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Moving a few out


ACR Breeder # 787
It's that time for me to evaluate my current quantity of snakes vs. the amount of projects and babies on the way.

A few of my snakes just do not fit into my plans anymore thus I am putting them up for sale.

NOTE that all of my snakes are considered pets first at my home and I am not short financially; so most prices are firm.
I may be willing to do trades with a gene that would fit into my breeding plans or one that I do not currently have in my collection.
PM me, it never hurts to ask!

All pictures were taken today, quickly, outside without flash with the exception of the snakes in their lay boxes.
All snakes were fed today as well, thus a slight lump.

As I said, these are considered pets. I can and will, evaluate where my snakes are going prior to sell and reserve the right to refuse service to anyone I deem unable to properly handle them at that given time.

Prices do not include shipping and buyer pays shipping.

Also note - the snakes that have never been bred have also never been verified the sex by myself and were purchased from the original breeder labeled as they are being labeled here.

I will be adding more snakes and pictures as time allows.
Thank you for your time.


First is a 2010 Female Anery, PH Bloodred. She originally came from Evergreen Reptiles. She's never been bred. Asking $80.00


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2010 Female Silver Queen Ghost. No known hets. Never been bred. Originated with Evergreen Reptiles. $100.00


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2010 Lava ph anery Female. JP stock. Never been bred.
Very pretty girl in person.


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2010 Lava ph Anery Male. JP stock.
Another one that I am waffling about selling. I am firm on this guy. He's absolutely beautiful and the camera doesn't do him justice.
I believe he's redcoat/red factor. His red is startling in person.
He bred this year and the pair resulted in 2 good eggs and 5 slugs.

I'm asking $160 for him; but again won't be heart broken if he doesn't sell.


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Female het sunkissed sunglow ph hypo anery. Purchased from Katie 2 years ago. Has been a good producer with some beautiful sunkissed babies.
She's currently in her laybox but will ship her after she's laid, shed and had a meal.


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Sunkissed female. This female was purchased a few years back at the Florida international reptile expo. I've paired her over the last few years with a dark sunkissed male and her babies have been phenomenal (Autumn, this is the mom to you little dark one!).
She's currently in a laybox right now but I will ship after she's laid, shed and had a meal.


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2011 Male strawberry ph amel, I suspect he is strawberr/hypo ph amel due to his coloration. From Don Soderberg. Never been bred. I've got quite a few strawberries and have decided to let a few go.
$120.00 firm on this guy.


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ALSO I wanted to note that I'm definitely willing to do package deals if you're interested in more than 1.

2009 Female Lavender, from a zig zag line. From Evergreen Reptiles. She laid a good clutch of eggs today, and I've got quite a few babies from her. She's a beautiful example of a lavender and has laid the last 2 years easily.
I'm asking $75 for her.


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The opal is very laid back, the amel is much more active. She's not aggressive but she's always busy moving around and can get overly excited during feeding time.
Additional information request

Can you email me any additional photos you have. I would like to touch base (via email) to discuss location/shipping options. [email protected]
I give classroom presentations with children so a docile snake is a must have. Thank you for your speedy reply.
Adding more.

This is Toki.
I purchased him at Daytona two years ago, so I am not sure of his age.
He was sold to me as a ghost stripe and I haven't paired him with a hypo to be sure so he may be a really light anery stripe instead.
He's had some really nice babies and his babies ended up having a really nice hypo affect, even as normals.
I just took this picture today and he's in deep shed.
I'm asking $110 for him.

I should link my Iherp pages for these guys. I forget to do that. That way he can be seen while not in shed.
Here's his Iherp for more pictures:


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2009 Blood Red (possibly) Female. This girl was sold to me by Evergreen Reptiles as a blood red. She doesn't really look blood red to me, or is a poor example.
I've never bred her, so I don't know if she has any hets.
She's always been a good girl and I've just kept her as a pet.

Here's her Iherp:

For her, I'm asking $90 SHIPPED.


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Available snakes

I'm interested in a couple of your corn snakes. Are the anery stripe and or silverqueen still available?
Hi Matt, sorry, I should have updated this but they Anery Stripe has been sold. The Silverqueen is still available though!
Wow. I want her, but I'm gonna need to do some space manipulation first. You said 100$ firm? What's shipping time ate to 77904 in Texas?
