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Likely obstruction--paper towel

Sorry about your snake. I hope she can pass that, one way or another.

If it were my snake, and I couldn't get her to a vet that seems like he/she knows what they're doing, I'd try to make her regurge.
How do you make a snake regurgitate? I know how to help out a dog or cat, but not a reptile.
The only way I could think of to make her regurge would to take away her heat. Then again that sounds to me that could be equally dangerous and I'm not really sure that's what I would choose to do. Her lump doesn't look as big as the one Zach's snake had, so maybe the mineral oil will work. I'll have my fingers crossed for you two.
Well, one of my '05s was having a very bad shed once, so I put him under a damp towel to try and help him out. After crawling around under it for a few minutes he regurged. It'd been three days since he'd eaten so there wasn't much left, but he did it just the same.
Yes, I would bet the only way that paper blob will be coming out is through the mouth. Hopefully she'll keep herself well hydrated and can bring it up without a problem. You've heard the story of Zach's boa. Personally I'd avoid oil as it will coat the paper, yes, but make it waterproof and therefore not allow water in to soften it and try to break it up.

If you can, I would call Todd (Driggers, Foothills Mobile Exotics). I worked with him for 3 years and he's a great guy and vet. He's my pick of the AZ local exotics vets.

Fingers crossed for you and your little one.

For others reading who are cage feeders on paper, paper plates work great. You can quarter them or get those small ones and they're too rigid to ingest, with the same advantage of being cheap and disposable.

I personally keep a deli cup in the cages that I keep upside down until feeding day (to thwart their urge to poo in the darn thing if left upright).
Thanks for the reference. Couldn't get back to the internet while I was in physical therapy. I'll go call him now. *fingers crossed*
Will do. Thanks. I have a 4:30 appt. My friend Teague is going to take me home to get the snake, and then to the appt. (I'm not allowed to drive for 4 WEEKS! UGH!) Luckily we have a few hours before then for all the driving. I'm in Tempe now and I live in Phoenix. :) Oh well. I'm not optimistic about the outcome, but at least whatever decisions I make will be informed by someone who actually knows something. Thanks Liam/Cameron/Hurley for the reference.
I'm really sorry to hear this has happened to someone else.

With mine it was a whole paper towel, but given the size difference between my little boa and your little corn, I'd say there really isn't much difference.

I'm with Connie, saying there's no way it's coming out unless it reverses course somehow, and have NO faith in mineral oil. (In retrospect, it sounds like an old wives' tail to me)It's definitely too far down to risk forceps, so I sincerely hope the vet can find some relatively harmless method of inducing a regurg.

Good luck, I'm pulling for the little one!

And to all who read this thread, take note! :wavey:
Well all,

I went for a little visit with Todd Driggers. And it just so happened, it was more of a visit than a vet appt. He's just been to Costa Rica, as Liam/Cameron (I never know which of you actually posts from that username) suggested. So we chatted about that and he showed Teague (a fellow primatology PhD student) and me all his Costa Rica photos. And we all talked about population-level phenotypic variation in Dendrobates pumilio, and all about scarlet macaws and green macaws, and so on and so forth, because we've all been to different parts of Costa Rica in the not too distant past. And then, we talked about chimps. Turns out, he visits the Primate Foundation of Arizona once a month as an assisting vet, and knows all my favorite chimps, and all of my favorite people there, as I collected my masters data there. And then we talked about enrichment, because he's working on some stuff with enrichment for birds. Enrichment (i.e., making sure primates in captivity are busy enough to not go crazy and pull all their fur out) has always been a big issue in primatology. And we talked about Madagascar, because I'll be going for my dissertation data collection and was there after undergrad and he's always wanted to go, and on and on. I think we talked for an hour after the appointment. So I had a fabulous time and I think he did too! And he says hello, Connie!

But for the snake! You want to know about the snake! He isn't worried. He told me to swim her at least once a day in warm water. And once a day I give her a cc of what is basically metamucil. Mix up this powder he gave me, stick the tiny catheter down her throat, voila. This is will be my first time gavaging a non-mammal. It seemed a lot easier than gavaging a 50-lb flailing dog. And I warm her up a little. And he thinks that a week from now, it will have passed, hopefully in smaller pieces than it is in now. He gave her today's cc of metamucil, and the think does look a little smaller than when I took her. So I asked about how I should humanely euthanize her if it doesn't pass and gets bad. And he said, "I'll show you what we'll do." And he took me in the back and started putting little tubes inside other tubes, and I finally caught on that he wasn't showing me how he would euthanize her, but that those tubes were going to go DOWN the snake if it got bad and the thing had to come out. And he said something about a scope and I really, surely understood, and then he pinched something somewhere and these beautiful tiny little alligator forceps ends opened up at the end of the contraption. But basically, he feels pretty confident that the metamucil/swimming/warm treatment will do the job. But if it doesn't, there is a non-surgical (read: non-ridiculously expensive) solution. So. THANK YOU for recommending a good vet. I feel SO much less guilty now, and I actually feel optimistic now! Which is so great, and not an outcome I expected.

I'll keep you all posted. Dumb snake.

Dumb keeper.

I guess we're even, she and I. :)
I'm so sorry to hear about your little snake! I'm also glad to hear that the prognosis (sp?) from the vet seems to be positive - whether it comes out in the end on its own or if it has to be carefully pulled out. Keep us posted on her progress and we'll keep our fingers crossed for her!

So I gavaged her today. First time for me, second time for her. So she's now been forced to take in 2 ccs of fluid. I think the lump seems a bit smaller and a bit softer today, but I don't know if that's wishful thinking on my part. :rolleyes: She is still acting normally, and I am quite pleased. :)


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It came out!

So I came home from a party last night and it was out. :dancer:

But now I realize I don't know which end it came out! I guess it's possible that it came out the back end (which is how the vet thought it would come out), but I suppose the best course of action is to assume it was a regurge and treat her accordingly.


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desertanimal said:
So I came home from a party last night and it was out. :dancer:

But now I realize I don't know which end it came out! I guess it's possible that it came out the back end (which is how the vet thought it would come out), but I suppose the best course of action is to assume it was a regurge and treat her accordingly.

That's GREAT! :dancer: :dancer: :dancer:
It looks like it was a regurge, no urates (sp?).
Woo Hoo! That is wonderful.

My first thoughts was that it looked like a regurge.

