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my new baby boi! lolz!


New member

igot him at a liitle petshop around my town. the guy sez hes gunna grow up as a anuserythristuc or sumfin.

heres my question for u guys alright?
how do i keep him , ive had him for 3 days now he ate his pinkys the first day and the second day but he wont eat today wuts wrong?/??. i have him in a bucket right now covered in liek...wood wif holes in it, liek to hold toolz wif in da garage he can get his head through sometimes but i fink it's ok. i have the bucket next to the the space heater inthe garage. i took the thermomuter from the garage window and it says its about 120 outsid eth bucket so it should egt the ideal 100 inside right? other tehn at, i think hes pretty good until i get apropper like aquarium ya know? i cant afford one for while, my mom doesnt know about him LOL. if she knew sheed flip hahahaha, oh well, hes so cool

CORNSNAKES 4 LIFE!!!!!!1!!!!!!! LOL
Wow, what ever happened to researching about an animals care before you buy it... oh right i guess that takes to much work. :rolleyes: Snakes DO not eat every day. They eat every 5-7 days. Your enclosure is also totally unacceptable. You should be using a rubbermaid or if you like display tanks those are fine as well. A bucket where it can get it's head through is completely unacceptable and will most likely escape. As for your temps again 100 is very high you should be aiming for a warm basking spot or area of around 90 at most and the cool end in the 70's. At night it can drop down in to the low 60's. In the future don;t get an animal if you A) don't know how to take care of it and B) cannot afford a proper enclosure. Your age is no excuse I was 12 when I got my first snake and made sure I did months of research and then made sure I had a proper enclosure set up BEFORE I got the animal.

Also make sure you you don;t handle your corn a day or so after it's eaten to allow it digest.

In the future smarten up, animals should not have to suffer under improper care because of someone's impulsive and ignorant nature.

Sorry to come off harsh but I'm sick of hearing these kind's of stories.
Best of luck to you and your corn
Post some pics when you have everything straightened out
Sorry forgot to add that looks an awful lot like a Cal King not a Cornsnake. But the same temps and care applies.
These kinds of posts make me sick :puke01:
I'm sorry for your snake & I'm sorry that your parents didn't teach you any better :cry:
Fuss up kid! Tell the Mom. You going to need the help. This is way pet shop should sell to kis without an adult. Read this.....
read it now.
Get a plastic sweater box, steralite or something like that with a secure lid and drill holes in it for air. Put newpaper in it for bedding. Buy a under tank heater with a thermemeter. keep tempeture 80- 85%.
Feed one pinky once a week. don't handke for two after feeding.
Get your mom to help
And post the name of this petstore. :flames:
I'm not sure if this is even a real post, and I hope that it isn't. Just in case it is...

Haha like like u dont hav a cornsnake there like OMG...

I agree this is terrible. How would you like to live in a bucket "covered in liek...wood wif holes in it"?
You need to do your homework and learn to take some real responsibility. You're supposed to be caring for a living, breathing animal and this is all the more you know?
I seriously hope you can correct everything you are already doing wrong and that this snake will live.

FWIW, I would start by figuring out what kind of snake you actually have and go from there. :rolleyes:
OH man before I even read the post I was thinking to myself "That looks nothing like a cornsnake, and the pet store told him he was going to grow up to be an anery....wow. And I agree with nicky. Do some research before you buy your next pet. Wow, your 12??? Geez when I was 12 my parents never trusted me with my own money to even by a snake. I feel bad for the snake :(
UK , US ........ It make no difference. And no it didn't look like a corn.
That pet store pissed me off. Not you kid, the pet store. Just there for the money. :flames: :flames:

How much did you buy that snake for anyway. ??
come on kid ...talk. :wavey:
I think the OP is a girl. The ring on her finger pretty much settles that. Poor thing. Both the girl and the snake. Too bad she doesn't have a mom like "ultimateone" or like the cornykids mom. I feel bad for both the kid and the snake. Hopefully the parents will find it before it escapes or dies :sobstory:
Bobo's Mama said:
I think the OP is a girl. The ring on her finger pretty much settles that. Poor thing. Both the girl and the snake. Too bad she doesn't have a mom like "ultimateone" or like the cornykids mom. I feel bad for both the kid and the snake. Hopefully the parents will find it before it escapes or dies :sobstory:

She might just have....a corny cool mom. It's just that the mom dosen't know about the snake.
But if she had a 'corny cool mom' lol She would at least know the basic information, Which clearly,.. is lacking here..
Unfortunately, I think all of the harsh tones and replies, however true they are, may have scared this person off. I do hate how kids love to talk the way they do on the internet, drives me nuts.
Hahahaha, that was hysterical! I for one don't believe for a SECOND that was a real post! However, it was humerous, as we have all seem posts that SEEM this poorly written and thought out in the past.

Isn't it a shame that so many teens, my step daughter included, only perpetuate the problem of poor English skills, through their own laziness on the internet?!?

Oh well, it was a nice picture of a Cal. king at least! :)

zwyatt said:
Well, yeah I mean I do too, but mine is styrofoam wif hols in da side.
God mine is totally ghetto compared to yours! I have one of those macked out minnow buckets, complete with slimy rope used to tie to a boat. :D