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My 4 month old corn wont kill before he eats?

Yesss! I love talking politics! Especially on a cornsnake forum! wooooo

hahaa you know what? lets try this one now... I wonder what else I can say to piss all of you off. It's suprisingly easy to do, even though I know I'm wrong (i'm not retarded thanks). I came on this forum for some extra knowledge on snakes not my morals and learning new laws. I love how you people can take a thread and totally 180 it and make it something COMPLETLY different than origional intention. Whats next? are you going to tell me that the 10 degree weather here is going to be 80 degrees this time next year? Un-ing-believable. Boy do I LOVE forums.
And people are happy to give you extra knowledge, even if it means correcting your GENEROUS amounts of mistakes, both in regards to your animal and your behavior.
in case you dont get the full effect: un-******- believable. thanks!

Wow, I read this thread to get here? Next time I'll read the end first.
You know, if you had said something like that in the first place this thread probably wouldn't be five pages long. See ya.
And people are happy to give you extra knowledge, even if it means correcting your GENEROUS amounts of mistakes, both in regards to your animal and your behavior.

Yea... I actually feel bad now. Especailly because you were the one to help me in the first place. Ill be in my cave if anyone needs me.
Maybe we should fly you to south america and find a great big anaconda so you could be in the mouse's shoes. . .(OK I know I watch too many movies!)

*snort* I was thinking the exact same thing lol
no sorry, i said that when people see a mouse you hear a bunch of screaming (and by that i meant 90% of the people would be running with fear) and then somebody who's not afraid would kill it, im not good in english, but aparantly you need to learn to read.

there are animalists here who are like you and would make a fuzz out of a dying roach. in my country there is respect for animals. but that doesn;t mean we make a fuzz out of a dying mouse like you. i don't like animals dying for nothing, im one of those persons who hates people killing animal for pleasure, but a mouse is dying as food here, and there should be no regret. in most of the countries people go shoot on animals in their hunting season just for fun. thats what i call cruelity , shooting a deer or a bear for fun. say what you want about my country , but its not in my country that psychopats and serial killers killin people for fun and maniacs and hunters exist. we dont have thos problems here. neither we have problems of being afraid to run in the streets alone afraid of getting raped or shot down like a bird. and you say my country is stupid and ignorat because we kill a mouse in the street or because someone like me feeds live prey to his snake?

sorry , maybe we're not afraid of our stupid ignorant goverment baning snakes from our country like you, thats why i don't have to fear droping a live mouse in my vivarium.i don't need to look like an over reacting paranoid saddist person and feeling a heathache and start shaking for seeing a mouse being constricted by my python for 30seconds. Don't respect me for what i am if you want, but look were you live and see the problems and great stupidity you have in your own country before looking on my side. i admint that my country is not as advanced as yours, and i admit that my country doesn't have alot of inteligence when it comes to these things. fine. but if you want to start seeing which country is worst from mine and yours , you'll gonna have one hell of a list on your side.

Wayne (Medusacoils) is exactly right.

You are feeding live for yourself, not the snake.
The snake would be SAFER and just as healthy eating f/t.
You have no respect for animals if you put your snake in danger when you don't have to.
You have no respect for animals by allowing the mouse to suffer for no reason.
Right now I have a Florida king, 6 rosy boas, 36 cornsnakes, and 4 cornsnakes that belong to a well respected breeder on here.
The oldest snake is 14. ALL of them are healthy and beautiful. NONE have ever eaten live prey.
You are feeding live for yourself, not the snake.
The snake would be SAFER and just as healthy eating f/t.
You have no respect for animals if you put your snake in danger when you don't have to.
You have no respect for animals by allowing the mouse to suffer for no reason.
Right now I have a Florida king, 6 rosy boas, 36 cornsnakes, and 4 cornsnakes that belong to a well respected breeder on here.
The oldest snake is 14. ALL of them are healthy and beautiful. NONE have ever eaten live prey.

Here here!! Well said.
lol , can i join you ? its an imposible mission here to make a point
i think im gonna buy a load of frozen damn mouse tomorrow so i don't feel the odd one out on here lol.
Yea... I actually feel bad now. Especailly because you were the one to help me in the first place. Ill be in my cave if anyone needs me.
lol , can i join you ? its an imposible mission here to make a point
i think im gonna buy a load of frozen damn mouse tomorrow so i don't feel the odd one out on here lol.
Since you want to push the hunting issue, I guess I will have to address it.

I do not hunt because I enjoy killing. I do it because it serves many purposes. It's a safe and effective method of population control, I enjoy nature and all it provides, it provides food for my family and its a time honored tradition.

And being a hunter, I strive to make sure that if I make a kill, it's as clean and causes as little pain and stress as possible. I practice my marksmanship and make sure that when an opportunity presents itself, I'm able to make the best shot I can. That way I'm not needlessly wounding animals, prolonging their suffering and leaving them for to die at their own convenience. So far, I haven't seen a single animal I shot, suffer.

Now, I'm bothered by your claims that you value life. Especially when its very apparent that you do not. If you did, then you would treat all life with as much dignity and respect as you could. Causing one animal unnecessary suffering, isn't showing respect. It's cruel!

Let me ask you a question. Do you eat meat? Do you get it from your local grocery store? Do you realize that those packages at the grocery store contain the remnants of what used to be a living animal? Do you realize that those animals were killed, probably using a method, that was far less humane, than what a hunter will do to his quarry? And the sad part is, that method is probably far less cruel, then what you do to your feeders, when you feed live.

At least a cow, chicken or pig, isn't squished, crushed or squeezed to death. Dying slowly, feeling bones break or muscle tear, until it finally passes out from asphyxiation. A long and slow process. Ask yourself, how would you prefer to die, if given the choice?

Then do me a favor. Do not post on topics, you obviously have no clue about. Thank you!

Ok so , time to answer you after the weekend.

Now My answer to your Trying to be inteligent post.
now This is my answer to you.
try to imagine that on this planet a race will exist more inteligent and stronger then us.
and they will feel the same way about us as you feel about those animals. they will hunt us down, kill us with one shot in humane maner and without suffering. they will also be controling our over population of humans. so , what would you do in that case? you will say "well they're doing it for food and to control population and in a humane maner, so let em kill us!" "or you would feel that its a bad thing that it happend to us and we can't do anything about it? :)

now, i know you're gonna find a workaround on this too since your that type of guy. also im not trying to go si-fi, just giving you an idea to vision to find yourself in the situation of those animals you hunt, would you still stand for what your saying huh? :)
Ok so , time to answer you after the weekend.

Now My answer to your Trying to be inteligent post.
now This is my answer to you.
try to imagine that on this planet a race will exist more inteligent and stronger then us.
and they will feel the same way about us as you feel about those animals. they will hunt us down, kill us with one shot in humane maner and without suffering. they will also be controling our over population of humans. so , what would you do in that case? you will say "well they're doing it for food and to control population and in a humane maner, so let em kill us!" "or you would feel that its a bad thing that it happend to us and we can't do anything about it? :)

now, i know you're gonna find a workaround on this too since your that type of guy. also im not trying to go si-fi, just giving you an idea to vision to find yourself in the situation of those animals you hunt, would you still stand for what your saying huh? :)

I can see why it took you an entire weekend to come up with that nonsensical response! And it's not worth the effort of a response.

Good Day!

lol , can i join you ? its an imposible mission here to make a point
i think im gonna buy a load of frozen damn mouse tomorrow so i don't feel the odd one out on here lol.

Not sure what point was attempted to be made other than how fun it *might* be to watch a snake crush and eat (sometimes stil live) feeders. However if you really want to get frozen now Mouse factory and rodentpro are both good sources!
I can see why it took you an entire weekend to come up with that nonsensical response! And it's not worth the effort of a response.

Good Day!

well , I knew you find a workaround for this too , but i didn't expect it was gonna be a loosers reply like that :) cause you know im right.
and sorry , in weekend i dont spent them arguing with a hunter wich thinks he's doing something good to nature just because he's not the one beeing hunted lol (Humanly of course!)

but dear sir, if you have a time to come up with answer do cause im curiouse what it would be. but i think it will take you more then 2weekends.
lol , Peace.
Aside from the profanity, which has been addressed, this is the only warning anyone above who has been calling names including but not limited to "retarded," "ass" and "looser" is going to get. Cease and desist now.
Ok so , time to answer you after the weekend.

Now My answer to your Trying to be inteligent post.
now This is my answer to you.
try to imagine that on this planet a race will exist more inteligent and stronger then us.
and they will feel the same way about us as you feel about those animals. they will hunt us down, kill us with one shot in humane maner and without suffering. they will also be controling our over population of humans. so , what would you do in that case? you will say "well they're doing it for food and to control population and in a humane maner, so let em kill us!" "or you would feel that its a bad thing that it happend to us and we can't do anything about it? :)

now, i know you're gonna find a workaround on this too since your that type of guy. also im not trying to go si-fi, just giving you an idea to vision to find yourself in the situation of those animals you hunt, would you still stand for what your saying huh? :)
D, let's try to imagine that scenario. These intelligent beings also keep giant snakes, bigger than the biggest retic or conda, and the snake's favorite food is us. The intelligent beings have a choice most of the time, to keep their pet alive. They can either gas us and we fall unconscious before dying or hey can drop us in the snake's enclosure and let it crush our respiratory system, or possibly just swallow us alive, still kicking and screaming. You're going to die anyways, you've been bred among a small population of humans to be food for these intelligent beings' snakes. Would you rather die in your sleep, or be swallowed alive/crushed?
in that case u i would prefer to be thrown alive in there with a 1% chance of survival like the mouse has :) well lets make it 2 since were more inteligent then mice and snakes will always be snakes like some people say here.

but why are you answering me with a question instead of an answer? :) who knows why, who knows. lol
in that case u i would prefer to be thrown alive in there with a 1% chance of survival like the mouse has :) well lets make it 2 since were more inteligent then mice and snakes will always be snakes like some people say here.

but why are you answering me with a question instead of an answer? :) who knows why, who knows. lol
You wouldn't survive, are you under the impression after you killed their pet they'd let you live? And I'm answering your question live that because it relates to your argument that feeding live is ok. How can you claim to care about people hunting when you'll let a mouse suffer before it dies? It has to die for your snake to live. Everything must die for something else to live unless it survives on photosynthesis. If something is going to die anyways, why not let it die peacefully?
in that case u i would prefer to be thrown alive in there with a 1% chance of survival like the mouse has :) well lets make it 2 since were more inteligent then mice and snakes will always be snakes like some people say here.

but why are you answering me with a question instead of an answer? :) who knows why, who knows. lol

Actually, our chance of survival would be significantly less than a mouse. We're not as agile, not as fast proportionally, and we have no defensive weapons at all and mice at least have their teeth.

So, chance of survival more like 0.001%.
Darksmoke, Let’s try an experiment here. First off, totally ignore everyone else and let’s just you and I have a conversation. Want to try?

18 Years Old from Malta, I find that interesting. I’m going to ask you about that at some point. I know nothing about Malta. Are you male or female? Will you give me a name that I might call you so I don’t have to use Darksmoke?

Do you have an actual question about snakes or are you just responding to the other post? What has led you to your beliefs about life and death and your place on this planet? It is an interesting philosophy, much different than mine or most peoples for that matter. Are you religious? I’m not.

Remember, you must ignore the others, I will as well.
My Name is Seamus, its irish, im male and no im not religious, im on the science part.
no this was not my question, this was a thread wich i tried to share my expirience with the OP in live feeding , when i got ambushed and led to this part.
Hey Seamus, I'm Wade. Yeah, I saw the ambush, that happens a lot around here. Where exactly is Malta. What do you do for a liveing? I am a cabinet maker.