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My 4 month old corn wont kill before he eats?

starsevol...I think that is a rather blanket statement to make about an entire country. Unless you have been to or have been raised there, its just an assumption you've made based on Darksmoke's less than stellar values concerning animals. I think assuming he was raised in a HOME that had very little compassion for other living things may be more on target.

Apparently this person values watching a mouse get tortured to death more than he values his snake.

That is the truest statement in this post as we have at least read about his lack of interest in the suffering of a living creature. WE can't assume that one person represents and entire country.
I know that Pepper. My point is that this person was raised in an atmosphere where animal cruelty is an everyday occurance. Instead of listening to us, and feeling SOME sense of responsibility for his snake or compassion for the mouse, he defends his cruelty by saying that asians are crueller.
I like to think that people can LEARN....but when raised in a place where animals have no purpose except for food or barbaric entertainment, what can we expect?

Apparently this person values watching a mouse get tortured to death more than he values his snake.

It IS pretty sad when a FEEDER mouse does its job. Please, GET OVER IT! You arent going to change someone on a forum becuase YOU think its a bad thing. My god. lol
It IS pretty sad when a FEEDER mouse does its job. Please, GET OVER IT! You arent going to change someone on a forum becuase YOU think its a bad thing. My god. lol

NOPE. I'm NOT going to "get over it". Ain't gonna happen!!
Some things ARE neccessary, SOME things are NOT.
UNECCESSARY cruelty is something I will ALWAYS Speak up about.

And I am not the only one who thinks it's a "bad thing" either.
Umm look around, o you who does not read the entire thread....
read what people who know much more than either of us have to say about this matter.

There are people who would like nothing better than to ban reptile keeping completely.
Why give them ammo?
Why perpetuate "certain" stereotypes?
You arent the only one... I never said you were. I dont think its necessary either hence this thread. Reptiles will never get banned dont kid yourself.
All Im saying is that you are wasting your time trying to convince people. Especially people you are calling names, stereotyping and making fun of where they are from? I mean really? you are 47 years old... I realize boredom is there, but honestly I think you got your point across and are now just making an ass out of yourself.
You arent the only one... I never said you were. I dont think its necessary either hence this thread. Reptiles will never get banned dont kid yourself.

Are you sure about that?
Right this minute reptiles ARE banned in Detroit.
Right this minute there ARE bills circulating through Congress trying to ban boas and pythons.
Right now HSUS and PETA is doing everything in their power to aid the government in banning reptiles.
Don't kid yourself......
All Im saying is that you are wasting your time trying to convince people. Especially people you are calling names, stereotyping and making fun of where they are from? I mean really? you are 47 years old... I realize boredom is there, but honestly I think you got your point across and are now just making an ass out of yourself.

No, I didn't get my point across. To that one anyway.
You DO realize that there are certain corners of this world where thoughtless animal cruelty is commonplace.
You can do things to animals in China (or Malta) that would get you thrown in prison here.
Sad fact, but a fact nonetheless.
This person was raised that way.
Doesn't mean ALL aspects of that corner of the world are bad, but THAT aspect sure is.
You arent the only one... I never said you were. I dont think its necessary either hence this thread. Reptiles will never get banned dont kid yourself.
HAHAHAHHAHA. Reptiles, especially snakes, are always on the edge of being banned, because HSUS and PETA know that people fear them and so they'll be an easy foot in the door to convincing congressmen to ban other exotics, like fish and birds, followed by things like ferrets and rats, followed by... idk, cats and dogs? Learn your stuff before you go telling people that their hobby, which they've invested thousands of dollars and over ten or twenty years in some cases to. And don't kid yourself.
starsevol...I think that is a rather blanket statement to make about an entire country. Unless you have been to or have been raised there, its just an assumption you've made based on Darksmoke's less than stellar values concerning animals. I think assuming he was raised in a HOME that had very little compassion for other living things may be more on target.

That is the truest statement in this post as we have at least read about his lack of interest in the suffering of a living creature. WE can't assume that one person represents and entire country.
He himself stated that in his country when a mouse is seen, everyone practically dogpiles to kill it with no remorse. I agree Beth's statement was a little out there, but try to remember it was in response to WELL AZNS R MOR CROOL SO IT DOESNT MATTER LOL (which my Chinese, Korean, Filipino, Indian, etc friends would likely rip him to shreds for.)
You're right Pepper, he did state that but again you can't accept the perception of an entire country based on one persons statements. It could be true that many people he knows would do this but not necessarily everyone, maybe not even most of them.

I've never been to Malta, hec never been farther than Mexico but judging an entire nation based on one person is not right. You have to admit that his statement that they would all jump on a mouse if given the chance could have been said to defend his lack of sensitivity in this issue. ie. make himself look better.
no sorry, i said that when people see a mouse you hear a bunch of screaming (and by that i meant 90% of the people would be running with fear) and then somebody who's not afraid would kill it, im not good in english, but aparantly you need to learn to read.

there are animalists here who are like you and would make a fuzz out of a dying roach. in my country there is respect for animals. but that doesn;t mean we make a fuzz out of a dying mouse like you. i don't like animals dying for nothing, im one of those persons who hates people killing animal for pleasure, but a mouse is dying as food here, and there should be no regret. in most of the countries people go shoot on animals in their hunting season just for fun. thats what i call cruelity , shooting a deer or a bear for fun. say what you want about my country , but its not in my country that psychopats and serial killers killin people for fun and maniacs and hunters exist. we dont have thos problems here. neither we have problems of being afraid to run in the streets alone afraid of getting raped or shot down like a bird. and you say my country is stupid and ignorat because we kill a mouse in the street or because someone like me feeds live prey to his snake?

sorry , maybe we're not afraid of our stupid ignorant goverment baning snakes from our country like you, thats why i don't have to fear droping a live mouse in my vivarium.i don't need to look like an over reacting paranoid saddist person and feeling a heathache and start shaking for seeing a mouse being constricted by my python for 30seconds. Don't respect me for what i am if you want, but look were you live and see the problems and great stupidity you have in your own country before looking on my side. i admint that my country is not as advanced as yours, and i admit that my country doesn't have alot of inteligence when it comes to these things. fine. but if you want to start seeing which country is worst from mine and yours , you'll gonna have one hell of a list on your side.
On the edge... hmm well Im still looking at my snake just relazing in his viv... no government here. Just because its "on the edge" doesnt mean its going to happen. Remember the hunting laws and gun laws the were "on the edge" of becomming reality? well they arent. Soo there. :)
no sorry, i said that when people see a mouse you hear a bunch of screaming (and by that i meant 90% of the people would be running with fear) and then somebody who's not afraid would kill it, im not good in english, but aparantly you need to learn to read.

there are animalists here who are like you and would make a fuzz out of a dying roach. in my country there is respect for animals. but that doesn;t mean we make a fuzz out of a dying mouse like you. i don't like animals dying for nothing

Lets concentrate on the red part for a moment, please.
im one of those persons who hates people killing animal for pleasure,

This is where you lose me. Your not for killing animals for pleasure? Then why do you feed your snakes live? Especially when there is a safe and effective alternative. Your snake will grow healthy and live long on a diet of Frozen/Thawed feeders. Lets not get confused. We both know you do it because it satisfies some need of your own.

but a mouse is dying as food here, and there should be no regret.

Exactly why you should give it a little dignity and respect, by causing as little suffering as possible. It's a life you know!

in most of the countries people go shoot on animals in their hunting season just for fun. thats what i call cruelity , shooting a deer or a bear for fun. say what you want about my country , but its not in my country that psychopats and serial killers killin people for fun and maniacs and hunters exist. we dont have thos problems here.

You obviously have no clue what you are talking about here. I could write up some long winded response about this, because I'm a hunter, but I will let it go based on the fact that it just baseless ignorance.

neither we have problems of being afraid to run in the streets alone afraid of getting raped or shot down like a bird. and you say my country is stupid and ignorat because we kill a mouse in the street or because someone like me feeds live prey to his snake?

sorry , maybe we're not afraid of our stupid ignorant goverment baning snakes from our country like you, thats why i don't have to fear droping a live mouse in my vivarium.

I need to move to your country. It sounds like a complete UTOPIA! Apparently, there is no such thing as crime there!

i don't need to look like an over reacting paranoid saddist person and feeling a heathache and start shaking for seeing a mouse being constricted by my python for 30seconds.

Don't respect me for what i am if you want, but look were you live and see the problems and great stupidity you have in your own country before looking on my side. i admint that my country is not as advanced as yours, and i admit that my country doesn't have alot of inteligence when it comes to these things. fine. but if you want to start seeing which country is worst from mine and yours , you'll gonna have one hell of a list on your side.

I'm not going to belittle you or call you names. You seem to be set in your ways, though I do not agree with them. It's not the idea that you feed your snake mice. Its the fact that you have little or no remorse or respect for other living things in this world. Something that sets us "humans" apart from other animals in this world.

As I mentioned earlier, you choose to feed your snake live to satisfy some need of your own. Captive bred animals do not enjoy the thrill of killing. They do it to survive. Sometimes at their own peril.

We, as keepers, are responsible for making sure animals that are in our keep, are kept safe and healthy. By subjecting them or the food we feed them, to unnecessary pain and suffering or leaving them open to potential injury, we are not doing our jobs. That is completely irresponsible!

I realize that no matter what I say, you are not going to change your mind. What I could suggest is that you respect the members of this forum for their beliefs and not throw it in their faces that you feed live. That you don't care that they value life of all kind and think it should be treated with a modicum of respect. Especially since you don't like the flak you are taking about this subject.

It's kind of like sticking your hand in a fire. How many times are you going to do it, before you realize your gonna get burned?

Have a good day!

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yes , but you should learn that respect must be gained by respect. and i will never be respected as long as i feed live, so can't respect those who don't respect me. and again this is just an overeacted exegarated thing, sorry i don't see at as cruelty , but it doesn't mean i don't respect life.

and you Say you're a hunter? so thats not cruelty shooting down an animal for fun or because there is enough population so it won't be extinct? and don't tell me you kill the animals HUMANLY or without pain , your still killing for fun what makes you better then me. you just gave me a reason to ignore your ignorance. those animals are alive YOU KNOW, they could have had a whole life infront of them too :).

i respect life AS IS. i love all nature and live, and part of nature will always be things die others are born. again i hate people shooting down animals for fun, or torturing animals for whatever fun they have with it. but i don't see a mouse being constricted by a snake as a cruelty but i will al ways see it as natural and i admire the way these preditors hunt and will always do and there are thousands of people like me and sorry you will never be able to change the whole world. Damn, i will soon hear of keepers injecting brocolli paste with a syring to there snakes so less harm is done or whatever.
yes , but you should learn that respect must be gained by respect. and i will never be respected as long as i feed live, so can't respect those who don't respect me. and again this is just an overeacted exegarated thing, sorry i don't see at as cruelty , but it doesn't mean i don't respect life.

and you Say you're a hunter? so thats not cruelty shooting down an animal for fun or because there is enough population so it won't be extinct? and don't tell me you kill the animals HUMANLY or without pain , your still killing for fun what makes you better then me. you just gave me a reason to ignore your ignorance. those animals are alive YOU KNOW, they could have had a whole life infront of them too :).

i respect life AS IS. i love all nature and live, and part of nature will always be things die others are born. again i hate people shooting down animals for fun, or torturing animals for whatever fun they have with it. but i don't see a mouse being constricted by a snake as a cruelty but i will al ways see it as natural and i admire the way these preditors hunt and will always do and there are thousands of people like me and sorry you will never be able to change the whole world. Damn, i will soon hear of keepers injecting brocolli paste with a syring to there snakes so less harm is done or whatever.

Since you want to push the hunting issue, I guess I will have to address it.

I do not hunt because I enjoy killing. I do it because it serves many purposes. It's a safe and effective method of population control, I enjoy nature and all it provides, it provides food for my family and its a time honored tradition.

And being a hunter, I strive to make sure that if I make a kill, it's as clean and causes as little pain and stress as possible. I practice my marksmanship and make sure that when an opportunity presents itself, I'm able to make the best shot I can. That way I'm not needlessly wounding animals, prolonging their suffering and leaving them for to die at their own convenience. So far, I haven't seen a single animal I shot, suffer.

Now, I'm bothered by your claims that you value life. Especially when its very apparent that you do not. If you did, then you would treat all life with as much dignity and respect as you could. Causing one animal unnecessary suffering, isn't showing respect. It's cruel!

Let me ask you a question. Do you eat meat? Do you get it from your local grocery store? Do you realize that those packages at the grocery store contain the remnants of what used to be a living animal? Do you realize that those animals were killed, probably using a method, that was far less humane, than what a hunter will do to his quarry? And the sad part is, that method is probably far less cruel, then what you do to your feeders, when you feed live.

At least a cow, chicken or pig, isn't squished, crushed or squeezed to death. Dying slowly, feeling bones break or muscle tear, until it finally passes out from asphyxiation. A long and slow process. Ask yourself, how would you prefer to die, if given the choice?

Then do me a favor. Do not post on topics, you obviously have no clue about. Thank you!

Dark, The majority of trophy hunters nowadays donate the meat from their "trophy" deer to feed the poor. That is an act of charity they also enjoy. Most hunters train in the offseason to hit the "sweetspot" that gives almost instant death. They strive to minimize any suffering. I think you are stuck in the 1800s when ignorant morons ravaged the US country side slaughtering animals for furs and tounges and such leaving corpses to rot in the sun. When one hunts for food they are not JUST hunting because they enjoy it. Dispite the world view of the US we are not swimming in food in olympic sized swimming pools on the grounds of million dollar houses here. Most hunters hunt for food for their families. Not "just for fun". Hunting Just For Fun is actually illegal because in my mind "just for fun" means you shoot the animal and move on to the next leaving the first to rot. Which is illegal.

And what the heck is the reference to Broccoli Paste??? That is just plain nuts!

Maybe we should fly you to south america and find a great big anaconda so you could be in the mouse's shoes. . .(OK I know I watch too many movies!)
yes , but you should learn that respect must be gained by respect. and i will never be respected as long as i feed live, so can't respect those who don't respect me. and again this is just an overeacted exegarated thing, sorry i don't see at as cruelty , but it doesn't mean i don't respect life.

and you Say you're a hunter? so thats not cruelty shooting down an animal for fun or because there is enough population so it won't be extinct? and don't tell me you kill the animals HUMANLY or without pain , your still killing for fun what makes you better then me. you just gave me a reason to ignore your ignorance. those animals are alive YOU KNOW, they could have had a whole life infront of them too :).

i respect life AS IS. i love all nature and live, and part of nature will always be things die others are born. again i hate people shooting down animals for fun, or torturing animals for whatever fun they have with it. but i don't see a mouse being constricted by a snake as a cruelty but i will al ways see it as natural and i admire the way these preditors hunt and will always do and there are thousands of people like me and sorry you will never be able to change the whole world. Damn, i will soon hear of keepers injecting brocolli paste with a syring to there snakes so less harm is done or whatever.

Relax man Im trying to back you up. lol I hunt. I love it. There had not been one animal I havent killed in one shot tho. you might call me a sniper or a one hit wonder.
On the edge... hmm well Im still looking at my snake just relazing in his viv... no government here. Just because its "on the edge" doesnt mean its going to happen. Remember the hunting laws and gun laws the were "on the edge" of becomming reality? well they arent. Soo there. :)
S373 is through and awaiting a final vote on the senate floor. HR 669 is still there, kicking around. Just because no one is ripping your animal out of your hands doesn't mean things aren't being done to crash the hobby. If that's your view on every issue ("well, no one's ripping my gun out of my hands, so it must not be happening; well, my city isn't 130* and flooded, so climate change must not be happening") I fear your ability to vote, and strongly urge you not to, as you are clearly incapable of understanding the difference between present issues and future issues.
Yesss! I love talking politics! Especially on a cornsnake forum! wooooo

hahaa you know what? lets try this one now... I wonder what else I can say to piss all of you off. It's suprisingly easy to do, even though I know I'm wrong (i'm not retarded thanks). I came on this forum for some extra knowledge on snakes not my morals and learning new laws. I love how you people can take a thread and totally 180 it and make it something COMPLETLY different than origional intention. Whats next? are you going to tell me that the 10 degree weather here is going to be 80 degrees this time next year? Un-ing-believable. Boy do I LOVE forums.
in case you dont get the full effect: un-****ing- believable. thanks!
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