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I think I have made a final choice.

I just was sharing my excitement. I just email the breeder and I am gonna send a down payment on the pair next week
Lauren I think Wade is saying that no one here knows the future yet you predict it to be bad. I am the only youth targeted by this "No child with a snake" pact. If I sell my snakes they will go from a good owner (me) to another good owner (Good owner). Mabye you come on as if you know the exact chain of events that will lead to my untimly hobby death! You don't just disagree, disagreement and arguementative and repeated argumentative behavior is different. I see your "watch your numbers" posts like a 5 year old in a stor begging for and action figure. And the mom says we will see how you act until we check out. But the kid keeps begging and pleading and griping until the mother tells the kid no action figure and then the kid has a tantrum. You are continueing to beg. I don't know when you will make me say NO! I will most likey leave my favorite forum because I am being tormented. Then you will, prolly not throw a tantrum...mabye ;)
Yeah as soon as I pressed the button I thought, crap I could have worded that nicer. I am just having a crappy day. i had PSATS and I had to write I big papers. tired stress, not thinking
David, honestly I think you have a true passion for reptiles and a great supportive family behind you. Rehoming animals when you need to if you need to can be a slow process, but I don't see you as the type who would set them free, care for them poorly, or cull them- so go for it:) The worse thing that happens is you find this is not the species for you and sell them...or you really dig them and find a new love.

Now no more GBCW drama whor behavior- we all know your not going anywhere so get over yourself, tke critisism with a grain of salt, and post pics when you get them or I'm coming over;)
Lauren I think Wade is saying that no one here knows the future yet you predict it to be bad.

I am merely cautioning you (and any teen) against the unpredictable nature of the future, especially at your age.

I am the only youth targeted by this "No child with a snake" pact. If I sell my snakes they will go from a good owner (me) to another good owner (Good owner).

And you are the only child on here that constantly and consistently comes along with threads "I am getting this" or "I've Made up my mind (this week)" all the time. Others on here simply research and evaluate, pick up the animals and post photos. You ask for people's opinions and then cry when they don't meet your exacting standards of mindless enthusiasm.

You don't just disagree, disagreement and arguementative and repeated argumentative behavior is different. I see your "watch your numbers" posts like a 5 year old in a stor begging for and action figure. And the mom says we will see how you act until we check out. But the kid keeps begging and pleading and griping until the mother tells the kid no action figure and then the kid has a tantrum. You are continueing to beg. I don't know when you will make me say NO! I will most likey leave my favorite forum because I am being tormented. Then you will, prolly not throw a tantrum...mabye ;)

I don't really know what half of this drivel means.

However, if you think the PSAT's and a large paper in one day is tough... prepare yourself boy-o.... that ain't NOTHING compared to what the real world is like.
I am merely cautioning you (and any teen) against the unpredictable nature of the future, especially at your age.

And you are the only child on here that constantly and consistently comes along with threads "I am getting this" or "I've Made up my mind (this week)" all the time. Others on here simply research and evaluate, pick up the animals and post photos. You ask for people's opinions and then cry when they don't meet your exacting standards of mindless enthusiasm.

I don't really know what half of this drivel means.

However, if you think the PSAT's and a large paper in one day is tough... prepare yourself boy-o.... that ain't NOTHING compared to what the real world is like.
So I guess at 15 I need to be doing college work! For a 15 year old it is alot
David... I was in a college prep school at 15. It was a very hard school, with the same workload (sometimes more!) that I experienced in college. Toughen up, and start working on things the moment they get assigned. That's the best advise I can give. Even working on it just 10 minutes a day adds up to a lot of time very quickly.

I don't know what you plan to major in, but begin researching jobs that deal with it in your area, and see about getting internships. It will help you realise if you *really* want to do it. ceduke on here is my sister-in-law. She went through the vet tech program with me, and found out when she was almost finished... that she did *not* want to be a tech. It happens, so be prepared with back up plans.
I plan to major in forensic science and biology! (same thing my aunt majored in) I do more than school work since my parents diveorce I have been doing all the handy work. i spent a nice portion of today fixing the garbage disposal and I just now finished! Not FaiL!
I'm kinda with the "wrong side of the tracks" crew here. I had my first clutch at 15... accidentally. Didn't even know what the sex of one of my snakes was actually. At 15, you have a hell of a lot more resources available than I did. Even though it was only 12 years ago, alot of research material didn't exist. Internet? Yeah, only if you were rich. Snake keeping books? Very few and far between. But I did listen alot. Alot of my keeping in my teenage years was through trial and error. BUT... I never lost a snake.

I will caution to reassess your capabilities. Not whether you're capable of caring for them or not... its obvious you are. Assess if you will continue to be in a position where you are capable. Things happen sometimes... there is not getting around that. I had just purchased 15 snakes, only to end up getting divorced within 6 months and having to rehome them. Is that irresponsibility on my part? I'd like to shake the hand of the man that would say yes, and then break it. As crappy as it was, I was still responsible enough to screen every person my snakes went to. I still keep in touch with every single person that has ever bought an animal from me.

I say go for it. You're obviously doing quite a bit of thinking about it. Your 10,000 "I think I want..." posts are clearly evidence of that. Just make sure you can handle getting into all of it. Those feeding sessions don't get any easier. Tossing pinks to 100+ hatchlings sounds easy, but its not a walk in the park. Be prepared to live & work for your snakes, because thats exactly what you'll be doing.

And good luck with the Radiateds... you wouldn't catch me with my hand in there!

:-offtopic Its funny that so many people are so quick to comment against these posts, and I totally understand the justifications behind it. Yet, I keep seeing signatures that say things such as "Corn snakes, you can never have just one!" or "Once you pop you can't stop!" Hmmm... makes you think.
I talked to my mom last night about my expanding collection. She said after the next pair we are gonna take a rest. I had my first snakes born when I was 14 and ever sine I want to expand but it is coming more evident I need to slow down. So I will do just that. I am going to get the Radiateds and the Herald and then slow down. I may get teh hogs next year or something.
I think Wades comment was a harsh reality! People say oh David what happens if some un-expected thing comes in you life. What is going to happen to your 16 snakes. I say well what happens Laurne if something unexpected comes up in your life and what are you going to do with your 40 snakes
You think that was harsh? Let me tell you something you little whipper snapper. You aren’t man enough to handle harsh. I’ll give you harsh like you have never seen. I’ll be all over you like green on Kermet. I’ll raise a knot on your head you can hook a bass boat to. You don’t even know the meaning of harsh.