Alien Lover
I can imagine! But doesn't the care get overwhelming at times?
It can. I mostly feel it when, usually because of vacation, I have to feed all the adults in one day. Which really only takes- I don't know, four to six hours, and it's actually pleasant once I start. Or when something comes up and I have to feed 32 babies in one afternoon, late. They eat fast, and if I get home on time are very fun to feed- but if I get stuck at work or have an emergency appointment and get home late I can't just skip a day, because there is another group the next day, and the next day, and then if it's the weekend I run into the adult groups- so there just isn't as much flexibility as when there aren't 140 babies.
Oops, which reminds me, there's a yearling in my nightstand snake rack that missed the census!!
If I know a big feeding is coming up, and I can at least set the bins out the day before, or even better, do the water bowls the day before, that makes it much easier.