Another blood draw today....
.....but I'm not looking forward to the results. Even the phlebotomist, someone licensed to simply draw blood dozens of times a day, commented on how quickly I clotted up after the draw, and I'm sure she's used to seeing how someone clots up at the proper INR levels.
I'll get the results on Monday; meanwhile, I just shelled out almost three grand for a two week supply of the Lovenox. Staying alive can be expensive.....but then I consider the alternative.
Also, I now have an "open-ended" account at the hospital lab; think of it as a reverse bar tab - I pay them to take fluids out of me.
As for the latest batch-o-kind-words:
Tula_Montage said:
Sending you many difuzzled purple wishes
Thanks, Elle. Thinking of making diffused lavs and diffused hypo lavs is a reason to stay alive.
desertanimal said:
My god, Dale. You are a funny, funny man. Glad to see you're still feeling yourself
When I think of me, I feel myself.
And maybe that's why I haven't been married since 1991.
Nanci said:
Do you have any idea what brought it on? Hers was from a plane ride- and she'd been taking all the precautions to not get a DVT on the plane- getting up, moving around, etc. She's a cyclist, and was (sitll is) banned from riding while on the blood thinners
Yeah, there's a reason that this is also referred to as "Economy Class Syndrome" - I'm amazed that I didn't develop one of these when I was a serious road warrior, flying to a client site on Sunday night and flying back home on Thursday night for five straight years.
Presuming there's not a genetic component to this (and given the family history, they'll be testing for hypercoagulability mutations down the road), it can be chalked up to a sedentary job; when I'm focused on writing code, I've gone as much as ten hours straight without getting out of my chair. (During the barhopping days of my foolish youth, my friends referred to me as "Monster Bladder"

) That has changed. I activated the part of the "Accessibility Options" in the Windows Control Panel that sets a "Get Up and Move" popup window every two hours.
And GAH - I used to be a
serious cyclist a decade (and twenty pounds) ago, both road and mountain biking. Nominate me for "Most Stupid Lifestyle Change", if you must.....but I started smoking
just a decade ago, and the cycling gradually fell by the wayside. Now that I quit smoking, once I'm stable with the blood levels, I'll be starting back on the bikes. But I've been told "no extreme sports" - like I ever had any - so I guess my rugby career is over. :shrugs:
MaizeCrazy said:
Clearly you are a well grounded individual who can ascertain between what is a crisis and important in life and what is not. Despite all of your jokes and humor (which I ALWAYS get and laugh at) you remain quite human

well done!
Watch out - when someone says such kind words, I approach becoming a stalker.

(Nah, I just check out the profile - and agreed, I'd move to Moab in a New York minute..) While some here have recently questioned my maturity level, I tell you, when you cross this point in your life, you're
instantly reminded of what's important....which allows you to unclench. :grin01:
Thanks again, everyone. Lab results on Monday. Film at eleven.