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How do You All Think of Your Clever Names?

Scott Pilgrim characters! (Envy & Wallace)
Band names! (Owl & Apollo)
Animal Names (Crow)
Native area names (Ramesses)
Comic/Movie Characters (Dastan, Gambit, Toothless)
Appearance (Flatline)
Randoms (RiffRaff, Amethyst, Arizona)
I guess I'll add where mine came from too

Blaze- he's an Amel
Nixie- water dairy/nymph since she's blue
Amaya- night rain, just thought it was appropriate for a pewter
Bast- from the king killer chronicles
Pie- short for sweetie pie, cuz she is
Nova- cuz shes my first biter, its a new experience
Wash- from firefly
Spazz- cuz he struck his pinky abt 8 times the first time I fed him
Roxy- just fit, abt 3 people independently told us that should be her name and it's what we were thinking too
Namira- god of creepy crawly things from elder scrolls
Donut- from red vs blue, he's very lightish red on his sides.

Sometimes the names are descriptive, others come from stories/games we like.
i always name my farm animals something i'd never name my children. names always just seem to come to me. my cats show name is king oberon fitzpatrick mcwilliams do do doodoo do do do (circus music) click click click (snap your tongue) III, or obee for short. he's not really a show cat, but don't tell him that.
LOL My cats are Cheetah (tortoiseshell calico) and Sunny ( yellow tabby) My dogs are Ruby (blue heeler mix) and Emmi (border collie mix) and one of my fish is named Biff (orange spotted pleco). I do plan on getting a pug and naming him Otto von Chubs (wow players will know)
fun thread! My current cats have names other than kitty, lol! I have Abby, then Ally (I like matching names), then I got Mica who is a grey/black spotted bengal named for his coloring and I had another female bengal who I named Mia but she moved to my friends house. I was moving and I knew my friend would be the best home ever. But I liked their names all matching.

I'm reading the Hunger Games, could use those, maybe. I named Taylor for Taylor Swift. Kohl for color and Khloe kinda matched.

I think I'll give them some time and see what I think. Now I have 3 more to name. That's 5.

As for peaches, I'm getting a peach from Tom T, but it's a boy (unless somehow I decide to get a girl, but probably not) so peaches doesn't seem fitting but the color sure is!

I'm gonna have to look into salmon names. Could call him trout, lol!

Here's a story - had a dog named Nicki (male) - had a baby boy and I wanted the name Nicholas so I did it. Then we had Nick the dog and Nicholas the child, lol! Doggie got old and died and Nicholas is now Nick. I couldn't not name my child what I wanted just b/c I already had a dog named that.

Ok, names might start flowing now, thanks!
Lily - Moonstone corn. Came with that name, but she was actually going to get that name anyways (either that, or Cleffa or Igglybuff. Points if you get the reference)

Pokemon!! :D (<--is totally a closet pokemon dork)

Zeme, Cana, Ceron, Tehya, Ziva and Kali all came with their names, and I wouldn't ever change them. When I receive a snake someone, and that snake already has a name, I don't like to change it, because it's a special little mark that person has left with the snake. In a way, it makes me feel a bit closer with the breeder/seller.

This reminded me of Pokemon, too, LOL. As you may know, in the Pokemon games, you can't rename any Pokemon that's traded to you... And the reason they give is pretty much the same as your reasoning. :p (Like I said, closet Pokemon dork!)

I've been tempted to name a tortoise or turtle Wartortle... Because everyone names their turtles Blastoise or Squirtle, but Wartortle never gets any love!! ... But, for now, the tortoises are all nameless. Though now that I've said that, I think my little Leopard tort may end up being named Wartortle...

Now I just have to find some good names for the Russians. I want to stick to a theme, but I'm really bad at it! Like with my Rosies--originally, I was going to keep all my themes to cartoons and video games, and they were going to be Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time bosses, because I couldn't not name the Whitewater "Volvagia" and a bad guy name would just fit my jerkhead Anza sooo perfectly. That lasted all of about 2 days. Then the final book in the Inheritance Cycle (Eragon series) came out and I decided I had to name something with a name from the series. Hence, how the Rosy (and other miscellaneous snakes, I'm sure) theme morphed into dragons, and Shruikan earned her name. :)
Pokemon!! :D (<--is totally a closet pokemon dork)

This reminded me of Pokemon, too, LOL. As you may know, in the Pokemon games, you can't rename any Pokemon that's traded to you... And the reason they give is pretty much the same as your reasoning. :p (Like I said, closet Pokemon dork!)

I've been tempted to name a tortoise or turtle Wartortle... Because everyone names their turtles Blastoise or Squirtle, but Wartortle never gets any love!! ... But, for now, the tortoises are all nameless. Though now that I've said that, I think my little Leopard tort may end up being named Wartortle...

Now I just have to find some good names for the Russians. I want to stick to a theme, but I'm really bad at it! Like with my Rosies--originally, I was going to keep all my themes to cartoons and video games, and they were going to be Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time bosses, because I couldn't not name the Whitewater "Volvagia" and a bad guy name would just fit my jerkhead Anza sooo perfectly. That lasted all of about 2 days. Then the final book in the Inheritance Cycle (Eragon series) came out and I decided I had to name something with a name from the series. Hence, how the Rosy (and other miscellaneous snakes, I'm sure) theme morphed into dragons, and Shruikan earned her name. :)

I've learned that closets are only for clothes. I'll admit it! I'm a Poke-nerd! I'm looking forward to the release of Black 2 and White 2! I also can't wait until they release Meloetta to the masses. I don't care if she sucks, but she's a musical Pokemon. There's nothing I don't like about that. :p
Well, my animals tend to be named with nicknames that stick :eyeroll: An example is Worm. He was so tiny when we got him so we called him Worm but his original name was going to be Xaiver. Worm stuck though.
My cats are
Sonali- The maine coon tabby mix. The name means Glowing Sun
Mishka- This was her original name but it's turned into Mizzu. It's pretty cute for this coward :)
Meena- Not named by me but it works. She is a longfured tortie with beautiful green eyes. Meena means "Lotus eyes"

My Dogs-
Biscuit- Named by my brother when he was young after the brown spot on his back that looked like a biscuit when he was young.
Brandy- She came with this name. We tried to change it but Brandy stuck!
Fawn- She trots just like a Fawn. The moment we were segueing over the name, a Fawn darted across the road, so we figured it was meant to be!
Howl- Named after Howl from Howl's Moving Castle as they do act a bit alike

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ereW4uQr9Gs a clip of Howl
Ok, here goes, I'm pretty quick with names, I just kinda do an association thing and throw something out there and hopefuly it sticks.

My two corns are ultramel motleys, and they're very orange. Being a die hard Orioles fan, I named the boy Oriole and the girl Camden.

Albino Burm is named Lox. All that bright yellow reminded me of Goldilocks for some reason.

My border Collie, is Bodhi. My brother actually named him and it stuck.

Wife's cats are Salem (all black) and Reese (calico, looks like peanut butter and chocolate)

As for yours. Salmon makes me think of fly fishing, so I would name it after a fly. One that doesn't have any color in the name that might be conflicting. Caddis or maybe something more generic like, Streamer. Oh, or anadromous, I like that for a salmon.

Strawberrry makes me think of a daquari. So Daq or Dax. Or How about Jam? Also makes me think of the beatles song, strawberry fields, so there's four more names to choose from.
Well, for the two corns I plan on getting this summer, I'm pretty much set on using names that come from Tolkien's works. I've been re-reading his works and I just love some of the names I've found, but I haven't yet chosen the exact ones yet ;).

My female Shiba Inu's name is Okami Amaterasu. Originally, I got the name from a game called Okami. The name is Japanese and Okami means wolf, and Amaterasu is the name of the Japanese Sun Goddess.

In a few months, I am planning on another Shiba Inu, this one a male, and I already have a name picked out XP. Kitsune Tsukuyomi: also Japanese, Kitsune means fox and Tsukuyomi is the name of the Japanese Moon God.

I tend to get into these trends and whatnot and I just pick names from whatever I am obsessed with at the time and what goes best with whatever animal I am naming XD