i'm a bit odd as herp keepers go apparently i hate captivity. i'm almost obsessive about giving my animals a lot of space and making things as close to nature as possible.
Well if that's really true then you wouldn't be keeping 3 snakes in one tank, which gives them an EXTREMELY small range of habitat. That is very far from what they would experience in the wild. Snakes are solitary and don't come into contact with each other except to breed.
Even Kritter keepers would be better than one large tank, or perhaps you should invest in a rack.
If those are too expensive, you can always build your own as well. You could get creative and make a book shelf/ rack or something to utilize space as well.
it possible to actually keep them together as they seem fine how much space would they need to minimize the stress as adults?
A 29gal is a good minimum for ONE adult corn. It's not possible to keep them together without stressing them though. Just to list a few reasons, male/male combos will spar, female/female combos might not physically fight as much, but will be stressed, and male/female combos can result in early pregnancies. If the female is not mature enough to lay, she can die. Also, females should NEVER have to lay eggs in the presence of another snake, especially in such close quarters. Do you have any idea of the genders of your snakes? It's more than irresponsible not to in your situation. Also, there are more horrific reasons than what I listed.
(accept gwen who can never be on sand again (vet's orders) stupid original owner giving the poor thing burns:madeuce:
Corns should NEVER have sand as substrate.
also that it will give them enough places to bask that they wont stress. ?
Corns don't need a basking light. Most of mine prefer darker lighting situations and get more stressed out when the area they are in is heavily lit. If you're not careful a basking light can also heat up their tank significantly. Heat spikes can kill snakes.
the idea of racking them hurts.
Do a search in the DIY forum to see some of the homemade racks people here have built. They can be really quite beautiful, and great display tanks. It seems like you
mean well, but you really need to do some research on corns. Especially if you want to get the closest to what's "natural" for them.