New member
And Dale, it is all on a thread you started. I have handed out too much rep in 24 hour period...etc.,....
I'm apparently not allowed to hand out rep because I keep giving it to the same people, so now it tells me I have to spread it around.
As far as the part I bolded, Vets, many of the challenges we face today could be solved if we were willing to exterminate massive populations. Deforestation, pollution, overpopulation, famine, disease, war. As our population grows, so do all the issues with overcrowding that we face.
Of course, the more difficult road, the moral road, is technological advancement and adoption, widespread education to encourage behavioral modification, that sort of thing.
On a smaller scale, the easiest way to get something is to take it from someone else, rather than create it yourself (Whether 'create' is used to describe property, material goods or personal wealth). Even to the most ridiculous, if you engage in a political debate, the quickest and easiest way to victory is to simply eliminate the other position altogether rather than convincing them that you're right.