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Snake Throwing Up Pinkies


New member
I just got my albino, Amun, on the 14th. She thew up the first one 3 days after I fed her. The pet store told me it might have been to big or I handled her to much after she ate.

Well I fed her again on Monday morning, a new born (just a few hours old) and I just came home from work, and she thew that one up too. I haven't held her since before I fed her, and I know that pinkie wasn't to big.

I don't know whats going on, should I take her the vet or what?
You need to follow the regurge protocol search for it on this site. Basically offer no food for 8-10 days and get ahold of some nutribac from Kathy Love who you can look up on here. Its a proibotic that helps rebuild good stomach bacteria instead of letting the bad multiply. In 8-10 after dosing your snake with nutribac every 2 days during this period you can feed a pinkie head, but no bigger. If you continue to feed and don't follow this protocol the end result is death unfortunately. Are your temps between 80-85 on one side and in the 70's on the other and how are you heating the tank? Never handle a snake for 2-3 days after a feed btw. I know you haven't just an added caution. Look up Kathy Love's cornutopia web site and order the nutribac ASAP it really is a great product.
The warm side stays between 80 maybe little over that. But she always stays on the cool side of the tank.

I just heating lamps on top of the cage.
One more thing, when I did find the 2 pinkies in her cage, the heads of the mice were sunken in, eyes are black but the rest of it is still pink and has skin and still mushy.
Nutribac Nutribac Nutribac!!!

This is a great product and one bottle lasts a long time. Follow the regurge FAQ and don't rush the feedings. You have to wait 8+ days between feedings. I place a small amount of Nutribac in the water and mix it up everyday. I wait til I see them urinate a couple of times before I feed again. This ensures they are drinking the Nutribac. I also raise the temps to make them want to drink more as well. So far it has worked everytime. Fingers still crossed and knocking on wood. Good luck!!
One more thing, when I did find the 2 pinkies in her cage, the heads of the mice were sunken in, eyes are black but the rest of it is still pink and has skin and still mushy.

That's natural. It's the way the digest their food. It stinks very bad too.:puke01: <- that's what my wife will do if she smells it too long. :laugh01::laugh01:
My 2 year old Motley Snow regurged on Monday. This isn't the first time I have had a snake regurge, but it really nerving, none the less. Follow the advice of the Post Regurge Therapy Thread. It works great and could save you a lot of headaches down the road.

DO NOT FEED, for ten days. I think it says to feed a small meal in the thread. That is good advice, but make sure it's a very small meal. When I go to feed my 2 year old next week, I will only give him half a new born pinkie. You may want to go smaller. Definitely use the nutribac! You may be able to get some from Kathy Love. Roll the piece of the pinkie, in it. That will help with digestion. You can also add a little to the water.

Also, a very small meal will not hurt her. Giving her very small meal will help her build up her stomach acids again. Something that takes a very long time, because of their very slow metabolism. Change her water often, maybe twice a day. Keep her viv temps warm and be patient.

Keep us posted on this. Since I am going through this at the same time, I can definitely relate and I am more than willing to give you support or advice.

Good Luck,

This is on the main stickyin this forum here.

Kathy Love FAQ's

FAQ from Kathy Love on Regurgitation Treatment

THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT - once a snake has regurged, especially twice or more, it is more likely to keep on regurging until it dies, unless something is changed about its care and feeding. It is very important NOT to let this continue. PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW VERY CAREFULLY. This is from my FAQ on regurges:

I suspect your problem is probably not bad mice, but about handling too soon, feeding too soon or too large of a meal, a stomach "bug", or improper temps. If you make these mistakes once, or even twice, it is not usually a problem if you FOLLOW MY INSTRUCTIONS EXACTLY. But remember, each time it regurges, the stomach acids are depleted, and the whole electrolyte balance is thrown off more and more each time, and it makes it MORE likely that it will continue to throw up until it dies. (those consequences are just my opinions - I do not know if science backs up my conclusions, but my experience certainly does!) That is why it is so important to NOT ALLOW another regurge.

The next month or two is crucial. DO NOT feed it for AT LEAST 8 days since the last regurge. NOT ANYTHING AT ALL! Then get a newborn frozen pinky and cut it in half (or cut off just the head) If she eats it, leave her alone for a whole week. (no handling). Repeat the partial pinkie feeding the following week. Then feed a whole newborn pinkie a week after that, if there has been no regurge. Leave alone for a whole week. If she regurges, wait a week and repeat 1/2 pinkie. If she keeps it down, wait a week and repeat whole pinkie. If she holds down a couple of meals, DO NOT rush back into larger meals and more handling. Treat this seriously. Go very slowly. After 3 successful meals, go to a newborn pink every 5 days. Go back to normal feedings only after 6 successful meals. Always wait to handle until after 3 or 4 days, but only AFTER 6 successful meals. No handling until then (causes stress, need to keep stress down). And NEVER feed again right after a regurge - ALWAYS wait AT LEAST 7 or 8 days, maybe even up to 10 days, and then only feed something that was about 1/2 the size (or less) of what she regurged..

Also, be sure that temps are not too warm or cool. Try to give an area of low to mid 80s on one side and 70s on the other. Too hot or cold will cause regurges.

Grapefruit seed extract can sometimes help if the snake has some sort of "stomach bug" (any microbial problem) as it is a natural remedy that is good against many kinds of pathogens, but not as strong as an antibiotic prescribed by a doctor. This product has been used in agriculture for many years and seems to be very safe, as long as you dilute it with enough water that the acidity does not burn the tissues. A vet has told me he feels that it may somewhat alter the pH of the animal and thus change the way medicines are absorbed. So if you use this product and then take the snake to a vet, mention the treatment so it can be taken into account if the vet decides to change the prescription because of it. It is best to mix it in a glass and taste it to make sure it is not so bitter that the snake refuses to drink it. I have used it on myself and so has my husband. I find it works better on stomach problems than for other symptoms (such as respiratory - I didn't have any luck treating colds or other respiratory problems).You can buy it at a local health food store or online. Please refer to the following website for more background info:

I have also had success with a probiotic called Nutri Bac, a fine powder containing seven different microflora that should be inhabiting the gut of reptiles, but may be absent due to stress, disease, antibiotic treatments, etc. Using the powder as a supplement will sometimes allow the reptile to get back the natural balance of microbes in its digestive tract, and then its own immune system can take over. See my website for more details, or go here:
http://www.cornutopia.com/Corn Ut...information.htm

The number of days and amounts of food, etc, suggested above are not set in stone. Other people may have success with slightly different formulas, but this is what I found works for me and many of my customers. If this protocol does not work when carefully followed, it is likely that the snake has some severe problems. Your only hope is a QUALIFIED herp vet, who may or may not be able to save your pet.

Please follow my care sheet for the first month or so when starting with new acquisitions (posted on my website for the first month's care of new corns).. The first month is crucial in getting the baby established. It is worth a little extra "coddling" for the first month in order to have a trouble free pet for the next 10 or 15 years or more.
Any regurge with a baby snake is serious, and two is very serious. Babies often die from three in a row. The advice you've gotten is excellent. I'm sure you want what's best for your baby or you wouldn't be asking. I encourage you to wait 10 days before feeding again and then go with only a pinky head.

Be aware that, though many are excellent resources, many pet store employees really don't know what's good for your snake. Is appears that your advisor falls into the latter category.

Your snake's metabolism operates at about 20% the rate of yours. The seemingly long delay is to allow his/her digestive tract to recover fully. It's hard to wait sometimes, and easy to feel like you're "starving" your snake. You're not. You're giving him/her time to recover. Remember, they don't eat often by human standards anyhow.

Nutribac is a fantastic help for snakes with digestive difficulties. I had one with regurge issues, and since getting the Nutribac he's not had another problem. You can read about it in here if you like.

Best of luck with your baby.
Thank you guys so much for your help!

I'm gonna try the half pinkie thing, and try to get ahold of some of that Nutribac. Do any pet stores carry it?
Thank you guys so much for your help!

I'm gonna try the half pinkie thing, and try to get ahold of some of that Nutribac. Do any pet stores carry it?

My understanding is that some do, but not very many. I ordered mine from Kathy Love, who always has a stock available. You can PayPal her or mail and check or money order, as you prefer. Go to www.cornutopia.com which is her website and you'll find it. I (along with virtually everyone on this site) also recommend Kathy's book "Corn Snakes: The Comprehensive Owner's Guide." It's not at all like the average pet store "about your pet" book. It has over 200 pages of excellent, useful info for corn snake keepers.
Kathy Love (cornutopia) and the Bean Farm is the only places I had any luck finding on...There might be more, but I am not sure.
I wouldn't even do the half pink - just a pinkie head is enough. And don't go back to normal feedings until MANY head or half pink meals are digested. It takes a long time to get back to where you started. If it can't even digest just the head after 8-10 days of rest, then it is VERY serious. At that point, it is likely that a combo of NB and possibly even liquid diet is all that will have a chance to save it.

Since it sounds like it was your very first feeding that caused the regurge, that is bad news. It could have been regurging a few times for the shop even before you got it - no way to know that. Was it in a cage with other snakes? Feel the middle of the snake - does it feel strong and muscular, or mushy? If mushy, it may already be too late. Try to get the temp up to 85F on one side, even if you don't see the baby making use of it.

I have never heard of a general pet shop carrying NB - I doubt that most have even heard of it. If you have a specialty reptile shop in the area, it is possible they may carry it.

Good luck!
She was in a little cage by herself when I got her. Her middle doesn't feel mushy at all. She's very cranky right now, she tried to snap at me last night. first time she's done that. I'll try the pinkie head, I'm also gonna take her the vet next Friday, just to get her checked out.

thank you for your help everyone. I'm really worried about her, as she is my first snake, and I love her already. But I'm hoping for the best
You're welcome. I've learned so much here!

If you're heading to the vet, you ought to take along a fecal sample. It can be checked for parasites while you're there. (Vets always enjoy getting poop in a plastic bag! ;) )
Ok, so today Amun was out and about in her cage just wondering around. Then I noticed she drank some water then went to her log and started rubbing up against anything she could get her head on.

Then the shed on her head came off. Could this be the reason that she was throwing up her pinkies? Should I try to feed her a small one after he shed is over?
No do not feed a pinkie head until 10 days after her last regurge which seems like it was on 3/26 which means no pinkie head until 4/05, but I urge you to get nutribac ASAP becaue the chances of another regurge even after a pinkie head are great since the snake has already regurged twice. Pay for Kathy to overnight you the nutribac its well worth the expense and you could have it by tues-weds which means you could get a few treatments in. Putting nutribac in water is actually pointless a better route is to mix the nutribac with 1cc of water. Basically mix as much nutribac as you can into the 1cc of water to make a slurry. It should be thick liquidish in substance and dose with a baby syringe (no needle in it of course) that you can get for free from your local pharmacy. Just say you have a baby on antibiotics and they didn't give you a syringe with your prescription (its only 1/2 a lie!!). Draw the thick nutribac and water solution in the syringe and get someone to help you hold your snake. Use your fingernail to open your snakes mouth open enough to fit the syringe in and slowly dispense the nutribac until it is all in. Then hold your snake upright for 30 sec. to 1 min so he can't throw it right back up and gently put him back in his cage. You must do this 2-3 times once every other day meaning it takes a week before you should even try to feed a pinkie head and even then the pinkie head should be generously sprinkled with nutribac for months until you are back up to a whole pinkie. Really without nutribac your snake is going to die not to be dramatic btw I am being totally serious. 2 regurges is VERY dangerous so please get the nutribac and follow the regurge protocol to a tee. Good luck!!!
Ok, so today Amun was out and about in her cage just wondering around. Then I noticed she drank some water then went to her log and started rubbing up against anything she could get her head on.

Then the shed on her head came off. Could this be the reason that she was throwing up her pinkies? Should I try to feed her a small one after he shed is over?
It's not uncommon for snakes to regurge if they eat in the "blue" or preshed phase. However, this was Amun's second regurge, so his gut flora are way off kilter. You still need to wait 10 days post-regurge to feed a pinky head. His digestive tract needs time to recover.

Have you gotten your Nutribac yet?