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Ok, we need a few laughs

Perfectly acceptable pinky mice . . .

At least, half of any of my clutches won't. That is, until I sell them to someone else as "non-feeders." Then they pig out for the rest of their lives, throw unbelievable babies in all sorts of color/pattern mutations in 100% fertile, 100% hatch-rate, double clutching fashion!

It must be the plane ride that gets them motivated!?!?

Psycosnakemom beat me to most...

but, "Corn snakes don't eat..."

...left-over Hallowe'en candy.

...pickles and ice cream (gravid females only).



...Irish Mist dribbled over Hagen-Das, Honey Vanilla Ice Cream.

...chicken enchiladas, or pork tamales.

...raw oysters.
he he he

It must be the plane ride that gets them motivated!?!?

That could be true you could make some $$$ off that,...

"Darin's high flying corns" round trip 50 bucks, will get your snake to eat or else we'll eat it !!! mua aha ha hah
okay all you "Friends" fans . . . .

sing all together now

"smelly snake, smelly snake . . .what are they feeding you?"
Corn snakes don't eat...

Beans...kidney beans, baked beans, re-fried beans, lima beans, jelly beans, ANY sort of beans...therefore...

Corn snakes don't fart...a fact which my husband greatly dislikes...he can't blame his gaseous bombs on them and must therefore take the blame!
hey susan, my boyfrien has same problem but he just blames the dog or me!! :p

OK here's another (after trying to feed last week)

(fussy) corns don't eat...
...smelly mice!
It could be my imagination but...

It must be the plane ride that gets them motivated!?!?

Flying will do that.
I once took a plane trip to one of those all inclusive tropical resorts they have, called "Club Med"...
I guess it must of been the plane ride, because when I got there, I was both "hungry and Horny". ;)
Corn Snakes don't eat....

Corn Snakes don't eat up all your money, call it college tuition, then drop out and fail to get a job to pay you back, while sitting around eating all of your favorite vegetarian foods and playing computer games!!!!!!

I suppose this is why I have 11 snakes, and only ONE child!!!:eek:

Maybe you can talk Rickbreaks out of his gummi worm recipe! That should at least get your child away from the computer. :D
Cav - I would, but.....

Corn Snakes don't eat.....

.....Vodka-soaked Gummi Worm 'regurge' on my carpet.

.....tickets for Gummi-drunk driving.

.....bills for Schmirnoff-Gummi re-hab.

(I should mention that this child DOES now have a great job...in another state! :D )
Anything but the occasional mouse, TRUST ME

Yep. I'll buy myself a cornsnake. Only have to feed 'em once a week or so. Clean the newspaper in the cage no more often. Keep 'em a bowl of water, and I've got an interesting, maintence-free pet.
Not like I'd get another and breed them, or go the herp shows and come back with yet more, or start a mouse colony, or buy incubators, or take early spring weekend trips to Jasper County road-cruising and misdemeanor trespassing, or make my own cages, or hold back so many "primo" specimens that I'd just have to build racks, or spend more on Flexxwatt than lunch in a calander year, or knowlingly lie to my girlfriend that "all the babies I sell more than make up for the expense and time" ;) or turn and entire bedroom into the snake room, or....
soak gummi worms in good vodka not smirnoff like grey goose or belvedere make sure they soak for 24 hours then once all the gummi worms have been eaten you take shots of the candy flavored vodka my snakes havent aquired the taste for it yet
Ahhh. Elrojo bring back such fond memories of the early days!

Don't forget the day you decided it would be easier, and cheaper, to build your own rack system! After all, how hard could it really be?? Meanwhile...

After 14 trips to Home Depot, 3 ATM withdrawls, 2 seperate shipments from the Bean Farm, PRESTO! Now that was a good idea!!

"Hey honey? Kill em if I ever suggest something that stupid ever again, OK?"
