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How many Snakes do you have??


New member
And I mean ALL your snakes!! I have 2 snakes, a king and a creamsicle. I know it's not much, but I hopefully will add more soon! :)
I have seven corns, six beasts(black rat X corn), four ball pythons and two boas and there will be more coming!
17 corn snakes right now, planning on adding to my snake numbers (with other snakes) come repticon in October
You could always go to the for sale section and buy a bunch of babies:D

Don't tempt me!!! Lol I've been looking at quite a few online I'm interested in. Plus I have a cool place to go to near my house called the Chicago Reptile House. There's so many snakes, and so many hard decisions!!!:shrugs:
We stopped counting at 50 which includes adults, juveniles and babies....they are so addicting and ours have their own room in the house :)
I think I have 132 snakes in my house right now. Some are hatchlings that are sold and waiting to ship out. Some are hatchlings belonging to a co-breeder. Lots, actually! I _think_ I have 11 adults on breeding loan. One juvie who was here for growing, who will be leaving soon. One birthday present for my sweetie!!

And I have two adults who are out on breeding loan.
20 ish?

I actually don't know. It changes every few weeks. I haven't done a head count.
I think I have 132 snakes in my house right now. Some are hatchlings that are sold and waiting to ship out. Some are hatchlings belonging to a co-breeder. Lots, actually! I _think_ I have 11 adults on breeding loan. One juvie who was here for growing, who will be leaving soon. One birthday present for my sweetie!!

And I have two adults who are out on breeding loan.

I was hoping you would answer! I was always curious by all the pictures you posted!!! That's awesome though!
in my bedroom i have 9 corns, i'm picking up two payed for corns from smr at the oct repticon and i'll probably add some more at that point
I was hoping you would answer! I was always curious by all the pictures you posted!!! That's awesome though!

There are about 50 permanent or at least long-term residents. The rest are babies. It's a nice number.

The non-cornsnakes are Janine the White-Sided Florida King (or WS Brooksi, as they are often called), Choco the Aberrant Coastal Cali King (the snake I've had the longest!) and Noah the BOA, the Anery Pioneertown Rosy Boa.
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