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Oh, Craigslist...

That is just awesome... We need more of those!!! Ok this is the 100000 question... what methods? (uh oh) lol

Cookie tosser or shock jock?
Neither...and shock jock is wayyyy old....the newer e-collars are so subtle now that you can work with a dog with very low stim. I use both correction and positive...I don't use food....praise works just fine. With the feral and fearful dogs I do nothing.....I let them bond with my pack, and then they are in my power (they just don't know it...mwah ha ha ha) Unfortunately my current foster is not doing well with the petsitter and hasn't come in the house or eaten since we left. Fortunately we're coming home tomorrow so it's just been a couple of days. I'm worried since we're going for a more extensive trip next month....not sure what we'll do if we still have her....sigh....
Wow, that is a tough one, is she scared of him? is she trying too hard you think?
Poor guy, how log have you had him?
Adorable! video please! Another trainer that is awesome..

I am all positive/force free.. I barely use body blocking unless emergency..

We need more dog trainers in this world..
I've had her for about 4 months...I don't think she's trying to hard...she knows to not try to force herself on one. She's just staying out at my arena and won't come closer. She was completely feral when I got her and she's still kind of skittish to come in even with us. I can usually get her in though. I can use some of her kibble and shake a bag and she might come in...but Mary can't even get her close enough for the kibble and if she tries to step towards her she runs....not sure what we'll do on our longer trip yet.....
For you dog trainers out there, do you recommend the Petco/Petsmart puppy classes? Or is there somewhere else that offers puppy classes?
I do petco part time.. I am the mentor for the district and one of the top producing trainers for the company. I was THE trainer a few years back, then I left and they crashed my store. GRR I am rebuilding it.

Be careful, Petco classes can be awesome, or can be awful, same for Petsmart. Not all mentors/trainers follow protocol. Petco's protocol is accurate, well thought out, and the trainers that follows it are essentially very good or at least decent. The safe group training and playtime for puppies are often a very good environment. BUT I have caught several petco trainers using prongs, e collars, dominance training, punishment etc which Petco doesn't condone.

You have the right to talk to the trainer, ask about the methods.. If the trainer uses methods that shouldn't be used, talk to GM and report to the DM. I am working on sorting them out in my district right now.

Those classes are def ok, and if you run into one of the better trainers where there is quite a few that are way better than Petco pays them then you are golden. But you have the right to a meet the trainer, ask them so you are comfortable with them.

I recently got a client who had heard of me as far as 4 hours north of where I live, as well as three ours east of me (further out on the island), and a couple of more places. I have people coming from queens, brooklyn, Manhattan to take my classes compared to others. Find THAT trainer in your area and you are good to go. Jus ensure that the trainer understand anxiety in animals (as puppies gets easily overwhelmed) and uses no punishments.
And if you need a trainer, talk to me, let me know what the issue is at hand. I sit on a huge network of very good trainers ad I can guide you to the right one <3
I don't need one yet, but I'm planning to get a Bernese mountain dog puppy sometime in the next few years and because they're a large, strong breed, I just want to make sure I give him or her as much socialization and conditioning as possible.
I'm not a big fan of petsmart training but I think there's value in the puppy classes for the socialization and getting them with other dogs and people. If I wanted to really train a dog to be useful though I wouldn't use them. I've yet to see one dog reliable at heeling or off leash from their classes. My dogs were off leash reliable and ready to show for their CD after the beginning classes that I used to take them to.
I so wish there was a like button here! Makes me cringe everytime someone puts gardener snake......Golfer snake is a new one though!
I so wish there was a like button here! Makes me cringe everytime someone puts gardener snake......Golfer snake is a new one though!

There was a "California King Cobra" for sale here in PHX the other day. It's not listed any more. :)