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snake owner/tatoo poll

How many snake owners also have tattoos

  • Have snakes and tattoos

    Votes: 74 52.9%
  • Have snakes but no tatoos

    Votes: 51 36.4%
  • Have snakes, no tatoos, but want one

    Votes: 15 10.7%

  • Total voters
snakewispera snr said:

Nope, I don't have any, I would love one, but not old enough I don't think, anyways, that big tatoo you have there wispera is AWESOME! loverly design to it :)
quite a few snakes but only one tattoo... got a nice cover up for a "young and dumb" one :D its a nice dragon with a snakes tongue lol I will get another 1 atleast... I think most of the tattoos I have seen are in good taste and they mean something to the person wearing them. For me its just another way to express yourself. I love body art, as long as its not too over done or nasty :rolleyes:
I have no body art or piercings other than my one set of earing holes. I actually just never desired to have to have a tattoo. Its not my form of expression..dancing is. I had never thought about this either till a few months ago when I went out to buy a 75 gallon aquarium that a man had for sale in the paper. After I had been there a few minutes, he looked at me and said...

" So no Tattoos? No piercings? I thought all you snake people had body art and and wore black all the time..."

It was at that point that I realized I may not be the normal Looking snake keeper...Funny how people generalize things though...I was actually a bit put off and insulted by his statements just because he came across in such a tacky manner. But as I look around at snake shows...I really don't seem to fit in physically...
dawnrenee2000 said:
I have no body art or piercings other than my one set of earing holes. I actually just never desired to have to have a tattoo. Its not my form of expression..dancing is. I had never thought about this either till a few months ago when I went out to buy a 75 gallon aquarium that a man had for sale in the paper. After I had been there a few minutes, he looked at me and said...

" So no Tattoos? No piercings? I thought all you snake people had body art and and wore black all the time..."

It was at that point that I realized I may not be the normal Looking snake keeper...Funny how people generalize things though...I was actually a bit put off and insulted by his statements just because he came across in such a tacky manner. But as I look around at snake shows...I really don't seem to fit in physically...
Working in a shop, I can say that some of the best snake owner's I have met don't "look the part", while some that do...can't seem to get it right.

That's not to claim any sort of "rule of thumb" or anything...just a "you can't judge a book..." analogy.
I have 5 snakes and 2 tattoos...and a 3rd in the design stage. :) I just so happened to move down the street from a very nice tattoo parlor...and it's been 9 years since I got my last tattoo, so I stopped in the other day with my boyfriend who is looking to finally get his first tattoo, talked about designs (something that I'd been thinking about, though, for the past 2 years...so not an impulse idea!), and now I just need a finished design and a day off. :) I'm also looking to get my 19th piercing...something tiny, not too flashy, and I promised it to myself when I was 18 (a reward for getting accepted into college); I just never did it. I did a bunch of others, so it's time to make up for lost time...:)

(And yes, I can keep it all looking very professional in the classroom without going to any great lengths at all to hide anything...:) )

I also don't have a problem with needles; I never have, even as a baby my mother said that I never cried when blood was drawn or I was vaccinated. I've always found it fascinating...and it helps that I do have a high pain tolerance. I giggled through my tattoos because they tickled. I did many of my piercings myself. And I love to give blood...partly because I'm AB+ and it makes me feel -- though not my fault -- a bit ashamed because I'm a universal recipient, but I can only donate to those who are also AB+ (thankfully there aren't tons of us!). So, even those I almost always pass out while giving -- because I'm a wild bleeder, too -- I really don't mind the needles at all.
Thought for awhile about getting a tatoo, but from other people's bad expierences I decided not to get one. I learned art is best on wall or canvas. I appreciate chinese culture but not enough to get it permently printed on my body. My sister got two stars on her wrist and I asked her why, she said "I want to have something to remember this moment." Aren't there less extreme things like keeping a diary? The two stars look like crap. If Salvador Dali was a tatoo artist and the colors looked half-way decent I might think twice.
snake owners

I have seen some pretty young owners on this site...some may not be old enough to have a tatoo yet.

I have one and a snake too!
4 snakes, 17 tattoos.. one tattoo with 2 snakes, no snakes with tattoos.

Oh yeah, and I used to have 2 holes in my lower lip, but I let them close cause they wouldn't heal on the outside for several months. Ouch! I was cutting sandwiches into very small bites. LOL.
Hmm... lots of snakes here, but no tattoos, Tim has three (I think), but not me.

I used to want a tattoo when I was in high-school, but then I learned how they were done and watched one being done and i lost all desire to get one. I hate needles, I'm very afraid of them and it's gotten worse as I've gotten older. Every time I go in for blood work, need an IV, or anything of that nature I always come out looking like someone used me for a punching bag.

I have tiny veins, and the technician inserting the needle never fails to miss once (but usually three times) and I'll end up with bruises that are 3-4 inches in diameter. Even when they don't miss, I'll end up with huge 2 inch bruises and they take weeks to fade away.

That said, I find it odd that getting bit by the hatchlings doesn't bother me anymore. They rarely ever bite me in sensitive places though, mostly on the hands and fingers. I did cuss one new hatchling out the other day, bit me on the inside of the arm and pinched me - left a tiny bruise too. Yes, I bruise easily enough that a 1 day old hatchling left a mark - it was small though...

Anyway, I'll shut up now...

Four tats and 26snakes currently.
I am not a big fan of needles either. Having blood drawn makes me really sick to my stomach. And for three of my four tats, I have either thrown up or almost passed out in the first 10minutes - after that, I am fine.
I want to get at least two more - one native american design and a tribal dragonfly (currently have a celtic dragon, chinese dragon, rose/tribal and a name).
I have tattoo's, certainly not a masochist.. Most piercings creep me out, and my ink is left unseen for the most part, cept when I am wearing a pair of shorts or a Wife beater/undershirt, which doesn't happen often. Somethings are best left behind a door that is closed.. I had my left ear pierced for 20 years, took them out and let them heal over.. Not to professional looking if you ask me, and well I don't follow culturial trends..

At this time in my life, I need to stay as professional as I can, I have a bussiness goal I need to obtain, and not need to frighten the customers.. Of course I have thought about new ink, but it is not my list of prorities at this time.. To offend more people, I have the tribal wheat head on my right calf, it has a two fold meaning.. First one is I am from farm country, where the main crops where generally wheat, the second is getting back to the basic body of Christ, bread being the body of Christ, bread is made from wheat, talk about sneaky double meaning..

Regards.. Tim of T and J
4 snakes currently, two lizards. No tattoos yet but the current plan is to have a large iguana backpiece started on my 18th birthday. We'll see.
Better late than never, I guess. I currently have 9 tattoos and 17 snakes. Plan on getting more of both.