Very puzzling
I'm no vet and I've never had this problem before with my snakes but in humans when something to do with bodily funtions goes suddenly out of whack it can often be pituitary related (I know this from first hand experience with my own retarded pituitary gland and the dramas I have along with it) It sounds to me like the gland responsible for the production of the oily fluid that helps the old skin come away during a shed could be not functioning properly. If suplimenting her prey with an essential fatty acid like flaxseed oil (by injecting it into the thawed mouse) hasn't been tried, you could give that a go. I'm a strong believer in 'you are what you eat' and if there's something amiss in her food, you could supliment....just an idea...could be way off.
Could it be that her water tastes funny?? The container you use for her water could be leeching a funny smell into the water. Could you try bottled or distilled water in a plain glazed ceramic container??
I'm no vet and I've never had this problem before with my snakes but in humans when something to do with bodily funtions goes suddenly out of whack it can often be pituitary related (I know this from first hand experience with my own retarded pituitary gland and the dramas I have along with it) It sounds to me like the gland responsible for the production of the oily fluid that helps the old skin come away during a shed could be not functioning properly. If suplimenting her prey with an essential fatty acid like flaxseed oil (by injecting it into the thawed mouse) hasn't been tried, you could give that a go. I'm a strong believer in 'you are what you eat' and if there's something amiss in her food, you could supliment....just an idea...could be way off.
Could it be that her water tastes funny?? The container you use for her water could be leeching a funny smell into the water. Could you try bottled or distilled water in a plain glazed ceramic container??