idontknow said:how is this project comming?
SODERBERGD said:Well, it's been a rough winter season. I'm late getting corns out of brumation. Mine are just now beginning to breed. We had a failed out-of-state move this winter, been working on two corn snake books and just haven't had time to get the breeders out until recently. They're out now but most of the breeding is yet to commence. Of course, this means I'll be late hatching.
I'll apprise everyone on the forum of how many of the p/s bloods I get this year. Should be more than last year. I'd post pix, but the first of my two books will soon be out and I want most of my pictures to debut in the book instead of posting them on the Internet. Who's gonna buy books with all the same pix they've been seeing on the www? The second book will be out later this year. Its' a big one. It's entirely possible that I will be holding back pix 'till that one comes out, but I know I'll get antsy and post some of them anyway. What the heck? They don't have to be the very pix from the book, eh?
Thanks for asking. Sorry I'm not able to post pix on the forum just now, but promise I will do that as soon as possible.
Indyshark said:Don, I love your photographs! I'll be sure to order one when comes out! Do I get a deal if I pre-order. You know, order my book, and I'll throw in a free bloodred! Talk about a pre-order special! LOL
Indyshark said:I understand! Perhaps we can work out a deal so I get a "free" snake and a copy of the book, so I can keep my promise not to buy any more snakes! LOL
SODERBERGD said:Who's gonna buy books with all the same pix they've been seeing on the www?
JM :o) said:Ummmm.............
I love having lots of books to show pics to people when they come by. I'll defiantly be after both books~ be sure to let us know when they are available for order and if you'll sign them for us! (I like them even better if the author will sign them for me!)
idontknow said:what is going to be the bame of your book? and what will it be mainly about? genetic? or just photos?
OMFG! That snake looks like it was painted with water colors: amazing!SODERBERGD said:Here is one picture of what Rob and Louise Stevens call pie bald or PIED bloodreds.