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Me or the lps "reptile expert?"

Good luck on getting her to listen to reason. If all else fails, you can report her to the proper authorities.

:-offtopic Kimberly, dogs don't HAVE to be in the house to be happy and healthy. Just because they are kept in the yard doesn't mean they are neglected. As long as they have food, water, and appropriate shelter they will be fine. I used to have a dog that refused to come into the house and he was very healthy and happy.
danigurrl you're really stuck between a rock and a hard place...i'm glad you didnt dump your friend, because the animals would have still suffered. good idea with going to the boyfriend. it will take patience and time, but if her boyfriend cuts her off then maybe she will give up some of the animals.

:-offtopic i've been around dogs all my life and i work with dogs with all sorts of behavior issues at the shelter. there is a difference between a dog that wants to desperately be near you and is forced to be outside than one that wants to be outside. my neighbor's dog spends most of her days outside on a chain. she desperately wants a lap to lay on. when i'm off work, with our neighbor's permission, i let their dog off the chain and we go in my house. and she's allowed on the dog's furniture. yes my dogs have their own furniture, which consists of a couple futons. she's as happy as can be to be inside and get to play with my dogs. when she's out on the chain, she just lays there. she's only allowed inside my neighbor's house when it's raining out or too cold. and there are dogs and cats who like being outdoors, i have a cat that hates to be inside. she will sit at the door and cry until i let her out. i've met dogs that are the same way. but it's rare that a dog wouldnt want to be indoors and lay on a soft bed or be around their people.
Here in central Texas, it is often over 100F, and gets up to 115F a few days every year. It was 102F in Febrauary a couple of years back. Its hot in the shade as well. My neighbor's dogs cry and cry for attention, and my dog cries for them. I never see my neighbors in the backyard, except to throw food out there now and then. The neighbors on my other side (who have moved) had a puppy (for a while until they got sick of her) and did the same thing. Those dogs wanted in. Those dogs were unhappy. My friend Jennifer has her dog out alot, but he comes inside as well. I think that some dogs who are out a lot might like it, I guess, but many don't.
:-offtopic see now THAT'S neglect. it's too hot for them to be out there like that. if it's too hot out for you, imagine having a fur coat on too. and if no one ever comes out and plays with them or pays them any attention thats just sad.
:-offtopic ok I'll admit something, seeing as I doubt the people concerned would ever read this, I did report someone anonymously for neglecting their dog, several people had approached them and got abused and threatened, so I got on the 'phone and explained the situation. The dog was monitored, and the people got fed up getting checked and let it be rehomed. I just couldn't stand hearing and seeing the poor thing suffering any more.
@ danigurrl: I think what you are doing by trying to reason with your friend is really nice but it seems that she is stuck in a cycle and will not get out of it without some neutral intervention. I generally do not reporting people but sometimes you have no choice :(

@ Tyger9791: the fur actually acts like an insulating material, it protects the animal against the cold and the heat but I agree that some temperature are much too much for any animals unless they are scorpions and the likes.

@ Diamondlil: good on you, I would have done the same thing! :cheers:
One last Update!!

One last update on the hatchling who wouldn't eat!!

He's eatting GREAT. He eats one large pink every 5 days. He is in blue right now, and still ate his pink right on schedule (!!!)

And the best news is.... HE'S STAYING WITH ME!! :crazy02: :crazy02: :crazy02: My friend said he mustn't have been happy with her, and he's doing so well with me that I could keep him!!

Unfortunantly she is still hoarding animals. They just purchased a rosy tail boa. She's been having a lot of problems with her animals lately though, so hopefully she wakes up because I can't stop her.

I told her that if she ever needed a home for her snow corn, Nanni, I'd be happy to take her too.
kimbyra said:
My neighbor's dogs cry and cry for attention, and my dog cries for them. I never see my neighbors in the backyard, except to throw food out there now and then. The neighbors on my other side (who have moved) had a puppy (for a while until they got sick of her) and did the same thing. Those dogs wanted in. Those dogs were unhappy.

Thats so sad, It reminds me a lot of a situation years ago, when my beloved dog Molly (Who sadly was put to sleep a couple years ago due to a brain tumour) had puppies, She was a a black Collie/Lab mix and her puppies were part Collie/Lab and part Husky - They looked absolutley gorgeous, she had six, one girl and five boys.

Anyway, one of our neighbours took home one of the boys, a beautiful golden colour, and they lived next door. So I watched him grow up. Unfortunately, in poor conditions. With Molly, HIS MUM, Next door, living happily. :cry:

They kept the two dogs (other being an alsatian) in a pen in the back garden, with a flimsy home-made kennel, they never cleaned up this pen, never let them in the house. And NEVER took them for walks. Now, of course every dog needs exercise, but Grungeball (His nickname for the brief time we had him) had his Husky urges, very energetic and would run for miles if he could. It was heartbreaking to watch these two poor dogs from my bedroom window.

They're excuse for not walking them? They were "too strong for us",
Naturally we had to do something, so we called the RSPCA - I can't even remember them doing anything. And last time I went back (just less than a year ago.) They were still in the pen. The pups were born in '98..

Sorry for my long post. I don't get to really talk about it much I guess. Just needed to rant.
Marty, that's too sad, no wonder you needed to rant, people like that don't deserve animals, and when it's one you've bred yourself........our dog was a gift from some friends, she'll lead the happy and full life she deserves, right now she's successfully whined enough to get a whole bag of prawn crackers to munch
danigurrl said:
One last update on the hatchling who wouldn't eat!!

He's eatting GREAT. He eats one large pink every 5 days. He is in blue right now, and still ate his pink right on schedule (!!!)

And the best news is.... HE'S STAYING WITH ME!! :crazy02: :crazy02: :crazy02: My friend said he mustn't have been happy with her, and he's doing so well with me that I could keep him!!

Unfortunantly she is still hoarding animals. They just purchased a rosy tail boa. She's been having a lot of problems with her animals lately though, so hopefully she wakes up because I can't stop her.

I told her that if she ever needed a home for her snow corn, Nanni, I'd be happy to take her too.

did you mean a red-tail boa or a rosy boa? :shrugs: i've just read through this thread and i think the only thing you can really do is report your friend. I know it sounds bad,but the welfare of those animals is at stake. I know if it was me,i'd have done it a few pages back. I can see why your reluctant to do it,but when you go to work for the SPCA you'll have to deal with similar situations and worse. At the end of the day,it comes down to either betraying a friend or betraying the animals. I hope you make the right choice.