Ok, I don't know how to write between pictures so I'll write what I'm trying to show in each one here. It's not easy cause the critters move or are tiny, and the plants I'm trying to show tend to blend together in a mass of green sometimes. I REALLY wish I had cleaned the hard water stains off the back of the tank before I taped on the black plastic lol. But it is what it is.
1. Mama shrimp! She's the only one who seems to have kept her eggs. They all seemed to be showing saddles, and most of them aren't now, so they must have mostly dumped the eggs. I actually have one who's carrying around ONE egg. Pretty funny.
2, 3, & 4 are the snails I've seen so far. I'm guessing pond snail, rams horn, and Malaysian Trumpet(?) The possible MTS is so tiny, but I see them every now and then, and always on the substrate.
5. Will be guppy and a shrimp cruising along. Kind of blurry.
More coming...