Mice! They taste so nice!
Jemma, honestly, they are together because they thermoregulate and that particular place will be the ideal one right now. They compete for resources, they aren't social animals. With hatchlings especially there is also a risk of cannibalism, rare but it does happen.
I have met keepers who have adult breeding pairs together and only separate when the female is about to lay, keeping them in very large vivariums, I've seen beautiful female-only display vivs shown on here from European keepers, where it's quite the norm.
I cohabbed 5 breeding pairs of adults (each pair co-habbed, not all 10 snakes) this year from late January, but now the females are gravid I'm separating them. I found them curled up together in their hides, because they were competing for the best spots. If any of them had gone off feeding, I'd have separated them straight away, because not feeding is one of the most usual signs of stress in snakes. Because they are established, good-feeding adults, they coped perfectly.
Personally, having had the non-feeder from hell and rehabbed non-feeders for other owners and the shop I wholesale to, I'd never cohab hatchlings.
I have met keepers who have adult breeding pairs together and only separate when the female is about to lay, keeping them in very large vivariums, I've seen beautiful female-only display vivs shown on here from European keepers, where it's quite the norm.
I cohabbed 5 breeding pairs of adults (each pair co-habbed, not all 10 snakes) this year from late January, but now the females are gravid I'm separating them. I found them curled up together in their hides, because they were competing for the best spots. If any of them had gone off feeding, I'd have separated them straight away, because not feeding is one of the most usual signs of stress in snakes. Because they are established, good-feeding adults, they coped perfectly.
Personally, having had the non-feeder from hell and rehabbed non-feeders for other owners and the shop I wholesale to, I'd never cohab hatchlings.