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Oh please now!


lost cause
This is getting ridiculous!!
Last year my clutch hatched at day 56. Day 61 now and still nothing!! Unfortunately not really strange, because the temps were overall a little lower.
What is ridiculous is not that they still didn't hatch (61 is not really too long as you know), but the way I'm pacing around here, trying to keep myself from checking on them every hour.
I'm on sick leave from work (back problem), so I don't even have that to take my mind off that stubborn clutch.
haha agreed...my first clutch this year took a week to hatch completely, but started on day 54! all of my clutchs were incubated in the same/very similar containers, on the same shelf, next to each other or stacked. second clutch didn't start hatching until day 64! big difference and you know i was checking every day like 100 times. third clutch is on day 63 today, so again, every 5 minutes i go peak! very exciting but stressful, and i really should be studying for a test i have in an hour but just can't focus. good luck with yours!
Thanks. Luckily I only have the one clutch to stress about. Next year I'll have more, don't even want to think about that :D
I can completely understand not being able to concentrate. Seems so silly right? It's not like they need help as soon as they start hatching :D
Misery love company and I am right there with you. Last year mine pipped at 55 days too. I havent checked on mine this morning cause I am hoping missing my normal check time will encourage them to pip.
checked again. Nothing. come on little buggers!
Christen I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to manage that :D
day 64 and no pips yet, but the eggs did seem softer today, so maybe tomorrow? although i'm actually almost more excited for my lav stripes to shed, which should be in the next few days too. crazy how much more beautiful they look after their first sheds!
I'm sitting here shaking my head and kinda laughing, so sorry ha ha ha, last years clutch went 70 days, this years pipped/hatched days 62-65 I think . . .lol. Since I have not had a clutch come before day 60 I don't get the stress lol. No ok thats not true but still its neat to hear about folks having clutches before day 60. Sending your egs hatching vibes ;)
Now I seem to sense you laughing at me? :D
I guess I was spoiled the former three years with my 56 days. But still! 63 is enough for me. Now if it only was enough for them! :D
Thanks for the hatching vibes, that'll do it!! :laugh:
The eggs have been dented (most of them) for several days now. So HATCH !!!
I had a clutch that was given to me last year that went over 100 days before they hatched...(105, I think)...just saying ;)
Plan a trip for like 3 days that wil make them hatch! I did ;) For my birthday (5-30) I went to my moms from 5-29 to like 6-2 and when I came home they were all hatched. LOL
But...but...I want to see noses NOW !!!
I feel like a spoiled brat who doesn't get her way lol
ha ha im glad im not alone on this one :) iv only ever had bearded dragon eggs and Geckos eggs so this is a little new to me and im almost upto day 55 and me and the kids are taking bets to when they will start to hatch
what do you all think my temps are 80 ish will i be waiting long lol my belly is turning just thinking about it again and seening them cute little corns :)
tnx cornstar :)

zmtab, my temps are around 82, so who knows, you might be waiting longer than me...
I hope for your sake that's not the case
oh goody lol arrr well il just have to do a little more house work then to take my mind of them and thankyou for your reply i hope yours hatch soon :)