Approx. 2-3 hours total weekly maintenance, plus 1 or 2 more if I'm doing filters, etc., plus time for food prep and feeding.
(Plus planted tropical and brackish tanks, as well as a balloon molly breeding program.)

And suddenly most animals seem blissfully easier--not to mention cheaper--to keep than fish. :grin01:

(Lessee, total setup cost for 4 store-bought corns, incl. corns, under $300? Total weekly maintenance, approx. 1 hour, tops, plus food prep and feedings?)

Thanks. He's been sticking his head out and cruising around a lot lately, plus I finally moved him into the quieter bedroom after quarantine, so I'm hoping for a feed finally.
Good luck, again! :)
Oh my... those are some nice fish, especially the ryukin. I just have the big feeders and pleco now, but used to have three tanks: one with tetras, one with mollies, and the other was a split 2 1/2 gal with bettas. Those guys took SO much work... after them, and the 5 cats I used to have, keeping my snakes and rats is so easy :)

Oh, and a great update for you all. Aries (new amel corn) is now eating. :) Turns out I was a silly girl and forgot that he had never really been handled before. So moving him into another tank freaked him out. Once I relented and offered him a FT small adult mouse in his home tank, he nabbed it. Now he's eaten twice for me and I even got to watch him this last time...too cool. I just have to wait another week or two before I start working on him with handling.