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Rat Poison


The Rule Of Thirds.
AKA Warfarin.

AKA Coumadin. Which what I'll be taking for the next six to nine months.

In other words, greetings from Waukesha Memorial Hospital. I went to the ER today after a few days of SOB (that's "shortness of breath", not what a number of you think of me) and a sore left calf.

I was dead nuts on with my self diagnosis: DVT (deep venous thrombosis) with a pulmonary embolism. In other words, I have blood clots in my leg and lung. And so, I'll be on blood thinners for a while to get this under control.

My discharge from here is completely dependent on my ability to process oxygen - which could be anything from being released tomorrow afternoon to a three day stay. Thank God the nursing staff knows an internet junkie when it sees one (they're giving me privileges here so I don't go apes**t.).

In my 47 years of taking up space on this earth, this is my first inpatient hospital stay. Given that, and given we got this identified right off that bat, I can't complain. What good would it do anyway?

Send me whatever O2 you can spare. ;)

Dale mentioned...

AKA Warfarin.

My Dad has been taking this for a few years.. I believe just before his quint bypass... Saved his life.. The stuff works wonders.. You will be back on your feet in no time at all..

Regards.. Tim and Jen of T and J
Well, I'll keep you in my thoughts. Not because I'm worried about your physical health, but because it's going to drive you NUTS being stuck in the hospital. I think the most difficult part about not being well is not the feeling like crap part but the not-allowed-to-do-anything part. I know that the day after my recent knee surgery I was like, "So . . . I'm pretty much done with this being in bed thing. Is there anything else I can do?" It has to be so much worse in the hospital. Sorry you're there but I, too, am glad you're not dead! If you get really bored, just resurrect the haiku thread!

:cheers: Here's to your health! I'll go have one now in your honor and you can join in once you're out! Consider that a date you have to keep!
You're pretty lucky to have it diagnosed and treated right away. Just hope that they get your protime values stabilized so you don't have to do what my mother did, take twice daily injections of low molecular weight heparin. They never could get her coumadin dose right to keep her values where they needed to be so she was on the injections for over a year. She also had a Greenfield filter placed to control any clots the medication didn't.
You sure you didn't just pop in there to meet women?

Hope Tim's right, and the good schtuff the doc's got you on gets you back on your feet and serving that pooch of yours properly as soon as possible! :wavey:

In the meantime, don't give the nurses too hard of a time... :grin01:
Day 2 of the hostage crisis....

Well, they came in at 4:30 in the morning for a blood draw, and the lab results are not exactly what they hoped for. My oxygen saturation levels are good, but the blood's not as thin as they'd like it to be. I just might be here another day. Harrumph.

Given the family history of strokes on my father's side, I wouldn't be surprised if I'll be a lifelong user of Coumadin. :shrugs: As long as I'm on this side of the dirt, I could care less.

Meanwhile, the family has circled the wagons. My brother will be in to pick up my keys and take care of the dog.

Thanks to everyone for the well wishes. I feel like Sally Field accepting an Oscar. ;)

Harrumph! Harrumph I say! :angry01:

Ah well, get'er titrated and get it right so you can get outta dere.
So sorry to hear of your hospitalization! But glad you are getting it fixed right away. Good luck for a short stay in the hospital and a long, long stay on "this side of the dirt"!

Get well soon!
Holy Freaking Crap.

And again I say.....holy freaking crap.

I've spent my entire adult life's work in the dissemination of information, be it visual as a photographer, textual as a programmer/consultant/web monkey. Such as it is, the professional downfall is to be an information junkie, to want to know as much as possible, as soon as possible, as thoroughly as possible. Most times, I consider this to be a "good quality", not just for me, but for people in general. We all "wanna know".

But as the proverb says, be careful what you ask for, for you will certainly get it.

I just saw the CT scan of my lungs. At its widest point, it's 22.5 millimeters. That's a blood clot, smack dab next to the pulmonary artery, nearly an inch thick.

I am lucky to be writing this. I'm equally grateful for the support I've gotten from everyone here on the forums.

But as my sister said when I told her of this, "Well now there's a mind**** you're gonna have to deal with." (A metaphysical/spiritual quandary, phrased as filthy as possible - any doubt that this is my sister?) ;)

And deal with it I shall. Never the less - holy freaking crap.

Glad you'll be home soon and up to your old shenanigans again. Take care of yourself and get some rest.

:-offtopic They even know your sense of humor at google ads, check out the top of the thread.

Oops! It must be forever changing cause it's different now. When I 1st came here all the banners were related to blood clots and genetics.:)
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Oh those poor candy stripers. :grin01: Seriously, I'm glad they caught it. I had a blood clot in 1996.....it sucked. I wish you the best....

dwyn127 said:
They even know your sense of humor at google ads, check out the top of the thread.
Goodonya! I thought I was the only one who noticed the "Critter Out all natural pest repellent" ad above this thread... :grin01: