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How many Snakes do you have??

Currently sitting at 11 permanent residents, and 16 babies--so, 27 total. That's... 2 corn snakes, 2 Kisatchie corns, 2 Boa constrictors, 2 Rosy boas, 1 gopher snake, 1 woma python, and 1 beauty snake. The 16 hatchlings are all Kisatchies. :D

I'm not quite done yet... I have every intention to get DeeDee a Tequila Sunrise boyfriend at some point, and, down the road, I'd love to get a Silverleaf Kisatchie! (Or at least a pair of hets...)
I am down to about 40 or so... I havent dont an actual head count in awhile. I try to avoid that :) LOL

of the 40 or so.... most are corns but I also have Northern pines, mexican black kings and kenyan sand boas.

I still have looking for a male KSB for my girls. Need one that is either striped anery or het for stripe :) Just need for find a nice looking man in my price range. I want to breed them SO badly! I want to experience the live birthing! Plus, I have many customers who want them as well!

Not the right place but since we are talking all snakes.... if you or anyone you know has a nice striped male or het stripe... Send them to me? :) please!? :)
I currently have only 4 corns. 3 will be imported soon hopefully. Maybe adding a boa of some sort in a couple weeks from the Canadian reptile breeders expo. And then adding more corns in the future.
71 snakes total. 5 balls pythons, 10 western hogs, and 56 corns. However, 13 of those snakes are hopefully leaving soon, and 7 of them are here on loan. Since I don't own the balls in this household, that leaves me with a total of 46 snakes that are actually permanent residents.
at this moment, I have 11 Corn Snakes... ask me again in a week or 2 and that will most likely be different!
46 adult or yearling corns plus 8 more being babysat by RunninghorseSpirit (Cent) Due to a Rack Shortage

43 Baby corns from this year

45 Ball Pythons from babies to adult

2 Western Hognoses

So thats a total of 144 respectively, they have their own bedroom. Im sure Dave or Walter are triple that if not more.
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I was just in the snakeroom and took a head count.

From personal 2012 keepers on up to breeding adults = 216 + 2012 hatchlings for sale = 293, for a grand total 509 :eek1:

Hopfully the Repticon Memphis Show I will be vending next weekend will bring down the number of for sale critters :rolleyes:

:crazy02:BOUT' CORNS !!
I have 17 corns (4 are here on loan, and 3 are the last of my hatchlings for the year - so 10 total residents), 2 Baird's Ratsnakes, 1 Spotted Python, 1 Carpet Python, and 1 Western Hognose. A very manageable number that I keep trying to cut back on but its not working!
5 corns, 3 milks, 1 trans-pecos rat snake, 1 jungle carpet python...almost 8 foot long. An a yearling DH sunglow boa. Couple of reptile shows coming up an I'm sure I'll see something I just have to have. :)
And here my brother is, saying having more than 4 snakes is practically hoarding pffft. Wait until I tell him I plan to have 12 total.