Thanks, Catherine! LOL. I try to remember the dimensions of her viv (20-gallon long). Then I try to extrapolate her length from that. It's not uber accurate, but good enough for government work.Those are great pics Fred! Luna sure is a gorgeous little girl. I would love to have a Leucy, but I think I might stick with a Black Rat. I'll be 100% honest... I don't envy you for having to tame her down!
Wait... what am I talking about? Deb is sending me her "devil child" ATB. :headbang: Ok I take that back... I do envy you lol!
Just do what I do (if she'll let you)... get a string and try to measure her with that. Or, let her loose along a wall. Wait... We're talking about an LTR here... maybe thats not a good idea! :grin01:
Yeah... that's what I was thinking. I've already got ONE corn loose in the house - and she's friendly! If I had an LTR loose in the house, I'd be out on my ear!Lol.. I was about to say let it loose against a wall.. Are you nuts?! I'm glad you came to your senses. Lol
Thanks, Rich! Long time no see! We miss ya here, but I do remember you mentioning your other commitments. Thanks for taking the time to gander at Luna!She is absolutely gorgeous, Fred!
Wait... what am I talking about? Deb is sending me her "devil child" ATB. :headbang: Ok I take that back... I do envy you lol!
Thanks! I think it is HORRIBLY hard to take pics of white snakes... the always seem to wash out. BUT with the overcast conditions, I think the pics came out pretty decently. LOL.Wow Fred Luna is gorgeous!! I love how bright white she is with perfect blue eyes
Thank you, Mindy! It doesn't take long either, but she's got a LONG way to go.I can't wait till my Lucy looks like that! She's beautiful Fred! I love her eyes!
Thanks, Jimmy! Why will she get bigger than your BIG boy? Is it because she's a she? If it is, wow. I really never think of those things! Luna is getting big..
Not as big as my big boy but she will get bigger than him. Looks fantastic.
Fred she is wonderful! I am so glad you have her. LTR's are the best. Nothing like a Blue-eyed white snake right?
Sure! Just remember that my first show was ALMOST 1 year ago when I bought Luna. I just updated the thread.If your free I will call you later? Would love to hear about your first show!
YES, you do! Thanks, Rich!WOW!! Luna is absolutely stunning!
I have got to get me a LTR!
Then toy no longer, Angela! You've got to have room for an LTR! LOL.She is gorgeous, Fred! I keep toying with the idea of getting an LTR...