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Millicent - Amelanistic/Reverse Okeetee (Progression Thread)

I got my female Amel/Reverse Okeetee on December 19th, 2007.


1. Here's my baby Millicent pretending to be a ball python, right after i brought her home, before i released her into her tank. SOOOO little and cute!! December 19th 2007.


2. Another shot to show her size. December 19th 2007.


3. LOOK at her colors popping! (and how much bigger she is in my hand!!) May 26th, 2008.


4. Another show of her lovely colors. May 26th 2008.


5. Me and Milly hanging out before feeding. May 26th 2008.


6. Milly noming her fuzzy! May 26th 2008.


7. Milly weighing in at FORTY FIVE (45) grams!!!! She was about 8 or 9 grams when i first got her, she has more than QUADRUPLED in size!! May 26th 2008.


8. Cruisin' around after a nice, hefty meal!! May 26th 2008.


9. Milly's 50gallon exoterra viv!! May 26th 2008.


10. And another shot with nicer lighting. May 26th 2008.

Lovely progression! Milly's growing well and her colours are really starting to intensify now!
so it's been almost 3 months since i posted this thread, before/during the next feeding i will take some pictures to show her growth again!
She was SO tiny when you got her--she grew so much! They grow really fast at that age--I got my girl at about 15g and today she weighed at 36g--I think she still hasn't pooed her last meal, but that is besides the point--which is they grow so fast! I can't wait to see the pics of how Milly has grown since these pictures!
Millicant looks so much like an RO that I received from Michelle (Thanks, Michelle) last week! Millicent is so beautiful! Hope to see more of her as she continues to grow and grow! NICE VIV too!


1. Milly bein' cute beside her water dish! August 5th, 2008


2. Comparison to the picture in the original post, she's HUGE now! August 5th, 2008


3. Milly thinks she can still fit in the little tube. September 3rd, 2008


4. Explorin'. September 3rd, 2008


5. Hidin' out in her tree stump. September 7th, 2008


6. NOM NOM NOM HOPPER! September 11th, 2008


7. Milly weighing in at a whopping 100 grams! she was approxamatley 8 grams when i got her!
I loooovelovelove the picture of her in her stump! She's looking awesome, I can't wait til my little guy gets big!

ps: Love her viv too, looks like so much fun! haha
Millicant looks so much like an RO that I received from Michelle (Thanks, Michelle) last week! Millicent is so beautiful! Hope to see more of her as she continues to grow and grow! NICE VIV too!


yes, i actually saw your thread with..Corrine i think it is? and she is just GORGEOUS!!!!! i love how her borders are really thick towards her head, Milly keeps getting brighter and whiter too though, i anticipate every shed!

Shes gorgeous (off topic, I have that lip piercing)

cool! vertical labrets are awesome! i thought it would hurt so much more than any other piercing...i have no idea why but when i got it done i was just like "ummm... is that it? really?" but yeah the other night i had a dream that my VL was gone and i woke up freaked right out!

and thanks everyone else for the comments on my first baby snake! she has went from a teeeeeeeny tiny 6ish grams when i first got her, to a huge 106grams!
well, i haven't posted any pictures since Milly hit the 100g mark, and i'm glad to say she is probably nearing, if not surpassing, the 300g mark! here are a few pictures, i am going to take some new ones on the next feeding/weighing, which will probably be on thursday


1. November 10, 2008


2. November 13, 2008. Milly weighing in at 182g! We'll see how big she is on Thursday!


3. December 4, 2008. Milly having a fresh killed snack!


4. December 4, 2008. And down the hatch it goes...


5. December 6, 2008. Milly's new rack/stand!


6. February 12, 2009. Milly cruisin' around in my hand, IMPOSSIBLE to believe she is the same girl in the first picture i posted in this thread, she has grown SO MUCH!

anyways, that's it for now, updated pictures again soon!
:-offtopic How well does that medium fountain work? How do you have it plugged in without the cord causing a passageway for escape? Must be doing alright considering it's survived the length of the progression so far.

I've seen those at the store and wondered about them. First I considered them for Poison Dart Frogs, but hey, why not in a Corn cage? I just happen to have a $25 PetCo gift certificate laying around..