These were taken in the summer, spanky lives with my parents now because him and my dads dog got to attached to each over the summer when I stayed with them. Chewy below, I got just after I got back from the summer at my parents, the only 2 pictures i have of her, she was killed by a rottie, one day when we were at the dog park.
Me and Spanky, my son in the background
My kisses
My daughter and Spanky
Chewy (RIP)
This is Sydney my German Shorthaired Pointer / Vizsla mix... and Ollie the Pit Bill / Chesepeke Bay Retreiver mix!
Sydney is 3 years old, Ollie is 5 years. Ollie is the calmest dog ever - but a great watchdog. Sydney is has more energy then the energizer bunny, and gets into enough trouble for the both of them! She's REALLY good at hurting herself. She likes to climb trees and fall out of them. But they adore each other, and we call them "Boyfriend" and "Girlfriend".
Oh he does - he's the old man who worries about everyone! Sydney is the opposite in everyway - she doesn't have a care in the world - until she gets hurt, and then she wants to crawl up into your lap, all 80 pounds of her! Ollie doesn't like to sit in people lap, but he loves to curl up next to you, and makes sure that you pet him as often as possible!
You Logan is tooo cute! I love bulldogs!