Has there been any suspicion mentioned about some type of genetic disorder where her skin is unable to use, manufacture or retain a vital component like fat, cholesterol, or something required by the skin for suppelness and waterproofing. Her condition may not be directly caused by hydration problems. There just might be a herp vet or herp Phd out there that is researching such a condition or would be fascinated and helpful. This is my logic, if water loosens her up, but is not changing or correcting the problem, than it is only treating the symptoms. The problem might be due to a disorder within the skin itself. Especially with the systems that protect the skin and keep it supple. She may actually be missing a layer of tissue that makes up the skin. This could be a completely new disorder or disease.
My memory, as I read your description, jumps to psittacine beak and feather disease. Why can't inbred snakes, over time, develop skin disorders of their own. Why don't you try some type of safe, nontoxic fat or heavy duty moisturizer. Crisco, Aloe vera gel, sunburn moisturizer, Aveeno, something like this. Then wrap her in a soft piece of sheet for a while to let the moisturizer work before its rubbed off. Pick something organic?, Natural, free of undesierables like alcohol, perfumes, colorings, preservatives, medicine, other suspect chemicals.
I am taking some heady liberties encouraging you to do things to your snake. I just have a gut instinct about this-even though I haven't witnesses it for myself- that it is not a hydration disorder per se. All the fluids she ingests can very possibly be being lost simply through the skin itself. Damaged skin can not hold water in. And your description of the skin itself and the abnormal scales just sparks something in my collective memory.
Did your vet ever suggest doing a skin biopsy? A culture? This sounds invasive, maybe even radical. But IMO, they are reasonable steps to take that might provide some valuable information and treatment ideas. Maybe she can be supplemented with a hormone, cortisone?, levothyroxine? that could prove effective treatment and reverse the symptoms and damage somewhat. I don't know. I feel compelled to offer any idea I have to contirbute.
I hope you don't just give up on her yet, but decide to try some of the ideas I have suggested. Also, I would be very pleased and grateful to be kept up to date via this forum.
If you give up and decide not to go on, consider letting someone else try, especially with regard to the diagnostic work. I would be willing to do that. Just call me a bleeding heart sucker.
Thanks for allowing me to offer my Two Cents.
May God Bless.