This is my love, Petra.
English Mastiff born 3/28/2007 -- Here is a progression.
The first day that I got her. I cut myself out because DAMN I looked fat. I also have more than four fingers. I swear. Anyway, Petra is officially the cutest puppy in the world:
Then several months later at Lake Tahoe:
Then a month or two after that at Santa Cruz
Then... a month ago. Doggie puberty hit. And hard.
I'd get a picture of her tonight, but she's under the futon and since she weighs about 110lbs, I can't drag her out. :shrugs:
This is Sydney my German Shorthaired Pointer / Vizsla mix... and Ollie the Pit Bill / Chesepeke Bay Retreiver mix!
Sydney is 3 years old, Ollie is 5 years. Ollie is the calmest dog ever - but a great watchdog. Sydney is has more energy then the energizer bunny, and gets into enough trouble for the both of them! She's REALLY good at hurting herself. She likes to climb trees and fall out of them. But they adore each other, and we call them "Boyfriend" and "Girlfriend".
Boy....Ollie looks like himself takes herself very serious, in that first pic......