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!!!! My Unexpected EGGS !!!!

Still keeping my fingers crossed down here Brett :)

I'll be waiting on tenterhooks for the egg to hatch ;)

GREAT! Finally some great news I am keeping my fingers crossed it seems to be helping! LOL. come on miracle snake!

thank you guys!
its exciting stuff, even if the egg does hatch therl still be a long way to go with getting the baby to eat and so on. Hopefully everything will go ok from here!
Brett!! this has got to be the most anticipated hatching this season / year lol!
Thank you for the PM update & I am right there hoping this miracle egg hatches & Dizzles managed to leave you with a gift my friend. I literally can't wait for the news now!!
Good Day

I do not want to spread false hope but I have just yesterday read a post somewhere on a reptile Forum of a clutch of CalKing eggs hatching after 114 days. This just proves that in every form of life the will to live is strong. Best of luck.

Brett!! this has got to be the most anticipated hatching this season / year lol!
...I am right there hoping this miracle egg hatches & Dizzles managed to leave you with a gift my friend. I literally can't wait for the news now!!

Tim said it best!
Wow, I really hope that egg hatches!!! Im pullin for ya!...not to Hi-Jack your thread, I just wanted to say that I really appreciate all the info in this post. My candy cane laid 14 eggs but two were bound. I was able to massage one out and after reading this post I got the courage to aspirate the second. Now I just have to wait and see if she can pass the last egg in the next day or so. Thanks again!
hey guys,

no still no pippie but everything still seems to be ok with the egg.

back to playing the waiting game! hes definately waiting to make a late entrance! lol
hey guys,

no still no pippie but everything still seems to be ok with the egg.

back to playing the waiting game! hes definately waiting to make a late entrance! lol

That's great news! Apparently this baby has a sense of drama. S/he instinctively understands that there are people all over the world awaiting his or her arrival and is determined to make a grand entrance!
Hey guys,

well i think that finally, were at the end of the road.

I checked the egg this morning and i can no longer see any veins when i candle the egg, also it has gone a bit soft and squishy and worst of all, a couple of green patches have appeared on the egg. The colours is also going less white by the day.
Unless anything pips in the next couple of days i think im finally going to have to accept that its just not going to happen.
Oh Brett, I'm so sorry to hear that! I have read that eggs can dimple before hatching, and there are photos in the forum of babies hatching from moldy eggs. I'm not giving up yet.
So sorry to hear that! Doesn't sound good. But at least you did everything you could to help - you can try to take comfort in that.
thanks guys!

im not toally giving up on it yet! Its got til tomorrow then i think thats it.

thanks for all the on going support guys.
I tried my best to get some kind of result out of this whole event but if its not meant to be its just not meant to be i suppose.
Tomorrow I would cut it open on the top and see what you find. I had two eggs last clutch that I thought for certain were dead...and they weren't. I'm so sorry to hear that it may not be hatching though. I'd still see what tomorrow brings. I wish you were on this side of the pond as I'd give you a replacement!
14 or 40 it would be hard to take. Not much else you can do about it though. You do what you can and you live with the things you can't change.
Tomorrow I would cut it open on the top and see what you find. I had two eggs last clutch that I thought for certain were dead...and they weren't. I'm so sorry to hear that it may not be hatching though. I'd still see what tomorrow brings. I wish you were on this side of the pond as I'd give you a replacement!

thank you that is such a nice thing to say!
This whole ordeal has been quite hard at times, especially when i had to make the descision to have Dizzles put to sleep, but its through people like you Meg who have helped me along that has made it all that much easier.

As for the egg.....I cut it open yesterday.

And to my surprise there actually was a snake in it, however it was deas. It was tiny and its face was slightly deformed. But it was so close to being a normal baby snake. I also think that its scales wernt fully formed either and in some parts the patterning was a bit strange as if it hadn't been fully completed.

I should really have got some pics but i wernt really in that frame of mind at the time.

So there we go, Its the end of the line for the whole thing.

I just want to say thank you all so much for everything! :cheers: