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Please don't serve distilled water to your snakes!


Joejr14 said:
You're doing something vastly wrong if you're going through a bottle a week. I've had my bottle for almost a year now and I've got 20 snakes. You do realize that you only need ONE drop per 8 ounces of water, right?
The bottle we bought was the small one. The petco we get our stuff from doesn't carry anything bigger. It looks like a travel size. We change the water everyday, and yes I know we only have to add 1 drop per 8 ounces. The bottle actually says add 2 drops, but I've just been putting 1 per ounce. It's actaully been about 2 weeks since we bought the bottle.
i was the user who asked the original ?, and after doing resurch, i decided too use bottled water, because my parents by it by the case, so i get it for free.
I could be wrong, but I don't think RO will remove chlorine/chloramines. I think carbon takes care of that. Most RO units have a carbon cartridge tho.

You should be able to get an analysis of your water from your water company's website. Then you will know everything that is in your water.

Other than chlorine, ozone and UV can be used to disinfect water. But they all have downsides. Whenever I'm turned off by the taste of chlorine in my water I just think of all the E. Coli colonies and giardia cysts that I'm not swallowing because of the chlorine.
Slippery Ernie said:
Other than chlorine, ozone and UV can be used to disinfect water. But they all have downsides. Whenever I'm turned off by the taste of chlorine in my water I just think of all the E. Coli colonies and giardia cysts that I'm not swallowing because of the chlorine.

The problem is, that Chlorine can be just as harmful to your body as the E. Coli and Giardia Cysts. Even in small quantities, it is proven that it does harm to a person's Cells.
pcar said:
The problem is, that Chlorine can be just as harmful to your body as the E. Coli and Giardia Cysts. Even in small quantities, it is proven that it does harm to a person's Cells.
Pretty soon you'll hear on the news happens when people drink water with E.Coli.
Just a note about Aquafina water in the blue plastic bottles.. my University tested all the common bottled waters available to see what the difference was. Aquafina tested positive for flouride, and CFC's. All the others tested fine tho... Evian had a very small flouride count, but the rest tested about the same as our tap water here hehe. (Nothing added to our water at all)

A question tho, ahould I change Treasure's water after shes been sitting in it for a few hours? Read somewhere at the AVC (Atlantic Veterinary College) that snakes can contaminate their own water with salmonella.. but it seems a little odd to me hehe, so figured I'd ask you folks =)
Slippery Ernie said:
Pretty soon you'll hear on the news happens when people drink water with E.Coli.

I do know what happens when people ingest ecoli. I am not discrediting what doing this can do. I am just saying that Chlorine is just as bad, but not as noticeable.
Yes, if your snake has been laying in it's water you should change it. You wouldn't drink your bath water would you?
LOL! Never thought of that......take my word for it though....you don't want to drink that!
Wow, great thread, very informative. When I get my corn, I will most likely be using my tap water because it has a Pur water filter. I know it removes a lot of crap because if you taste our tap water without it, it tastes terrible. Just for safety measures I might leave it out overnight before I put it in with the snake, just to insure that the chlorine is all the way gone.
Most municipal water supplies use chloramines and not chlorine in drinking water. Chlorine evaporates too quickly to keep water in the pipes safe to drink. So they added ammonia to the chlorine which makes it chloramines. Chloramines will not evaporate out of tap water. From my own research, aquatic life, reptiles, and amphibians cannot process chloramines safely out of their systems. Eventually they build up and cause problems to their health. I use a product called AmQuel+. It nuetralizes chloramines, ammonia, nitrates, & nitrites out of the water. It costs $1.99 for enough to treat 60 gallons of water. Use 10 drops per gallon and you are good to go. Just my 2 cents worth.
Wow, I'm home after a holiday trip to find a vivid discussion about water, nice! The water company I work for (Nestle) used to sell RO water on the Dutch market, and yes that's a very good, pure water with lots of crap filtered out (and yes, RO filtersystems should always exist of carbon filter(s) among others). Only as far as I know, the water that's started with is tap water, so I think in the US it should be filtered much more heavily then in The Netherlands before reaching the same level of 'pureness'.

I have a cooler at home to use for free (and the water for less then half the price) and also used it for my snakes. Since June this year the company decided to switch to spring water, so I decided to switch to tap water, because in Holland it's of very good quality. I think some stuff is added to it but in far more less quantities then in the US. Besides that I don't want minerals to stick to the drinking bowls, looks so nasty.
i know this is a very old thread but i found it in a made search.

does anyone know if a home distillation unit would produce the same "distilled" water you buy in stores. the unit definatly doesnt boil water in a pan and let it condensate into another container :)

my snakes havent seemed to have a problem with it yet
I assume you are talking about the reverse osmosis systems under your sink? If so, it's fine. I used the water from that system for years as the county water had chloramines in it and was unsafe to use. All the snakes are healthy and fine.
its a big unit down in our basement. the Aqua D Plus bought from the Pure Water company (not Pur water) and the tag on it says it distills water. i was looking and it didnt say anything about reverse osmosis like id like to have seen :(

it is relatively old too. hmm
Phew thank goodness for this thread. The question of tap/bottled water occured to me when I bought Elektra but since the people who sold her to me didn't say anything I assumed tap would be fine. I've just changed her water and put mineral water (bottled) in instead. I'm really looking forward to seeing her bathe or drink - all she's done so far is glide over her water bowl.
Oh dang. I've been giving my snakes distilled water because that's what I drink. Is tap water okay then?