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Progression thread: Cleo the Butter Motley

You may have something there, Karl.

I'm just glad she's not going for her snake scout knot tying badge yet. :shrugs:
She might surprise you and tie up Mandy and Clyde. You better keep an eye on her.

Does she strike and take the mouse from you or is she one of those snakes that just moseys up to the mouse laying there and suddenly coils it?
I have just finished reading this entire thread. Your pictures are amazing and that is one gorgeous snake.

Okay, maybe not reading so much as skimming the words and spending way longer than I care to admit on the pics. Tongue shot, and such a good one at that!
She might surprise you and tie up Mandy and Clyde. You better keep an eye on her.

Does she strike and take the mouse from you or is she one of those snakes that just moseys up to the mouse laying there and suddenly coils it?

Lol. I will keep an eye out.

Yes, she just moseys up and coils, no striking involved. In fact she didn't coil, if we can call it that ;), until she tried to eat it butt end first. She hadn't tried that for a long time. She couldn't do it with a hopper, but she really, really tried.

I have just finished reading this entire thread. Your pictures are amazing and that is one gorgeous snake.

Okay, maybe not reading so much as skimming the words and spending way longer than I care to admit on the pics. Tongue shot, and such a good one at that!

Thank you so much. I'm a little overwhelmed by your kind words, and your taking the time. Whatever else is in the pictures, it's all about love.
Cleo is good-looking in a simple manner. It's very ladylike of her to eat the rear end first.

P. S. Next time, please don't try sharing dead mice with her and she won't need to get your knickers in a knot.
My little constrictor is getting the hang of it. She coiled very neatly and then threw a loop back over the mouse head. Even though it was already dead, a good strong constriction seems to make the prey easier to swallow.

I'm in continually increasing awe of these little snake beings and how capable they are. It just doesn't get old for me.

Cleo weighs 85 grams and this was an 8.6 gram hopper.



That second picture contrasts with my mental picture of the first time she ate in the covered deli cup, and this little 13 gram noodle with a lump in her middle looked up at me. She had no idea of how relieved I was.
she probably saw you squeezing the poop out of the mice and decided she'd rather do it herself.

None the less, she's squeezing like a pro, and she's getting really big.
Gosh, she is getting even more gorgeous!

Thank you. She's definitely looking buttery!

she probably saw you squeezing the poop out of the mice and decided she'd rather do it herself.

None the less, she's squeezing like a pro, and she's getting really big.

Thanks, I think. I don't think it I'll ever live that down, lol. :rolleyes:

Ounce for ounce I have no doubt she's better at squeezing than I am!
she probably saw you squeezing the poop out of the mice and decided she'd rather do it herself.

None the less, she's squeezing like a pro, and she's getting really big.

Oof, serves me right for eating while reading. But so funny!! You probably will live it down eventually, DollysMom, but it's going to take a while! :roflmao:

As for the update on Cleo, all I can say is WOW! She's getting so big... and gorgeous! I looooove her color. ♥♥♥

I actually looked at a butter for my very first snake and now I'm kind of regretting turning it down. :rolleyes:
I know, Albertagirl, lol. :rofl:

All the morphs are so beautiful it is a tough choice. I believe we each find the right snake at the right time. You certainly have some beauties. When the time is right a little butter baby will slither into your life!

Funny thing is I barely knew what a butter was when I found Cleo. I did know what a motley was and that they had no checkers. I love checkers, but she was there in her deli cup right next to an albino garter snake and a sweet little Okeetee. I just knew that she was mine and so, end of story, :D.
Cleo is beautiful. I love her head stamp, and the markings on her middle length look just like lace.
I got a few pics of Cleo in the afternoon sun. A yellow snake in the yellow sun feels a little like a solstice celebration. She really is my little golden girl.

This is the first time I put her blanket on the living room floor and let her crawl around there. I've always had her on my bed before today. I think the exercise is very important and she got to really crawl a lot.

She's 90 grams now. She is growing up so fast!



