
(<--is totally a closet pokemon dork)
This reminded me of Pokemon, too, LOL. As you may know, in the Pokemon games, you can't rename any Pokemon that's traded to you... And the reason they give is pretty much the same as your reasoning.

(Like I said, closet Pokemon dork!)
I've been tempted to name a tortoise or turtle Wartortle... Because
everyone names their turtles Blastoise or Squirtle, but Wartortle never gets any love!! ... But, for now, the tortoises are all nameless. Though now that I've said that, I think my little Leopard tort may end up being named Wartortle...
Now I just have to find some good names for the Russians. I want to stick to a theme, but I'm really bad at it! Like with my Rosies--originally, I was going to keep all my themes to cartoons and video games, and they were going to be Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time bosses, because I couldn't not name the Whitewater "Volvagia" and a bad guy name would just fit my jerkhead Anza sooo perfectly. That lasted all of about 2 days. Then the final book in the Inheritance Cycle (Eragon series) came out and I decided I had to name something with a name from the series. Hence, how the Rosy (and other miscellaneous snakes, I'm sure) theme morphed into dragons, and Shruikan earned her name.