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President May be in Trouble

And what exactly are you trying to achieve if nothing can be changed?

Right now I am trying to achieve my degree in Gemology, currently enrolled in a Diamonds and Diamond grading course.
Possibly looking to purchase investment real estate.
And trying to get by financially until the economic climate is a little better.
Those are achievements that are possible for me to make.
I am not naive or deluded enough to think I can make the world stop fighting so as far as world peace goes, there is nothing there for me to achieve.
And what exactly are you trying to achieve if nothing can be changed?

A relative safety.

You make the best out of what you are given. You can not cause generations of history to be unwritten. You can not alter or control the beliefs of all the religions of the world. You do the best you can keep everyone from blowing each other into oblivion. You make it so your children can play safely. You respond with force with needed and stay vigilant in times of quiet. You help when needed and fight when needed. You protect the ones you love, or the ones who need you.

You do not lay down in the face of adversity. You hold fast and weather the storm.
And the world is steadily getting worse. Crime rates rise everywhere. The world today is definitely not a better place compared to say a hundred years ago. If anything it's gotten worse and will continue to do so.

Yes, with more people comes more crime.
When one out of every 100 people is a violent nutjob and you have a thousand people, you only have ten violent nutjobs.
When you have a million people, you have more violent nutjobs.
Wishing there were no violent nutjobs won't make them go away.
Waste of time.
Yep and if we all think like that nothing will ever change. One person alone is not strong enough to make a difference that's for sure.

Do you think that's my only hope :p Or the only thing I want to achieve. I have other personal goals too don't worry.

I don't think the economic climate is going to get better anytime soon or do you think differently? Although it is not too bad here. But we all depend on you guys ;) So stay strong :p
Eh, I'll say it. Humans need a predator. There are too many and we have grown fat and wicked with our hubris.

You know what I really want?

Freaking raptors, aliens or something else that can eat the crap out of us.

Give people something to unite against, then we might achieve peace. Give the world a common goal, and you might actually see some progress.
Yep and if we all think like that nothing will ever change. One person alone is not strong enough to make a difference that's for sure.

Do you think that's my only hope :p Or the only thing I want to achieve. I have other personal goals too don't worry.

I don't think the economic climate is going to get better anytime soon or do you think differently? Although it is not too bad here. But we all depend on you guys ;) So stay strong :p

Um, that's the point. It makes no difference HOW we think, it is not going to change. Thinking that armies are a bad thing and shouldn't be needed in no way changes reality.
I can "think" the sky should be orange all I want to. Doesn't change a thing, now does it?
Pacifism is naive?.. Martin Luther King Jr. was naive too, I guess. Because non violence was his primary message.

Obviously I don"t believe that any of you would find him naive, but then again, if pacifism is naivety..
Pacifism is naive?.. Martin Luther King Jr. was naive too, I guess. Because non violence was his primary message.

Obviously I don"t believe that any of you would find him naive, but then again, if pacifism is naivety..

Man you sure do like to put words in other peoples mouths, because we totally made references to MLK. -eye roll-

Pacifism is not, within itself, naive.

Believing all the world will suddenly stop shooting missiles and waging war and understand each other's religion without persecution is naive.
I tend to treat others as they treat me. I HOPE they will treat me right - and most of the time, they do. I find that people USUALLY live up to your expectations - but not always. I like to be open to meet new people, and EXPECT them to be good people. BUT - I am always ready to accept the fact that some of them WON'T be good people. I am not much for "turning the other cheek". I prefer "walk softly, but carry a big stick", lol! I am a very non-confrontational person. But if somebody wants to treat me (or people I care about) badly, then I am ready to defend myself with as much force as it takes.

I feel that if most people were willing to be peaceful at ALL costs, and just let the bad, aggressive, radical, or crazy people run wild, then that is exactly what would happen. Not good, IMO. There will ALWAYS be some of those undesirables around, and if you don't plan on how to deal with them, you will definitely come out on the short end sooner or later.
And the world is steadily getting worse. Crime rates rise everywhere. The world today is definitely not a better place compared to say a hundred years ago. If anything it's gotten worse and will continue to do so.

This is such a load of bunk.

Crime rates are falling in many countries, including violent crime. Violent crime has been on the decline in both Canada and the US for years.

The world is absolutely a better place than it was a hundred years ago, unless you think somehow the trenches were all sunshine and lollipops. The world is a better place than it was even 50 years ago. Enough with the delusional rose colored glasses for a history that was rife with misinformation and propaganda. The internet means we can know all events as they happened. You really think there has ever been anything like that before?

The world is a better place now than it ever has been.

If that's an encouraging though or an indictment of the past, I leave that to you.
^ Socially we seem to be in a much better place. The world as a whole... I don't know if I'd go so far to say that the world is in a better place. The successes of humankind seem to come at a much slower rate than the destruction of the earth. From that perspective, I'm hesitant to say we're better off.

But I'm with you, from a human relations perspective. I think we're on a course of "peace" (feel I have to quote it now) that is inevitable to succeed. We will eventually, if you consider the rate of human development, all have to work together to survive our unavoidable (long term) fate of dividing resources and managing the earth. And for the most part we seem to be evolving fairly rapidly on issues of freedom, choice and social equality. And less violence will come, as the nation/world continues to become more inclusive.
Eh, so what does it matter? According to the Mayans, the world ends in a month anyway.......... :shrugs:
It's never going to stop if all people think like you. One has to make the first step. Not sure how this would look like but it's got to be done.
Just look at how many innocent people people lost their lives in Afghanistan/Iraq. Only few were actual terrorists but innocent civilians. Not sure how one can be proud of killing innocent people - on both sides.

Wow... I have been called many things, but the taker of innocent lives... Until now, that has not happened...
Every life that I took was of someone who was trying to take mine. You go on and continue living in your perfect dream world where peace abounds. I live in the real world where people take advantage of the masses and true peace is not given but taken.

There can be no peace without war. It has been like that since the beginning. No matter how intelligent we like to think ourselves as, Human beings have the same instincts as any other creature. Make life better for ourselves at all cost. As a whole we as humans have been at war with ourselves and the world (nature) since the beginning.

I have always wondered at what point does instinct become intelligence, and perhaps I will never know, because I will always see humans as instinctual creatures.
Well so how many Iraqis or Afghans ARE terrorists though? A would say a small percentage. And the rest are just like you and I, ordinary people wanting to live their lives.
Civilian suffer the most in wars.

That is just what I am going to do, live in my dream world and hope for peace. I for one would never even touch a gun let alone take someone's life but that's just me.

Maybe it is because of where I am from, joining the military is not what we want to do and most don't if they can get out of it or leave after a year. Many people here are against going to war, well actually the military here struggles to even get people to serve for a year (most opt for civil service). We have a public vote next year in spring about it. I mean no disrespect by saying this, it's just what I see and hear at home. I grew up seeing military as something bad.