And with that said...nobody should be made to feel insincere, phony, "despicable", hateful or angry for using any of those words in a non-invasive and non-threatening manner.
These campaigns are designed to influence people. That's called propoganda. It's frowned upon by those in disagreement with the message and embraced by those in agreement. The problem comes in when people place themselves higher or better morally because of a simple matter of personal taste. The problem is with people acting superior for made up reasons.
I get what you are saying. I think there is a fine line between campaigns to influence people, which are, yes, propaganda, but that don't try to make others feel insincere, phony, etc, and those that do. I once talked to a reformed racist who had been reformed not by being made to feel guilty, but by a chance encounter that lit up his whole attitude in a spotlight that showed that his attitude was stupid, not because the other person told him so, but because the SITUATION showed it wordlessless & the lightbulb went off in his head and he changed in that moment. Many people might never think that the "r word" can hurt, so a campaign that says "It hurts people with intellectual disabilities and their loved ones" could educate without insulting. Parents saying "I know the kids on the playground say that to each other to be mean, but think about how it would feel if they called you that, and maybe you won't want to say it" are not necessarily engaging in propaganda, but in appropriate parental guidance.
But I'm the one that's not a decent person because I don't think I have the right to make that choice for everyone else. Because I believe that every individual has the right to decide for themselves how and when they are going to use words of their own choosing without fear of repercussion, enslavement, or imprisonment...for a word...:shrugs:
You're right in saying none of us have the right to make that choice FOR others. But we can encourage each other to be kind to one another or not. And sometimes when we choose to be severely unkind, there will be repercussions. Those should not be legal, but if someone doesn't like NeoNazi hate speech, they won't hang around someone who spews NeoNazi garbage, and that's as it should be, and if that's a repercussion, that's fine.
I am a huge believer in the First Amendment so I am really, really loath to say there should be any legal repercussions. But I think the First Amendment also respects my right to walk away from listening to speech I find hateful, to turn off the TV or radio if it is spewing speech I find hateful, or to unsubscribe from a newspaper or webfeed that is putting out content I find hateful. I also think the First Amendment protects my right to write a letter to XYZ Cable News saying that I will never watch them again because they ran a piece that was supportive of a NeoNazi cause.
Again, YMMV, and I'm not trying to muzzle your speech. That's your First Amendment right too. I will walk away from hateful speech, or unsubscribe from it, and I will tell others XYZ Cable ran that piece so they can be aware. I will tell people politely "Hey, I find the word 'retard' offensive, please don't use it." Is that propaganda? I don't think so.