A major set back this morning. Bertie's recall has been so good, I've been gradually trusting him again, but no more. As soon as he was off lead to play he bolted off after seagulls. That was ok as we were in a big field, then he described a huge circle and then straight over a low wall and cross a busy road. Along the path alongside the road then back across through heavy traffic, a big circle of the field and back to me.
When I say heavy traffic I mean a constant stream of cars and lorries, how he wasn't hit or an accident caused is beyond belief. He was very pleased with his adventure and offered a lovely sit at my feet when he did get back to me.
Of course I praised him, causing him to squirm in delight at his cleverness and then we had the most beautiful lead walk while my heartrate eventually slowed to normal. That's it for Bertie free running in any open ground. I've got the 30 foot tracker lead and I shall get a longer one, but unless I can find safe, enclosed areas, he's lost his freedom. It's that or risk his life and possibly people on the road.