OK, it's not clot-related, but evidently, I'm falling apart before your very eyes.....
I just had a root canal done on my upper right incisor/front tooth this afternoon.
If it weren't for the bridgework I have, I'd look like a hockey defenseman that lost too many fights. Well, the upper right incisor holds the rightmost "post" of the bridge, but the nerve was intact. That is, until about two days ago. Yesterday, my diet consisted of things that were soft and mushy.
He had to drill
*through* the metal post of the bridge to get to the nerve to drain/excise it. Of course, the torque from the drill - using a bit that can has to cut through metal - transfers to the bridge and the leftmost post. Let's just say my upper jaw was vibrating.
Feeling the compression and shortness of breath from a pulmonary embolism is uncomfortable. This, by comparison, is abject pain.
Fortunately, my dentist (and I should say my *new* dentist - my *old* dentist used to be my brother in law

) took mercy on me and wrote for three days of Vicodin.
So now I have something else in common - besides "I've thrown a football in the state of Wisconsin" - with Brett Favre. :grin01:
Stay tuned - if any of you have a propensity for wagering, place your bets on what goes south on me next week.
My money's on the spleen.