Just a little side note:
Elle mentioned the snake probably can't climb vertically, but to be honest most large scale corn snake facilities I've seen don't really allow for vertical climbing in corns, instead using quite shallow tubs - so is that really a disability, or does the lack of ability not really matter in an environment where the ability would not be used?
Does that mean that we could breed e.g. pigs with extremely short legs and it would be okay because pigs are mostly kept in quite small stables where they can't move anyway? (As it is already done in some breeds of cattle because the meat of the legs doesn't bring much money, by the way)
My point is: Just because some/a great number of keepers/breeders deny their snakes the possibility of climbing we can't say "Hey, it doesn't climb so it doesn't
need belly scales"
On scale-less snakes: First of all we have to know if the snake can lead a "normal" (captive normal) life.
Does it suffer when crawling on rough surfaces?
Will it be hurt when trying to climb (I think it won't lose it's climbing instinct alon with it's scales, will it?
Does it suffer from fungus or bacterial infections (of the skin) more often then a scaled snake?
What about the eyes? (This point really interests me!) Are they extra vulnerable there?
What about fighting/"wrestling" between males or bites by live prey? Is there a greater probability for the animal to be hurt?
If we know about these (and other issues) and can say the snake suffers - then the breeding of this trait should be banned by well-known breeders. (Just my opinion, of course!)
Even if we don't find serious problems, we won't be able to tell if a snake is entirely "happy" in its life (the fact it is breeding is no clue, I think, because otherwise some snakes are completely happy living their whole life in a shoe box).
Some people say, hairless cats are happy, normal cats.
Some ask if cats with reduced or missing whiskers can perceive the same amount of information like "Normals" - my point is: we
can't tell because we don't know the entire function of the whiskers.
In fact we have to decide to the best of one's knowledge - as long as everyone agrees in one thing:
I want a healthy snake that kind of enjoys being alive - I don't want a breathing piece of meat that looks "Cool" or "Awesome" and/or that brings prestige or money.
I hope my English is okay, I'm sorry for mistyping and spelling errors