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Kastanie + Kastanie based morphs


German efficiency
I think here are not a hell of a lot pictures posted from kastanie. I visited Frank Schaub, the kastanie-man himself, yesterday and took some pictures. He's a one-language-guy, so he's not able to speak for himself in english. ;)

For all who never heard from kastanie/chestnut. It is prooven rezzesive!

The pictures aren't the best, I just was able to take some snapshots, but better a few crappy pics than no pics!

Maybe Don is reading this thread and can tell something new about his rosyblood line?!

kastanie hatchling after a few sheds

the ordinary kastanie coloration

a "frosted" looking kastanie, the only one of the whole line

an adult mandarin (amel kastanie)

and the two mandarin motleys (amel kastanie motley), as far as I know the very first one's!

Well i can tell you a limited amount about Kastanies.

I have several snakes carrying the gene, some Homo some Het, some are from Don Soderburg, Some From Frank Shaub and Some From Marc Zajonc.

This is what i Know about Dons line, this is all from memory so it might not be entirely correct.

He got a pair off a friend who said that they were wild collected from the upper keys.

breed together they reproduced the look. they were bred to normal bloodreds which only produced normal looking bloods, this suggested that it was not a geographic variant that was causing the colouration of the rosy bloods because that would have produced a mix hatchlings varying from normal bloods to rosy bloods and many stages inbetween.

they were bred to a snow motley(i think) and the hets bred together, out of this a kastanie looking snake was produced along with what was presumed to be an amel kastanie, the amel version did not survive but i believe that the plain kastanie which was a female i think may be up to breeding size this year(not sure about this).

Don has also imported some corns from South Africa which are called 'Java's, i believe he has imported a mix of males and females of Javas, Java motleys, Java Amels and possibly Amel Java Motleys. the Amel Javas look very like the Kastanie amels but the Plain Javas don't look particularly like plain Kastanies. I think Don is expecting at least one of the males to be up to breeding size this year but i am not sure about the females.

i know Don Soderburg Carol Huddlestone of Lowbellyreptiles, Rob stevens of Bayou Reptiles have Rosy bloods but i dont know who else. Myself, Don, and KJ have all got hatchlings from last years breeding of the Rosy bloods to various other morphs, I expect other have some but i don't know whom.

I have stock direct from Frank Schaub and direct from Don Soderberg and i intend to breed these together to see if they are the same gene. Don and Myself have compared Photos of his possible Kastanie from his rosy blood lines to photos of my Kastanie from Frank Schaub and we agree that they do look very similar.

A couple Photos of an 08 Kastanie of mine from Frank Schaub.

P9200610 mod.jpg
P9210520 mod.jpg

Pa180539 mod.jpg
Pa180541 mod.jpg
Pa180542 mod.jpg

i will try and get some more photos this evening.

FYI> I posted most of the information that would come from Don in a thread on my forum already. Don and I worked on the write-up together...and lots of HIS images are posted there.
thanks kjun! I forgot this thread.

I've got a couple 07' normals het amel kastanie blood which are probably ready to breed this summer. I do hope there is at least one kastanieblood hatchling in the clutch. Frank does the same pairing with a few more females, so I hope this year the rosyblood, kastanieblood, whateverblood question will be solved...partially ;)
Awesome. I know myself (and likely a bunch of others) will be excited to see/hear your results!
Don has also imported some corns from South Africa which are called 'Java's, i believe he has imported a mix of males and females of Javas, Java motleys, Java Amels and possibly Amel Java Motleys. the Amel Javas look very like the Kastanie amels but the Plain Javas don't look particularly like plain Kastanies. I think Don is expecting at least one of the males to be up to breeding size this year but i am not sure about the females.

Hey everyone

I have one of the java's (South Africa), and must say that the java itself does not look particularly too much like the kastanies, and as Torsten has noted the amel version of the Java ( called Tangerine here in SA) is almost an exact match to the Amel Kastanies.

here's some of the my "java" for comparisson.










Would truly love some opinions on these
I am guessing that picture is of an 08? these photos were from the beginning of February at about 55g.

P2030058 mod.jpg

P2030059 mod.jpg

There is certainly a big difference between the Javas and the Kastanies, but is that selective breeding/differences in the morph, we all know of the huge range of colours that 'normals' come in.

It will be interesting to see what this season brings!
Huge difference !!

Yeah, these are of an 08 critter, as a hatchling it appeared to be very much like an anery, and with age has developed the orange-brown tint (for lack of a better word)

Your kastanies are fantastic Torsten
Im hoping Don will prove these out very soon.

The java's here have been crossed into a variation of morphs already,including motley, bloodred,anery a, Stripe, so all we need to do now is wait :)

Hold thumbs
I agree with torsten. I see differences too, but I'm also confused about what linebreeding does to the kastanie gene. I think it's possible, that another line can distort the ordinary colours of kastanie, they look really similar but not the same - think about the rosybloods...but it's hard to make a discussion about that without prooving out the compatibility of these gens.

My 1.1 normals het amel kastanie blood are ready to breed now, if there are a few kastanie/mandarins in the clutch I try to send them to the United States. Hopefully this solves the question a bit more...

btw @torsten
your kastanie is a stunner! One of the brightest I've seen so far. I'm really looking forward to the first hypo kastanie when I look at your pictures!
bloodred,anery a, Stripe

Any chance of pictures of these??? ;)

btw @torsten
your kastanie is a stunner! One of the brightest I've seen so far. I'm really looking forward to the first hypo kastanie when I look at your pictures!
Thanks ;)
i know Don Soderburg Carol Huddlestone of Lowbellyreptiles, Rob stevens of Bayou Reptiles have Rosy bloods but i dont know who else. Myself, Don, and KJ have all got hatchlings from last years breeding of the Rosy bloods to various other morphs, I expect other have some but i don't know whom.

I have one female "Rosy Bloodred" that I'm playing with here.

A few years ago I sold off my collection to Rob & Louise (Bayou Reptiles) and I had a pair of Rosy Bloodreds at that time, which came directly from Don.
The female I have now is from those adults at Bayou Reptiles now.

This is her first year breeding, (Pic. included) so I plugged her into something to start a new project.

Lavender het Sunkissed X Rosy Bloodred

I think it will be fun and exciting once the F2 generation of this project start to pip.
I also recived a pair of F1's from Rob last year from the breeding of

Amber X Rosy Bloodred

:crazy02: BOUT' CORNS !!


  • Lavender het Sunkissed X Rosy Bloodred (AW51).jpg
    Lavender het Sunkissed X Rosy Bloodred (AW51).jpg
    116.2 KB · Views: 445
A couple Photos of an 08 Kastanie of mine from Frank Schaub.

View attachment 98905
View attachment 98906

View attachment 98907
View attachment 98908
View attachment 98909

i will try and get some more photos this evening.


This is as far as I got through reading and then I INSTANTLY needed to post a response.

Those last pics of the kastanie babies are MIND-BLOWING!!!! That's exactly the look I'd love to breed to an adult miami: clean pale grey background and yellowy rich tan brown saddles! Gorgeous.

I'd love to see a progression thread of these ones!
Please? :D
A pleasant surprise

Last season I bred the following: hypo bloodred x hypo upper keys ( rosy).
:awcrap:I must admit I was rather surprised to find aprox 1/2 the clutch hypo rosy blood & the rest hypo rosy.
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FYI I showed Frank Schaub pictures of javas and tangerines. He says there is a chance that these snakes are kastanie corns but he isn't sure.

I think breeding trials are the only way to solve the problem :eek1:
Yea, Breeding trials need to be done at some point for us to know for sure, I hope to test The rosybloods against the kastanies in 2010 and i assume that Don will test his rosybloods against the Javas in 2010 if not this year so we should know next year!