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Spread the Word to End the Word

Wow, Wayne! I can't imagine having that conversation and keeping my temper in check!! What exactly do they consider as an "advantage"? I'm sure that was very hurtful to your daughter.

Regarding what you're saying to Wade...I don't think he meant that maliciously. I won't speak for him, but he did say it's not something he uses or would miss using.

I was thinking again about Luke and his disparaging comment regarding the bus. I'm sure that he must have heard other children refer to it as the "dumb" bus as well. One of the things I've tried to be cognizant of with my kids is the power of language. I don't freak out if they drop an F-bomb on me....that only tells them that it's a very powerful word. One child called my older son stupid on the bus. We talked about it calmly and he knows that when people call other people names with the intent to hurt, it's their way of covering up their own lack of self-worth. Words have as much power as you give them.
Through conversations and discussions had yesterday in particular, I am very happy and content knowing that 12, 13 and 14 year old kids understand the hurtfulness of the R word and that it is generally inappropriate to use. I'm proud of them. Of course I'm sure they will be accused of being brainwashed by the public education system, but so be it.


PS. I'm also happy and content knowing that people I consider friends are of like mind concerning this topic. ;)
Regarding what you're saying to Wade...I don't think he meant that maliciously. I won't speak for him, but he did say it's not something he uses or would miss using.

Lori, I don't think Wayne was talking to me. ??

Watch this video I just came across. It is kind of interesting. It kind of illistrates how things are funny in one situation and not funny in another.

Good Vibrations
Through conversations and discussions had yesterday in particular, I am very happy and content knowing that 12, 13 and 14 year old kids understand the hurtfulness of the R word and that it is generally inappropriate to use. I'm proud of them. Of course I'm sure they will be accused of being brainwashed by the public education system, but so be it.


PS. I'm also happy and content knowing that people I consider friends are of like mind concerning this topic. ;)
Brent, I think it's great that you're educating children regarding that word as well as any other word that can be hurtful to anyone with disabilities, race, gender, etc. etc. My kids aren't really even familiar with the word yet. At their school, they have a very strong "no bullying" program in place, and they have various movies, assemblies, t-shirts that say "Be a Buddy, Not a Bully" and stuff like that. They're taught not to bully as well as how to react if they are bullied themselves. It's a great program, and all the kids love it.

Lori, I don't think Wayne was talking to me. ??

Watch this video I just came across. It is kind of interesting. It kind of illistrates how things are funny in one situation and not funny in another.

Good Vibrations
Oh, maybe he was talking to me??

That's a cute movie. Is it supposed to be silent? I didn't have any volume with it.
Wow, Wayne! I can't imagine having that conversation and keeping my temper in check!! What exactly do they consider as an "advantage"? I'm sure that was very hurtful to your daughter.

I was very upset, but you have to understand. My daughter has the ability to retain information that you or would normally forget. It's part of who she is. She retains seemingly innocuous facts, memories, events, dates and conversations. The list can go on and on about what she can do. It's the things she can't do that makes her different. She has social and sensory issues. She can't relate to children her own age.

I didn't know about the geography bee results. My daughter didn't tell me about it. She just came home excited because she got a certificate stating that she got forth place. I actually had no idea till this morning.

Regarding what you're saying to Wade...I don't think he meant that maliciously. I won't speak for him, but he did say it's not something he uses or would miss using.

I was thinking again about Luke and his disparaging comment regarding the bus. I'm sure that he must have heard other children refer to it as the "dumb" bus as well. One of the things I've tried to be cognizant of with my kids is the power of language. I don't freak out if they drop an F-bomb on me....that only tells them that it's a very powerful word. One child called my older son stupid on the bus. We talked about it calmly and he knows that when people call other people names with the intent to hurt, it's their way of covering up their own lack of self-worth. Words have as much power as you give them.

It wasn't in regard to anything Wade is saying. Wade has the ability to read my thoughts, a little, and type out what I'm trying to say but my emotions won't let me. ;) Well almost?!

I'm just trying to make a point regarding calling a buddy retarded because he does something clumsily or stupid. People with developmental delays are clumsy, stupid or retarded. So why do we have to refer to "friends" that way, only when they do something stupid or clumsy? People with disabilities are capable of so much more then a simple stereotype.

And, I'm not mad, picking on, pointing fingers at, degrading, telling anyone what to do or anything. I'm just expressing my point of view. My feeling regarding this. That's all!

My daughter has the ability to retain information that you or would normally forget. It's part of who she is. She retains seemingly innocuous facts, memories, events, dates and conversations. The list can go on and on about what she can do. It's the things she can't do that makes her different. She has social and sensory issues. She can't relate to children her own age.


It sounds more like it's the things she CAN do that make her different. I'd give anything to have her gifts. Luke has many gifts as well..one being artistic with an amazing ability to draw and paint. He is also very mechanical and can see exactly how things work. I still draw stick people. :p

She sounds like a really great kid, Wayne.
Yes Chris, that is exactly correct. I am who I appear to be no matter who I am speaking to or what I am speaking about. I do not do or say anything ever I would be ashamed to have someone else, even my Grandmother, she me do or hear me say. That is what I call being honest.
Well, you either have an incredibly liberal Grandmother, or you have never uttered a curse word, derogatory comment, or off-color joke in your life. So which one is it?

Like I said...I call BS. I do not buy it. I say you're full of it. So...which category of honesty does that really place you in?

Well Chris then you have your own definition for that word. The rest of the word thinks the word retarded refers to a person with mental or physical disabilities. Look it up in 10 or 20 dictionaries and see if you can find one that doesn’t list that as one of the meanings of the word.
OK...start here--

re·tard   /rɪˈtɑrd, for 1–3, 5; ˈritɑrd for 4/ Show Spelled[ri-tahrd, for 1–3, 5; ree-tahrd for 4] Show IPA
–verb (used with object)
1.to make slow; delay the development or progress of (an action, process, etc.); hinder or impede.
–verb (used without object)
2.to be delayed.
3.a slowing down, diminution, or hindrance, as in a machine.
4.Slang: Disparaging.
a.a mentally retarded person.
b.a person who is stupid, obtuse, or ineffective in some way: a hopeless social retard.
5.Automotive, Machinery. an adjustment made in the setting of the distributor of an internal-combustion engine so that the spark for ignition in each cylinder is generated later in the cycle.
Use retard in a Sentence
See images of retard
Search retard on the Web
Compare advance.


1480–90; < L retardāre to delay, protract, equiv. to re- re- + tardāre to loiter, be slow, deriv. of tardus slow; see tardy

—Related forms
re·tard·ing·ly, adverb

1. obstruct, check.

1. accelerate.
From Dictionary.Reference.com
Hmm...a whole lot of definitions, and only one mention of a "mentally retarded person". It DOES, however, also provide this slang definition along with the "offensive" one--
b.a person who is stupid, obtuse, or ineffective in some way: a hopeless social retard.
And this is precisely the manner I choose to use it. Perfectly legitimate, and entirely unrelated to your accusations.

But I'm certain you'll ignore it...

Chris you are entitled to think it is ridiculous. I haven’t been a part of this movement to Ban The Word, but I think it sounds like a pretty good idea.
This doesn't surprise me one bit. I have no doubt that you would jump on ANY bandwagon that would include forcing people to think and act the way you do.

I don’t see a reason to intentionally go out of my way to make a group of people feel bad.
I don't either. Me calling my friend a retard for acting like a complete idiot shouldn't offend those people. If it does, than they are going OUT OF THEIR WAY to be offended by me.

It is not difficult for me to accommodate them in this case.
I agree. I don't use the word as a referance to mentally handicapped individuals, and I don't use it when knowingly in the presence of someone that finds it offensive. Seems to me I go a fair distance to avoid offended people...what's the trouble?

I don’t see how using that word enriches my life in any way. I really do believe that the words people use and the language the speak weather in private or public, reflects on the character of that person.
I agree with you. But there are a lot of words that regularly get used that are not character-building, intellectual, or enriching.

Chris you have accused me of twisting your words several time. The quotes above are your words in the context they were spoken. I have commented on what I thought of your words. I have not commented on what I thought you were thinking or what I thought your intentions were. I would appreciate the same courtesy from you.
Yet...you keep saying things like this--

But I know some of you feel it is a god given right to use that word. You can rest assured, you may continue to belittle people with disabilities as you please. Such freedom must give you a real feeling of empowerment. I’m happy for you.
And this--
I know people who use one language with one group of friends and a different language with a different group. I think they are the phony insincere types who say and act the way they think they should for different groups.

Immediately following my responses. In the first one, you are twisting my post precisely with what I put in boldface. I specifically stated that using the word to describe people with mental disabilities is wrong, and just plain rude. yet you reply immediately after me, completely ignoring my post.

In the second one you go out of your way to make it look as though I am plastic and two-faced, when the reality is that the vast majority of people in the world have different levels of manners that they use in different situations. This includes actions and words. Again...twisting my reply.

And don't try to pretend that you don't know you're doing it. You're too smart to be unaware of it. If you're NOT aware of it, than you simply do not read my posts before you respond. Period.
I'm not here to point fingers and say anyone is bad. I'm just giving a view point of what I'm feeling regarding a word. I guess any word could be considered derogatory or degrading, if it's used in a certain context.

I'm also sorry that your offended by my offense to you calling your "buddies" retarded when they do something stupidly or clumsily. Hey, if thats what you need to do and it makes you feel better doing it, then by all means continue! We all know that that is all "retarded" people are capable of.
Wayne, I'm not the least bit offended by you or your posts. Not at all. Until this post, I thought we were having an intelligent discourse. My point, precisely, is that I do NOT consider mentally challenged individuals as "stupid" "clumsy" or "foolish". Just as I wouldn't call a person with a disability an idiot, I would not call them "retarded.

That's the point I'm making. Idiot, jerk, goofball, fool, dolt, dullard, idjit, moron...the3 list goes on and on. And they are all used in the same manner that I use the word "retarded"...to describe a foolish, stupid, clumsy, or ridiculous action or activity by a "perfectly normal" individual.

Oh, BTW, Just to show you how "retarded" my daughter is. This morning I had a meeting with my daughters teachers, her therapist, principal, her aid and the schools therapist. One of the things that was brought up was about the geography bee they held last month. It seems they gave my daughter an honorary 4th place in the geography bee. The reason they gave her the honorary 4th place instead of the 1st place she earned or deserved was because some of the teachers felt she had an unfair advantage because of her disability. Does that sound right? Does that sound fair to you?
No. It isn't fair. It's ridiculous. It's absolutey the most ridiculous thing I've heard of in a while. What does that have to do with me calling my buddy retarded for trippng on thin air? How does that justify banning the use of a word? :shrugs:

How about the next time one of your "buddies" does something intelligent, instead of stupid or clumsy, you call them "retarded" then?

Just a thought

My friends rarely do anything intelligent. But that's not really the point. The point is...I understand your frustration with people in general. There are a lot of rude, angry, cold-hreated, and just plain mean people in the world. Anyone that would use the word retard in a hateful manner towards mentally challenged individuals is a P.O.S., and I am right there, 150%, standing right next to you in line ready to rip them a new one.

But really...pick your battles. Is it worth the frustration to get offended everytime someone uses the word in a completely different context? Is it really THAT offensive to you that I use the word in certain contexts, but somehow manage to have decency and respect for people with disabilities? Or do you simply believe it is impossible to use the word AND respect people with disabilities?

Because I can assure you that the last line is just wrong. I have tremendous respect for every person, until they show me they do not deserve respect...and I use the word in certain contexts.

Seriously Wayne, I respect you and your opinion. I have not taken offense or inteded to offend in my discourse with you. I don't like Wade, and he don't like me. But my issues with him do not influence my opinion of you. You and I have always done just fine, as far as I knew. Even though we rarely share an opinion, I've always tried to respect you, and I've rarely(if ever) felt disrespected by you. :cheers:
Through conversations and discussions had yesterday in particular, I am very happy and content knowing that 12, 13 and 14 year old kids understand the hurtfulness of the R word and that it is generally inappropriate to use. I'm proud of them. Of course I'm sure they will be accused of being brainwashed by the public education system, but so be it.


PS. I'm also happy and content knowing that people I consider friends are of like mind concerning this topic. ;)

Hey, educating children about the appropriateness(or lack thereof) of certain words, and precisely how painful and hurtful words can be if used malisciously is something you, and the school system should be proud of. I don't think there is a morality issue, personally. Children need to learn how to respectfully and respectably interact with each other, and part of that is learning when, where, and how to use words...or NOT to use words...

This may shock you...I applaud that effort...
Seriously Wayne, I respect you and your opinion. I have not taken offense or inteded to offend in my discourse with you. I don't like Wade, and he don't like me. But my issues with him do not influence my opinion of you. You and I have always done just fine, as far as I knew. Even though we rarely share an opinion, I've always tried to respect you, and I've rarely(if ever) felt disrespected by you. :cheers:

That's cool! :cheers: Thats why I have mentioned that I don't always get my point across on this subject. I'm too emotionally involved. It hits home too often. We are fine and I understand what you are saying. May not agree, but again, I have mentioned that if you feel comfortable doing it, then by all means have fun. Continue!

I'm not trying to be disrespectful or disrespecting!

Good Luck!

Well, you either have an incredibly liberal Grandmother, or you have never uttered a curse word, derogatory comment, or off-color joke in your life. So which one is it?

Like I said...I call BS. I do not buy it. I say you're full of it. So...which category of honesty does that really place you in?

Which category of honesty am I in? There is only one category of honesty Chris, you are either in it or you are not.

Your opinion of my honesty, weather you buy it or not, as no effect on the rotation of the earth or anything else.
Which category of honesty am I in? There is only one category of honesty Chris, you are either in it or you are not.

Your opinion of my honesty, weather you buy it or not, as no effect on the rotation of the earth or anything else.

That's true. there is only one category of honesty. And if you've convinced yourself that your earlier statements are "honest", than by all means, have at it. Just don't break your arm patting yourself on the back over it...

On the other hand, I'm fairly certain the rest of the world is comfortable acknowledging that normal, average, everyday, respectful people use different language and levels of manners within different social confines. And that makes them neither liars nor insincere...it makes them human beings capable of carrying on and participating in different relationships at different levels with different people in different social situations. MOST people have different conversations and levels of manners with their best friend at the bar or ballgame than with their boss in front of a customer at the office. You might want to check your words before insulting the entire human race next time...

My opinion of your "honesty" and character is no secret. Good thing your existence doesn't depend on it, ain't it?

However...your OWN opinion of your OWN honesty should be seriously re-evaluated before you fall down from that high horse you have yourself so infirmly planted on. I still don't buy for one nano-second that you don't engage in different conversations among different social groups. You'll never convince me otherwise...
That's true. there is only one category of honesty. And if you've convinced yourself that your earlier statements are "honest", than by all means, have at it. Just don't break your arm patting yourself on the back over it...

On the other hand, I'm fairly certain the rest of the world is comfortable acknowledging that normal, average, everyday, respectful people use different language and levels of manners within different social confines. And that makes them neither liars nor insincere...it makes them human beings capable of carrying on and participating in different relationships at different levels with different people in different social situations. MOST people have different conversations and levels of manners with their best friend at the bar or ballgame than with their boss in front of a customer at the office. You might want to check your words before insulting the entire human race next time...

My opinion of your "honesty" and character is no secret. Good thing your existence doesn't depend on it, ain't it?

However...your OWN opinion of your OWN honesty should be seriously re-evaluated before you fall down from that high horse you have yourself so infirmly planted on. I still don't buy for one nano-second that you don't engage in different conversations among different social groups. You'll never convince me otherwise...

Chris you are spending a lot of time and energy trying to call me a liar. As usual you have turned the conversation around to something it wasn’t in the beginning. Of course I discuss different topics with different people. I talk to my friends about current events, I talk to people on CS about snakes. My friends are not interested in snakes and I don’t discuss them with them much. I take to grandma about what my children are doing because that is what she is interested in.

None of that is was the original statement was about. You said you use the word Retard with your friends but not around people who were mentally handicapped. I said I used one language for all the people I know. I don’t use language around my friends that I would be embarrassed to use with grandma. I think it was right about this point you first called be a liar. Your words were something to the effect “I call BS”.

I really don’t care what you think Chris. If you don’t chose to believe me I guess that’s fine. I’ve had enough of you calling me a liar. You really need to work on your communication skills.
Chris you are spending a lot of time and energy trying to call me a liar. As usual you have turned the conversation around to something it wasn’t in the beginning. Of course I discuss different topics with different people. I talk to my friends about current events, I talk to people on CS about snakes. My friends are not interested in snakes and I don’t discuss them with them much. I take to grandma about what my children are doing because that is what she is interested in.

None of that is was the original statement was about. You said you use the word Retard with your friends but not around people who were mentally handicapped. I said I used one language for all the people I know. I don’t use language around my friends that I would be embarrassed to use with grandma. I think it was right about this point you first called be a liar. Your words were something to the effect “I call BS”.
You don't curse? There are no words you use with your guy friends that would be innappropriate to use with a female co-worker whom you hardly know? There is no difference in the verbal interaction between you and your best friend and that between you and a complete stranger? Nothing you would say in front of your wife that you wouldn;t say in front of your priest? Really? You really expect me and the rest of the world to believe that line of complete malrkey?

It's not about being ashamed, it's about respecting other people's sensitivities. My friends can handle me throwing out "the f-word" on a regular basis. However, I'm not going to walk into a parent-teacher conferance and start dropping f-bombs. My friends can handle me calling Rush Limbaugh a "retard", but I'm not going to use the word when I'm having a conversation about him with my grandmother.

I really don’t care what you think Chris. If you don’t chose to believe me I guess that’s fine. I’ve had enough of you calling me a liar. You really need to work on your communication skills.
I don't believe you because it's simply a ridiculous statement. You didn't become a "liar" until you placed yourself onto some morally higher plane of existence that as a human being you cannot possibly exist on. You are trying to convince me that you never consciously avoid certain words in certain company that you would use in different company. If you would simply admit that that is a ludicrous statement...this would all be over.

I'm not talking about your topical content...I'm talking specifically about your vocabulary. And I stand by my statements.

My communication skills are just fine. You are picking up precisely the message that I am putting down.
Should we LEGALLY BAN hateful speech? Probably not. The First Amendment protects the right to free speech, and it doesn't have any exception clauses for hateful speech. I already cut & pasted the text of the 1st Amendment onto this forum in the last week so I won't repeat it.

Is it appropriate to apply social pressure to people to not use hateful speech? I don't see why not. Humans are social animals, unlike snakes! Should we teach children not to use hateful speech? Absolutely.

I am not developmentally delayed or intellectually challenged, as far as I know. I did have some very significant motor coordination problems in elementary school. As a result I suffered a great deal from fellow elementary school children who used the "r word" in a derogatory way, frequently & viciously. So if we work on applying social pressure to eliminate this word as a derogatory adjective, I'd be delighted!
You don't curse? There are no words you use with your guy friends that would be innappropriate to use with a female co-worker whom you hardly know?

I did not say I don’t curse. If the mods will permit, I use hell and damn frequently. I don’t chose who hears me use those words. I don’t change who I am to suit who I’m with. Back to honesty, apparently a foreign idea for you.

My friends can handle me throwing out "the f-word" on a regular basis. However, I'm not going to walk into a parent-teacher conferance and start dropping f-bombs. My friends can handle me calling Rush Limbaugh a "retard", but I'm not going to use the word when I'm having a conversation about him with my grandmother.

I think that probably says as much about the quality of your friends as it does about you.

I don't believe you because it's simply a ridiculous statement. You didn't become a "liar" until you placed yourself onto some morally higher plane of existence that as a human being you cannot possibly exist on. You are trying to convince me that you never consciously avoid certain words in certain company that you would use in different company. If you would simply admit that that is a ludicrous statement...this would all be over.

It is pretty obvious that the idea of being completely honest with everyone you meet is a really difficult topic for you to grasp. One might even think your ability to come to terms with this concept is “slow”. As you have said, the people you associate with are accustom to such things so you may not have an honest person in your life to compare to. I can understand how living in such depraved conditions would make this concept difficult for you.

You can add this to the list of my lies Chris, not only is this how I live my life, this is how my wife, my son, and all of my friends do as well. They would not be my friends if they chose to live their lives as you do.

Chris, I have had enough of your insults and this playground argument. Hope you have a great life.
My first job out of college was at Duke Medical in NC. I worked in Adolescent Hematology/oncology. These kids were so damn funny...they knew they were dying, so every day was a gift.

I have no idea how Wade and Chris's argument segued into this memory, but I'll never forget the song that Jonathan and CJ taught me before they died. Due to this being a family forum, I can't give you all the lyrics, so I'll just give you the first line...I'll leave you to your own devices to come up with the rest...

I hate you, you hate me, we're a dysfunctional family......
I did not say I don’t curse. If the mods will permit, I use hell and damn frequently. I don’t chose who hears me use those words. I don’t change who I am to suit who I’m with. Back to honesty, apparently a foreign idea for you.
Keep talking...I hear the shovel starting to break through...

I think that probably says as much about the quality of your friends as it does about you.
So...the difference between me dropping an f-bomb and you saying damn or hell is different because...why, again? My mother would be very offended should you use the word damn in front of her. Should we start a protest, and accuse you of being hateful for "going out of your way to offend..."?

It is pretty obvious that the idea of being completely honest with everyone you meet is a really difficult topic for you to grasp. One might even think your ability to come to terms with this concept is “slow”. As you have said, the people you associate with are accustom to such things so you may not have an honest person in your life to compare to. I can understand how living in such depraved conditions would make this concept difficult for you.
This is going to be fun...

You can add this to the list of my lies Chris, not only is this how I live my life, this is how my wife, my son, and all of my friends do as well. They would not be my friends if they chose to live their lives as you do.

Chris, I have had enough of your insults and this playground argument. Hope you have a great life.

Is everyone ready for the kicker??

In another thread, in a response to a question about how to make a black cornsnake, Wade wrote...
First you’re gonna need some tunes with a really good beat. Call Vinney and get his recipe for chicken. You snakes will need lots of chicken and watermelon. You could call the project, "We Be Snakes n Shyt" (sorry Jeff)

I’m joking, don’t bash me. It was a funny.
This sounds like a perfectly acceptable joke for you to get up with in front of a classroom and tell to a bunch of 8 year olds.

I DARE you to go to a bar on 125 St. and St. Nicklaus Avenue at 4:00 in the morning and tell this joke.

Did your grandmother tell you this one?

It's nice to know that these are the types of jokes you are confidently comfortable telling in front of, say, your minister, your boss, your new clients, or, say...your 5 year old kids. A shining example of your undying honesty, you courageous righteousness in the face of all that is evil, and your unquestionable moral superiority.

Wade, I'd call you a liar but it's against the rules of this forum to call other members names. A rule you don't follow, but a rule none the less.

I will tell you that any remaining scraps of respect I had for you just fell off that high horse right along your side and landed in the same big old pile of stinking, rotten garbage...

Have fun with your "honesty"...
It's about personal responsibility. I completely see what Brent was trying to say, and I appreciate him VERY much for stepping out and posting this. The word is offensive, but more than that, it's demeaning. Sure, there will be no legal action taken against using it, and the topic wasn't about making the word illegal. We should be responsible for the words we use, and have the integrity not to use them.

I personally hate the word. It's despicable for anyone to degrade those with mental disabilities, even if it's in jest. It may sound cliche', but everyone is special in their own way, and everyone is intelligent in their own way. Lacking understanding and compassion is far worst than lacking knowledge.
It's about personal responsibility. I completely see what Brent was trying to say, and I appreciate him VERY much for stepping out and posting this. The word is offensive, but more than that, it's demeaning. Sure, there will be no legal action taken against using it, and the topic wasn't about making the word illegal. We should be responsible for the words we use, and have the integrity not to use them.

I personally hate the word. It's despicable for anyone to degrade those with mental disabilities, even if it's in jest. It may sound cliche', but everyone is special in their own way, and everyone is intelligent in their own way. Lacking understanding and compassion is far worst than lacking knowledge.

Which words are ok?

Nobody wants a "ban" because that would make everyone un-American. But the word shouldn't be used because it's "despicable".

So which words are OK?

What about jerk, moron, goof, jackass, idjit, dolt, dullard, idiot, doofus, or any other words that are used to insult an individuals intelligence level? NOT a person with a disability, but an individual person's intelligence? Are ANY of those words OK?

Here's my problem...someone is offended by all of these words. Most of them were, at one point, clinical definitions of lower IQ's, just like the word retard. So should people not use ANY word like that?

Obviously that is fairly unrealistic. So why is it OK to offend this group of individuals over there, but not that group over there? Where do you draw the line? Is it JUST the word retard" Or is it going to become ALL minorly offensive words?

It just seems quite silly to get so offended over a word that has SO MANY MORE implications, contexts, and meanings than the one that *might* be offensive. I mean really...haven't you got anything more serious to get upset about?