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I think I have made a final choice.

David, calling Pope Benedict XVI a devil will get you nowhere. He is quite the intellectual, speaks a bazillion languages, and is quite the classical pianist. I don't think his brain has slowed down one bit. In fact, if I had none.....and had to pick between yours and his.....well, which brain I'd choose seems obvious enough to me.

:roflmao: develpopes, too funny. thanks for the huge laugh.
I think this whole idea of David has not plan is basically a fail effort, going on the bias that all 15 year olds are impulsive, irresponsible, and rude. Sure I have my days but how many 15 year olds do you know that have a king rat snake or a herald snake? Lauren you work with kids all day, most if not ALL are nothing like me. I see you as a really cool person. You are smart and want whats best for the animals. So do I. I just want to ask everyone who was attackingme DO YOU HAVE A PLAN?
I think this whole idea of David has not plan is basically a fail effort, going on the bias that all 15 year olds are impulsive, irresponsible, and rude. Sure I have my days but how many 15 year olds do you know that have a king rat snake or a herald snake? Lauren you work with kids all day, most if not ALL are nothing like me. I see you as a really cool person. You are smart and want whats best for the animals. So do I. I just want to ask everyone who was attackingme DO YOU HAVE A PLAN?

I fail to see a substantial argument in that. I've known 15 year-old kids with boas, burms, and retics. Does that automatically make them responsible keepers? Nope.
I guess that is not too clear. What I mean is I have snakes that you don't see an average kid running around with and I am not like the kids Lauren teaches (I am going off the complaints I hear)
I guess that is not too clear. What I mean is I have snakes that you don't see an average kid running around with and I am not like the kids Lauren teaches (I am going off the complaints I hear)

Just because you HAVE them doesn't mean anything. I can HAVE as many snakes of as many species as I want. What matters is that they're THRIVING. And we can see that yours seem to be doing very well in your care. That's probably how you'll want to put it next time this argument comes up.
Ok I have a King Ratsnake and a Herald snake that are thriving and pounding f/t mice, pooping, drinking, and over all growth has been amazing! Therefore I believe I am not a normal 15 year old boy.
Our plan has nothing to do with what your plan could be David. Our plan involves getting2nd, 3rd, even 4th jobs if we must. It involves making decisions that only adults can make. I am not going to debate OUR plan to you, Lauren would...but she is at her 2nd job working her butt off to afford the lifestyle and pets we choose to keep!
I was gonna try to post another try but I see the animation therefor the prior words are invalid!
Our plan has nothing to do with what your plan could be David. Our plan involves getting2nd, 3rd, even 4th jobs if we must. It involves making decisions that only adults can make. I am not going to debate OUR plan to you, Lauren would...but she is at her 2nd job working her butt off to afford the lifestyle and pets we choose to keep!

Well don't qustion my plan if you are not going to even state yours.
Well don't qustion my plan if you are not going to even state yours.

Like I told you privately kid...This is an open forum. I will post questions if I like.

And I did post my plan. We get second jobs. We give up adult privilages (cable, trips, movie rentals, steak) if need be. We get third jobs. We do everything needed. Neither of us will dump our pets on our parents. Neither of us is going to move out to college. We have our plan...it's called good old fashioned elbowgrease and sweat. And yes...worst case of all. We sell our stock and keep the few select pets we can afford responsibly.

We are not kids. We are not minors. We are not dependent on anyone but ourselves. WE pay the bills. WE are adults.
David, owning relatively uncommon/difficult snakes at 15 is not a mark of valor. Snakes are, for the most part, relatively "easy" pets when compared with what a dog can do physically, mentally, and financially. There's also a large difference in the responsibility between an animal fed once a week... and one fed and cleaned twice a day, walked, and groomed. This is NOT belittling the care you put into your animals, but it's a different order of magnitude, and I would have to say that I'd trust more a 15 year old who was actively dealing with/had actively dealt with a very ill dog or cat and the subsequent treatments.

As a 15 years old I had an epileptic dog that required rectal valium to stop her monthly cluster seizures long enough to take her to the e-clinic so she could be put on an IV valium drip. I believe that was also the year she ate her entire bottle of phenobarbitol tablets and nearly killed herself. I was also dealing with a succession of wild baby birds that required feedings every 20 minutes from 7am to 11 pm. I also had a different dog that was highly dog aggressive because of my own insecurities around strange dogs. And I had a bearded dragon.
I'd already had and bred hamsters (one femur fracture, one abdominal tumor, one three-legged baby keeper with heart and eye problems), parakeets, owned several blue bellies, one of which had epilepsy, I believe, fish, cats, and frogs.

Shelby was the one that really taught me about responsible pet keeping. There's nothing like 75lbs of seizing dog to deal with at midnight once a month or so to open your eyes to the joy of pets. Aussie taught me a lot too because I in a way "ruined" him by being so fearful. He was perfectly people friendly though, adored children, and I miss him dearly.

And yes, I have several plans depending upon what happens. I already know what I'll do with my animals should things end up pear shaped... and I sadly already know what to do if steroids ever cease to work on my dog's sudden bouts of autoimmune-thingy.
Whatever Tara I am not argueing with you anymore. Itis like pushing a wall, herding cats, trying to teach a rock to do tricks. And Shiari you post is teh exact reason why I HATE DOGS!
Because they get sick? That is a stupid reason to hate something. Humans get the same ailments. Hate yourself yet? It also shows a lack of that maturity you are trying to claim. Snakes get URIs, get eggbound, go off feed, get crypto, can suffer neurologic damages resulting in seizures, get burned.... Are you prepared to spend a thousand dollars on a snake?

I was getting tolerant of you, had been trying to help... but as my owning dogs saved me from *rape*....
Because they get sick? That is a stupid reason to hate something. Humans get the same ailments. Hate yourself yet? It also shows a lack of that maturity you are trying to claim. Snakes get URIs, get eggbound, go off feed, get crypto, can suffer neurologic damages resulting in seizures, get burned.... Are you prepared to spend a thousand dollars on a snake?

I was getting tolerant of you, had been trying to help... but as my owning dogs saved me from *rape*....

I kust don't like dogs. Is that a sin? I dislike an animal that needs me to do alot of work. I mean if a snake gets sick I can deal because when a snake is sick it is sick. Once a year a dog has to go to the vets and get shots and all sorts of stuff. Also in the US an average 35 people a year are killed by dogs and every 40 seconds a person is attacked by a dog. Real stats!
David, the single most difficult species I have ever worked with might just be radiateds. I had one (out of several) Kunisar Island rats that was that alert, pissy and quick, have worked with coach whips, racers, and pigmies; still have a Cal. King that will bite and try to swallow my hand, and a couple of timber rattlers with attitudes. None come close to the radiated rats for difficulty of general maintenance. They would strike a defensive pose as soon as I'd walk in the room! I truly ENJOY bitey snakes and got rid of those. I can't believe Robbie pulled off a shot with a bare hand like he did! Mine loved to bite, and tried many, many facial strikes.
Just open the door and from across the room, you WILL see this:

I do not recommend them, but I don't expect that will mean much.
Well I am getting very young babies that will be handled 3 or 4 times weekly. I have pictures of the breeders adult contently sitting in his arms! He says the get an unfair reputation.
Chimps are different than a ratsnake. I repped you for your tips. I handled these babies at the show. Very tame. I will get the pics from the breeder.