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Licensed to Kill

"As Dean has told me, only moderators have the power to tell people what to do."

Somehow, I think either that is not a direct quote, or that we are losing context.

I'm not 100% sure if you're talking about my quote or his (I'm pretty sure you mean his), but for the record, mine is certainly a direct quote, not taken out of context.

But enough of my blather, I don't want anyone to think I have it out for the guy or anything. I know I've seen a lot of other amusing signs and slogans around town, I just can't for the life of me remember them on the spot.

I do love my Penny Arcade bumper stickers though.

Here's what i have on the back of my VW.. :) It is two hands making a V and a W.. if you couldn't tell haha It's not really that funny, just think its kinda cool :)

Why don't they just hang some of those fake testicles from the trailer hitch to complete the look?

I honestly did not believe those were a real product people actually bought until I saw some on a truck. Whhhhhhhyyyyyyy
We have a lumber company down the street that is called "Long Hardwood". I have wanted to take a pic of that sign for ages and never have...

I also saw in Alaska many years ago a skateboard/snowboard shop called "Broken Bones".

We also have signs at the local parks instructing people not to molest the alligators.

Edit to add - I need to get a scanner...I have a pic of a Bigfoot Crossing sign from somewhere in Colorado as well but it was before I had a digital camera....
Why don't they just hang some of those fake testicles from the trailer hitch to complete the look?

I've never seen any of the fake testicles for sale. If I find some, I'm thinking of hanging them and a pair of scissors from my dashboard mirror :roflmao:
Since there seems to be some toilet pix here, I have to pass along a hilarious description by a friend of mine about the time she took a piss on an Indian train. She is an American nurse, and hubby is a doc from India, and they live here but had gone on a trip. Apparently the rest of the world does not necessarily have toilet seats like we do here. Some places expect that one sort of squat down with no benefit of seat. She was saying that there she was on the train, and she felt Nature call. She went to 'the area' which was a hole in the bottom of the train, and had to lift the sari she was wearing, balance herself while the train was moving, and do her thing.
When she returned, she was told by her hubbyy that the train did in fact have 'American' bathrooms as well.
Back when I was in the Squad, I once got this awesome message...


Adaware has been around for a long, long time it seems.